/ > /fap/ > Thread 8260
Age: 61.15d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 15 Replies: 12 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 4jan2016(mo)13:17 No.26543 OP P1
I've never played any of the blaz blue games,but i always thought Taokaka was hot.
[IMG] Taokaka.swf (7.24 MiB)
1000x600, Uncompressed. 3243 frames, 30 fps (01:48).
Ver20, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 4jan2016(mo)14:41 No.26544 A P2R1
Those helicopter tits keep trying to take off.
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)00:22 No.26558 B P3R2
kek, nice one
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)00:51 No.26561 C P4R3
God, can someone mute the sfx?
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)12:09 No.26567 D P5R4
Internet is doing another circle? this is ancient + isn't there uncensored versions with other
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)16:44 No.26570 E P6R5
What is the original where this is based on?
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)19:17 No.26575 F P7R6
Can't find uncensored, but his one seems to be updated with a couple new options...
And this is the same thing with a different character...
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)20:31 No.26576 G P8R7
the original is called something like Perfect Fluffy Daughter, where it uses Makoto Nanaya instead.
The ones with Taokaka and Litchi were done afterwards. I think there's a few Mega links lying
around for them but I don't have any on me. Hopefully that helps.
>> Anonymous 5jan2016(tu)20:45 No.26577 G P9
Actually, found the original
searching for makoto edited on here will also get you the palette swaps.
>> Anonymous 12jan2016(tu)01:15 No.26774 H P10R8
The soft breathy moans are perfect but someone rubbed mayo theough a cheese grater for these sex
sounds eugh
>> Anonymous 20feb2016(sa)03:44 No.29025 OP P11R9
Yeah they're a bit too uh,squishy.
>> Anonymous 28feb2016(su)22:13 No.29298 I P12R10
the originals came n the form of exe's actually
I have them and can upload them (to mega) if anyone wants
>> Anonymous 29feb2016(mo)01:12 No.29302 I P13
actually all of the "edits" came from the same source as the original and came in the same pack
actually. Tao, Lichi and the Mokoto alt colors were actually extras that came with Perfect Fluffy
>> Anonymous 29feb2016(mo)01:46 No.29303 J P14R11
Please do.
>> Anonymous 1mar2016(tu)09:18 No.29358 I P15R12
enjoy, Tao, Lichi and the other mokoto recolors are in the "おまけ" folder