File: penguins hertzog.swf-(3.98 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/06/16(Wed)22:00:03 No.2993197
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/16(Wed)22:14:50 No.2993205
Come on, I'm sure we've all heard the voices calling us to just abandon everything and convene at
the bottom of the world. It's hardly surprising that a penguin would be unable to resist the
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/16(Wed)22:43:46 No.2993223
>penguins are in league with the shoggoths
Why didn't I see it
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/16(Wed)23:22:14 No.2993234
the mountain represents 4chan?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)00:08:11 No.2993254
>ze rules for ze oomans are to ignore za birds
what if the reason they head out into the interior is to meet with humans?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)00:13:41 No.2993256
>meets with humans
>just runs past them without stopping
That's a determined little bird.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:10:47 No.2993285
Maybe the penguin knows something that we don't know?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:15:20 No.2993287
Obviously heading towards the mountains of madness
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:42:18 No.2993300
did the guy who is speaking narrate an episode of the boondocks?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:43:21 No.2993302
"They Have Seen the Yellow Snow"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:59:24 No.2993307
4chan is the journey, the mountain our destination unknown
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)02:00:01 No.2993310
yes, Werner Herzog narrated the episode about MLK
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:16:37 No.2993331
it's running to a computer to shitpost on /an/
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:19:08 No.2993333
what is this beautiful liturgy?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:49:53 No.2993348
How enlightening, if there is a god then his greatest achievement is perfection of the imperfect
creation. And if there is no good then the desire to explore is one of most base desires.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:00:54 No.2993354
i'd say exploration is key to survival. if there weren't the few who leave home then the species
would never spread to new lands. It probably has to do with the magnets in their heads that tell
them where home is and whatnot. i bet this penguin's magnets are improperly aligned
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:11:16 No.2993362
He's gonna join his 2 meter tall, blind and completely white cousins.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:13:22 No.2993363
Damn, there's nothing more to this... we'll never get to actually watch what happens...
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:21:21 No.2993366
he will join us (probably just me) in obscure confusion? or are you talking about another species
of 2 meter tall blind white cousins?
he continues to waddle then eventually dies. probably.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:23:00 No.2993368
Music is:
Retche Gospod Gospodevi moyemu
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:23:40 No.2993369
I agree but who but a god could ever create a life form as outrageously advanced we are compared
to all other forms of life just on our planet. fuck damnit /pol/ now I cant even go on /f/ and
just have fun, the red pill will choke the life out of me yet
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:30:11 No.2993370
I'm just trying to get with the cool kids by referencing Lovecraft.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:30:13 No.2993371
yes it does seem impossible for something so complex to come from random chance. on the other
hand any kind of god existing also seems impossible according to modern science. life is a maze
of obscure confusion.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:33:43 No.2993373
we are just like the penguins but with a bigger box to live on
ignorance is truly a bliss
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:45:20 No.2993381
hardly. i hate this shithole. i feel neglected.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:48:14 No.2993382
denial is the first step of breaking down
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:53:52 No.2993385
denial of what?