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Threads (1):
File: girl on swingset.swf-(5.95 MB, 720x480, Other) [_] lishde 2589363 i wish i was a swing set Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2589367 I wish id be able to ride her swinging "set" >> [_] Anon 2589378 i like this. That's all i had to say >> [_] lishde 2589385 ha ha i see what you did there and for any one wondering penny brown >> [_] Anon 2589386 diamonds >> [_] Anon 2589388 they look fake. but i need more. looks a lot like boobpedia(.)com/boobs/Penny_Brown >> [_] Anon 2589390 frightening is she 7 feet tall, or 8? >> [_] Anon 2589391 >># nvm, beat me to it! >># >> [_] Anon 2589413 holy fuck, i live right across the street from there what the fuck!? >> [_] Anon 2589448 >># 5ft 10in according to boobpedia >> [_] Anon 2589453 And i was expecting her fat ass to break the chains and drop on the ground mid-swing. >> [_] Anon 2589455 >># >># >># >> [_] Anon 2589456 8======================================= =========================D >> [_] Anon 2589463 >># Penny's fake as fuck. She also uses a corset to create the illusion that her boobs are even larger, she has a serious fixation. >> [_] Anon 2589468 250 pounds at least >> [_] Anon 2589475 >># I could dig it without the corset >> [_] Anon 2589500 >liking jugs this big Disgusting. >> [_] Anon 2589504 this aint loli >:( >> [_] Anon 2589512 i wish i had tits that ig >> [_] Anon 2589522 Dead Or Alive in a nutshell >> [_] Anon 2589524 Disgusting cow tits. |