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Threads (1):
File: ass test.swf-(57 KB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Just a test, dont mind me Anon 2605507 Working on something Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2605527 Make her feet more visible >> [_] Anon 2605536 >># They're just placeholders right now so her legs don't end in weird nubs >> [_] Anon 2605555 >op confirmed for mom/son wincest fag God speed you magnificent bastard >> [_] Anon 2605557 >># Feet fetish? Also OP make it anal and I will love you always >> [_] Anon 2605559 >># I'd say a vaginal flash would be a nice change, considering rock candy's fear of vaginas makes him only do anal >> [_] Anon 2605569 who made this animation? >> [_] Anon 2605580 >># OP here, I just wanted to see if I could actually animate a sex scene. I'm working on getting a degree in animation, so I figured it'd be a fun exercise. I'm cleaning up the rough lines as we speak and I'll post the refined animation in a bit. >> [_] Arctica 2605588 >># Can I make a music suggestion? >> [_] Arctica 2605593 >># Doing it regardless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7rtC0Cj o08 >> [_] Anon 2605597 >># Nice >> [_] Anon 2605598 Hope you don't burn out on frame-by-frame sketches. What's the framerate? >> [_] Anon 2605600 >># >ass test i think it works. >> [_] Anon 2605601 >># position of the legs/knees looks kinda painful. maybe have her in a wider kneeling position? >> [_] Anon 2605604 >># conveniently it'd also bring the feet into view more (they'd have to move inward for stability if you're going for a realistic pose), appealing to >># >> [_] Anon 2605612 >># 30, kill me. Might turn it down to 24. >># I was kinda going for a "heart shaped" ass-view kind of thing, but I get what you're saying >> [_] Arctica 2605615 >># How's progress? >> [_] Anon 2605617 >># Halfway done, still making the lines less jumpy >> [_] Arctica 2605620 >># You should namefag due to lack of IDs. >> [_] Anon 2605634 >># Nah, I'm just doing this for the sake of porn; not really needing any recognition. I probably won't make anything like this again for awhile anyway, since I rarely have the time anymore. I've finished the animation, lemme just touch it up a bit and I'll post/link it. >> [_] Anon 2605635 >># You listen to Monstercat, too? You've got good taste, mate. Captcha: ouratek lord >> [_] Anon 2605636 >># STATUS REPORT BUMP >> [_] Arctica 2605639 >># thanks, bruh. I have a Televisor sticker on my TV coz I'm a clever little shit. >> [_] Anon 2605645 >># Nice. Hey, you got a Steam account? If so, want to hang out? >> [_] Arctica 2605647 >># Totes. arctic_abyss The one with a girl smoking for a pic. >> [_] Anon 2605648 >># where's her penis >> [_] Anon 2605650 >># analfags are the fucking worst >> [_] Anon 2605652 >># I sent a friend request. And I noticed you have FTL in your library. Did you manage to get the Crystal Cruiser? >> [_] Arctica 2605656 >># Thread's about to die. And hell no, not yet. I suck pretty hard. >> [_] Anon 2605659 Finished the animation. >>>2605657 |