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Threads (1):
File: Sessler and Sterling.swf-(7.62 MB, 416x240, Other) [_] neo /v/ will agree Anon 2620543 4chan is infected >> [_] Anon 2620557 I dont follow ideo gaem joornolism and I sort of understood what he was getting at, until he said it's okay for him to get your address and spam it on twitter only because you called him a niggerfaggot in a caw of duty match. >> [_] Anon 2620561 Jim Fucking Sterling Son >> [_] Anon 2620563 >And I have every right to get your address and spam it on twitter No, you don't, that is actually illegal ddoxing nonsense, where calling someone a nigger is actually protected speech. >> [_] Anon 2620564 >># Since when have the /v/irgins began white-knighting for anyone other than people that claim to be girls? Fucking faggots. >> [_] Anon 2620576 >># mods on /v/ are SJW. they have permabanned lots of oldfags / anti-SJW fags >> [_] Anon 2620577 sessler snorted atleast 20 lines of coke before this |