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This is resource A6G6SBL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/2 -2016 19:27:05

Ended:24/2 -2016 00:44:44

Checked:24/2 -2016 00:50:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 83.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: Woman Fights for Equality.swf-(8.82 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:23:58 No.3028804

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:30:45 No.3028811

  Fuck whoever's been linking /f/ on /pol/ these past couple of months.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:31:16 No.3028813

  >typical dyke man hater
  >typical guy hitting a girl to show dominance to make up for a lack-thereof
  >Ow my nose, she made it bleed :'(
  >Place looks like a shithole filled with drug junkies

  It feels good to live in a place where none of the above happens.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:36:01 No.3028817

  Antarctica or Mars?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:38:50 No.3028819

  this desu, the H.263 /wsg/ memery is getting boring

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:40:58 No.3028821

  Earth, about 30% of it's suburbs.
  The other 70% are filled with shit like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:42:39 No.3028823


>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:44:11 No.3028824


>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:44:58 No.3028826

  Well, it's not like domestic violence doesn't happen in the "proper" communities, you just hear
  about it less.
  And you also can find dykes there.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:46:07 No.3028828

  anyone know a good way to embed .264 FLV's?
  I know about swfchans program but it resizes EVERY video up to 1220 x 800 or some bullshit which
  is fucking retarded.
  I also hate their preloader.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:48:12 No.3028831

  >>typical guy hitting a girl to show dominance to make up for a lack-thereof
  Don't be stupid. If someone hits you, you hit them back.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:50:29 No.3028833

  you don't hit girls even if they hit you
  girls are weak and unless you're a pussy they can't REALLY hurt you
  man up or if you can't take the heat then just remove yourself from the area

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:54:16 No.3028834

  No, I mean literally the above doesn't happen.
  I have dyke chick friends, they don't even act superior to men, if anything they act like the
  rest of the boys and we treat em like mates.
  Guys don't hit girls to feel superior even if they've been hit by a girl. We just make them feel
  horrible about doing it and then they end up apologizing. But that's only really happened once
  and they were bf and gf having too much to drink.
  No guy ever makes a big deal over a bloody nose, it's like the newer generation are being taught
  to be a bunch of pansies.
  And where I live, we don't have these shithole housing conditions where a bunch of teens are
  hanging out and living there. They usually go for the real bogan cheap living areas to feed their
  alcohol/drug fueled habit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:54:40 No.3028835

  Dude is stupid as fuck. You NEVER hit anyone backing off, even if that person hit you. You
  fucking SUE them, specially if you have a recording of it.
  Nigga's going to have a bad time in court, but Ms. "I have legal protection and rights to punch
  people" isn't going scott free. Damage to property and all.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:55:13 No.3028836

  >you don't hit girls even if they hit you

  Oh man.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:56:38 No.3028838

  You lrn2flash instead, fagget

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:56:57 No.3028839

  Sounds like you have a swell group of friends that will burn shame into people doing dumb shit.
  That's not what's happening here.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)13:59:29 No.3028840

  Yeah I'd definitely sue them for damages.
  But the video is wasted when they notice that the damages happened because the guy provoked her
  further by hitting her - well that's how the court will see it anyway.
  It's a shame.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:03:32 No.3028841

  >unless you're a pussy they can't REALLY hurt you
  I got a stiletto heel half an inch below my eye, and a broken nose from one bitch who I told to
  fuck off when she spilled her drink on me. She punched me in the nose, then as I staggered back,
  she took off her shoe and, due to the broken nose making my eyes water, I couldnt properly see
  her swinging her shoe at my face. I then punched her out. How could I have avoided this?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:10:26 No.3028844

  Well I'll tell you what.
  Use swfh264 - yeah the preloader sucks but you'll have a better encoding over all unless you know
  what you're doing in Flash and want to spend time learning it.
  The resizing isn't really too much of an issue if you make sure the FLV resolution is quite low.
  But if you don't like the large resolution then you could do this:
  I assume you're using ffmpeg to convert your mp4 to a flv - you can give it some borders or

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:12:38 No.3028847

  >trying to rip a video that is below 720p
  you are just the niggerest, aren't you
  also this is coming from that guy who suggested swfh264 to you

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:13:51 No.3028848

  Thanks for the advice.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:16:54 No.3028849

  There are tons of great quality videos that aren't fucking HUGE aka 1280 x 700+

  If I have a nice 700 x 480 video or so I don't need it resized to that bullshit and have people
  watching it see it at noticeably worse quality and it doesn't need to be resized because you
  don't need the video taking up the whole screen to see it well.
  The maker up that codec was pretty retarded for doing that though obviously I can't bitch not
  being able to make one myself.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:18:17 No.3028850

  I think even if you change .flv to whatever the swfh264.bat will just upscale it to 720p .swf

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:19:11 No.3028851

  Well unless she learned self-defense (which she would only use as self-defense anyway) I find it
  hard to believe she could land a successful punch that makes you stagger back without putting
  your guard up.
  But if she's using an object as a weapon then she would get charged easily and you acted in
  self-defense so there's no problem. Unless of course you came at her in a rage after the fact,
  then the onus is back on you.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:20:54 No.3028852


  Swallowed your pride and not reacted to having the drink spilled on you.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:23:43 No.3028853

  I'm so fucking curious what shit will you pull out if you'll finally find a way to properly rip
  it to your likeness

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:29:05 No.3028854

  No, no and fucking no.
  You wouldn't mind. But there are people who will mind, and they will exert the 1st.

  So now men must have self control and women musn't? Why aren't you fair, and say "let the bitch
  swallow her pride and not assault a man"? How does that sound?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:29:56 No.3028855

  Yes I know it doesn't change the fact that the swf is still played in the higher resolution.
  But if you're encoding a high res flv with a higher bitrate you're only going to be able to fit
  maybe a minute or so of video.
  If you encode a flv with a lower res and bitrate (and lower frame rate) you're not going to
  really lose too much quality and it's going to play a lot better on a high res flash movie file.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:32:56 No.3028856

  I have something really great in the works.

  I think I could use a SWF decompiler to just quickly alter the size in the code and then put it
  back but I have never done that before so it might be much more complicated then I think and I am
  operating at like 5% of my normal brainpower right now due to a serious sickness.
  I should probably just take a break from all this until I am back to normal.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:43:49 No.3028859

  How is it equality if one of us isn't allowed to act equally?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:50:05 No.3028860

  its a joke anon.
  I was joking.

  Obviously that is an injustice and an unfair privilege women often have.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:51:49 No.3028862

  All I said was "Oh fuck off!" to her. Go fuck yourself if you think that was unreasonable.

  I was surprised and drunk, hence the lack of guard when I staggered. Also why I swore at her.
  I didnt go after her in rage, just 4 punches (2 of which missed). I know it was self-defence but
  that's not what I was arguing, I was arguing the "they cant REALLY hurt you" bullshit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)14:55:09 No.3028864

  You guys can check the quality on this that I did:
  Using swfh264, the flv itself had a res of 360x200, 18 fps and I think 250kbps bitrate.
  Made it as low as possible to see how it would look and to fit 3 minutes and 26 seconds of video.
  Looks pretty good to me.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:02:14 No.3028866

  looks like shit
  but then again it's a thursgay video so you couldn't do anything to improve it
  also I just thought that if you will be able to rip it with the original resolution, wouldn't our
  browsers just upscale it anyway by default? unless I download it and play it in flash player not

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:07:14 No.3028869

  Wait a minute, so let me get this straight.
  She spilled a drink on you, probably by accident, you started getting really angry at her for it
  and she felt threatened and because she was also intoxicated she punched you and then proceeded
  to take off her heels and use them as a weapon out of fear that you might come back at her. Which
  you ended up doing with 4 punches that could have killed the girl.
  All of that could have been avoided if you weren't so heavily drunk - you would've just told her
  what she did in a calm manner and she would have just apologized.
  If she didn't and acted like a bitch about it, then you get a drink and spill it on her in a way
  that it looks like an accident and not in an aggressive kind of way - that would have balanced
  the scales.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:09:46 No.3028871

  >you spill a drink on someones expensive clothes in a club
  >they curse at you
  >this somehow is a shock to you
  >someone cursing in your general direction after you spill shit on them is a valid excuse to
  break their nose with a punch let alone touch them

  C'mon anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:10:26 No.3028872

  The FLV has it's own settings and is being played inside the flash container which also has it's
  own settings.
  So you need to modify both and see what you get.
  Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error - especially when you have a video file that is over
  2 minutes long.
  It's a lot easier to get good quality from a 30 second video that is looped in flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:11:21 No.3028873

  Fuck off you white knight cunt. Equal rights means equal lefts. If a scrawny nerd came swinging,
  I'd knock his ass flat. Why should a woman get special treatment?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:13:24 No.3028874

  That may be the case if it was a guy spilling a drink on you.
  I've had grills spill drinks on me before and I always used it to my advantage rather than just
  acting like a hulking retard because my clothes got a little wet, stained and/or sticky.
  You get more respect acting like none of that shit matters.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:14:51 No.3028877

  White knight?
  I'm more of an intellectual manipulator, I don't let some grill spilling a drink on me get me
  I end up taking her or one of her friends home at the end of the night so I don't see what the
  problem is?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:16:09 No.3028879

  While I may personally agree that the ideal response to a truly accidental spill would be to
  laugh it off however I still think its perfectly justified to curse or yell at the person be it
  man or woman if you were so inclined.
  I also think its justified to demand money for cleaning your clothes and calling the cops if it
  wasn't given. The majority of people wouldn't go there because its awkward and may ruin whatever
  plans they still may want to enjoy that night but its still all perfectly justified in a civil,
  classy, just society.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:22:05 No.3028884

  "Oh fuck off" Is hardly something I'd count as a downer. A guy's intoxicated - it is sensible for
  him to curse. It is not deserving of a physical assault, much less the use of a weapon (stiletto).
  If you are an intellectual manipulator, good on you. Practically, and legally, it is not
  I don't know what happened after he clocked her, or if he was with his friends, but if it were my
  situation, I'd be laughing the scar off the next week again. No one with a head on his shoulders
  would say "dude you went overboard after she tried to fucking gouge your eye out with a stiletto"

>> [_] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 02/23/16(Tue)15:22:07 No.3028885

  >I'm more of an intellectual manipulator

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:24:16 No.3028889

  A "real man" lifts weights and is swole enough that drunk club girls don't fuck with them.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:24:43 No.3028890

  You're right, it's especially true if you're living in that kind of society/community where
  everyone does things by the book and follows the rules accordingly.
  But in this case it's more about people being petty.
  Put it to you this way, rich people wouldn't care because they have plenty of money so for them
  it would be a pride thing.
  Poor people would care the most about what they have or are wearing because it's hard for them to
  afford new things. But taking someone to court over it would be laughable for a judge and a waste
  of their time. Hence why people react in such an aggressive manner. What they don't realize
  though is that it lands them more trouble than it's worth. That goes for both genders.
  But the important thing is that the male stands his ground and maintains his dominance by not
  acting like a woman.
  If a woman wants to act up and do the wrong thing, then it's going to reflect poorly on their
  gender and I say keep it that way.
  If males are doing the right thing then females will never be more superior to males. It's only
  when we stoop to their level that we stop being men and start being women - which is what they

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:28:26 No.3028894

  You must be a real petal to be offended by a "Oh fuck off".
  He wasn't dealing with a "real woman" either. No finesse at all.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:30:22 No.3028898

  While I some level I DO agree with you whole heartedly I still think its an awful injustice if we
  do not allow men to hit women after they've been assaulted by one.
  Yes ideally if she isn't completely crazy you'd just hold your ground and push her back or try to
  subdue her without real violence but in my eyes if someone hits you or puts there hands on you in
  a hostile way then you should be allowed to do the same to them.
  Women can't be taught or be allowed to think that they can put their hands on men let alone punch
  or attack men with weapons and not potentially expect the more serious of repercussions for it.
  Honestly if you caught me in a really bad mood and you started wailing on my back or something I
  might lose control for a second and throw a falcon punch even if you are a woman. I shouldn't be
  penalized for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:30:32 No.3028899

  What I'm saying is that the story has flaws and is not very believable.
  There's not even any mention of anyone else within the vicinity who would have acted immediately
  to pull them apart.
  A woman who is intoxicated punching a guy and then taking her shoe off to use as a deadly weapon?
  Unless it's premeditated meaning she knew the guy and was waiting for an opportunity to do it
  then it is EXTREMELY unlikely.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:30:59 No.3028900

  so let's say he manage to get it playing in 480p but since I have 1080p resolution on my monitor
  and my browser isn't a piece of shit it shows full 1080p (minus the taskbar) so at the end it
  will just stretch the flash to browser's borders, just like any other flash

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:35:12 No.3028902

  The embedder just makes the flash window "stretch" to the full screen size.
  It doesn't alter the video I don't think.

  So basically if you wanted to watch it in the actual encoded size you'd have to make it full
  screen in your browser and then resize the browser window by hand into the correct size.

  Normally when you use the embed function it would automatically size it correctly but since the
  embedding program forces the stretch to the default full screen size it doesn't allow that.

  It is really incredibly stupid and the justification for him doing it was also pretty dumb.

  Not saying the program isn't still pretty cool and that I don't admire the guy for making it but
  that was a clear mistake on his part.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:35:50 No.3028903

  If it's in self-defense sure.
  But in this "story" that I'm hearing, it sounds more likely that it would play out like this:
  >girl spills drink accidentally
  >guy flips out and goes off at her
  >she tells him to fuck off and provokes him
  >he gets up in her face and is provoking her
  >She punches him in the face to get him away from her
  >He in a rage goes at her with swinging arms
  >She gets hit, falls to the ground and in a panic grabs her heel to use as a weapon
  >Attempts to attack him with it getting a successful hit on the face
  >By this stage people/security from all around should be trying to subdue them if not then even
  earlier in the scenario

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:36:21 No.3028904

  Then you start by calling bullshit on the story, not the actions of the guy.
  It is also believable as it is, since it happens more often than not with pampered dumb girls.
  They think they're untouchable, they get fucked up to hell and back, and after they're being
  dragged out, no one is supposed to even say shit if she does something wrong.
  It escalates almost immediately with those types, and in clubs, they're dime a dozen.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:41:33 No.3028911

  Yeah that's why I avoid places like clubs and teenybopper parties - it's filled with bitchy
  over-privileged chicks and hulking roid-rage men looking for an excuse to start a fight.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:42:31 No.3028912

  Eh... I don't know the specifics but I am still not sure we can justify her throwing that first

  If you're in a crowded club or bar and get in an altercation you're probably gonna end up in that
  persons face.
  Now... if we was just yelling/cursing at her and venting his anger then I still don't think she
  would be justified to throw a punch at him.

  I mean... if I spilled a drink on someone and they started yelling at me or cursing at me in my
  face even as a man I would be apologizing and at most tell him to calm down telling him it was a
  mistake. Unless he started pushing me with his body or something or was close enough that he was
  like spitting in my face I wouldn't throw a punch. Gotta show the person some leniency
  considering you just spilled shit on them.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:46:53 No.3028913

  If it were a dude spilling the drink, then yeah.
  I can remember perhaps one time when an accidental spill ended up in a guy going after a girl. It
  just doesn't happen, ugly or not.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:47:20 No.3028914

  Yeah I'm not saying her punch was justified.
  But I've seen way too many times guys getting right up in people's faces where you can smell
  their breath and you instinctively push them away. It's just that trap you fall for with that
  kind of shit, if you're not yelling harder and spitting in their face inadvertently then they're
  gonna be doing it to you. I'm sure most women would find that option revolting and just push or
  punch the person away.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:49:51 No.3028917

  Or kick even, seen one time a chick kicks a guy in the balls to get him away from her when he was
  up in her face.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:51:06 No.3028918

  Well we can agree on that.
  Even if you're angry you can't get right up in a persons face and not expect an instinctual
  I have had friends who quickly rushed by me and in a bad mood shoved me and without even thinking
  I threw my arms forward in a pushing manner. They didn't get hurt obviously since I just pushed
  with my palms open but they got thrown back abit and one of them even said I bruised them but I
  think he already had the bruise and was just full of shit. You can't bruise someone with a push.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)15:56:47 No.3028923

  what is this [r9k]? /pol/? /b/? fuck outta here you cunts.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)16:00:08 No.3028925

  Haha yeah that's true.
  I remember one of my gfs way back, she was a violent type but wouldn't do anything unless she was
  backed into a corner and one time that's what I did.
  Trying to resolve a problem in the relationship I wouldn't let her leave and she started punching
  and kicking me.
  My reaction instintively was to grab her wrists and put them behind her back and have her facing
  away from me (she was like almost bent over the bed lol).
  Turns out I ended up bruising her wrists slightly doing that. But I didn't get into any shit for
  it because I was restraining her and not attempting to physically harm her.
  Which was the best option to calm down the situation before it escalated, in which when she
  calmed down I let her leave, not actually resolving the initial issue anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)16:11:06 No.3028930

  >That trash pile in the garage

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)16:40:18 No.3028951

  wew lad

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)16:49:52 No.3028954

  >youtube rip
  >I have something really great in the works.


>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)16:53:46 No.3028960

  I hope you actually believe this about yourself, because that's funny as fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:25:54 No.3028982

  No, I literally said "oh fuck off!" not even shouting. She punched me because she's a slag from
  Bristol. Besides, 4 punches, 2 of which I only did because I missed the first 2. And kill her?
  Really? I know I lift, but I'm not THAT big of a guy (for you).
  >going out clubbing
  >NOT getting heavily drunk
  You're that guy anon, you know, that guy.
  And what you're suggesting at the end is such a beta bitch thing to do.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:38:07 No.3028986

  She spills drink on me from behind, I turn and just say, still just standing there, not leaning
  forward or anything "oh fuck off!"
  Shes a slag, so she punches me. That's literally how it started. Heels are a common weapon here
  in Bristol. As are bicycle wheel spokes, comb razors and all sorts of dodgy shit. Bristol is a

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:39:20 No.3028987

  Good fucking fuckshit, this thread is evaporating my faith in humanity faster than water on the
  surface of the sun. Even the side I agree with is such a bunch of retarded assholes that I'd be
  ashamed to put up an argument.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:40:01 No.3028989

  I'm curious, which side do you agree with?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:42:38 No.3028992

  Oh, fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:43:40 No.3028995

  I'm a nice dude who opens doors for women and shit like that. Also let a lot of shit slide when I
  could get up in peoples face about it.

  That said, if someone attacked me like that I'd fucking kick their ass. I don't care if it's a

  This feminism/equal rights bullshit has to stop.

  Aside from that though, if it was provoked you can't blame the girl for defending herself. A
  "fuck off bitch" is not a reason to punch/stab someone in the face though.

  4chan is full of white knights and femboys.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:44:24 No.3028997


  That's all you faggots need to remember. True equality is not giving a shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:46:09 No.3028999

  and then you get jumped by five whiteknights and you lose most of your friends for hitting a girl

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:47:09 No.3029001


  ..and then you know who your real friends are.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:47:47 No.3029003

  WORLD STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  were the white people there to buy dr00gz?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:49:59 No.3029005

  This. If your friends don't have your back when five other faggots jump you then you need to find
  new friends

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:55:03 No.3029010



>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:05:37 No.3029018

  im typing words
  for you to read
  lots of words thrown together
  really just lines of meaningless text without any point
  anything to keep this thread active and to get someone upset over 10 pt font
  why am i doing this? i just keep typing and maybe if i keep typing someone will continue to read
  regardless of what i type
  yakuza fart dishwasher cataract antimicrobial synergy embellishment typographical feline keyboard

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:06:43 No.3029020


>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:07:40 No.3029021

  you know, as a dedicated fedorist i resent that comment. there's nothing wrong with wearing a
  stylish, classical hat like fedora. i'm sorry you're so fucking closeminded that you have to do
  whatever everyone else is doing and break free from the herd. fucking sheeple piece of shit.
  enjoy being a piece of shit while i style on you with my elegant fedoras.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:13:06 No.3029023

  see, I made you read all of that
  you are helpless to ignore long strings of text addrssing you
  i can continue to and you will keep reading it like an idiot savant without any restraint or
  cognizant abilities
  i'll just keep droning on and on about how you're breathing manually right now, how your hair is
  itching, irritating junk in your eye, you might need to take a whiz, when was the last time you
  pooped or drank water, did you leave your door open..

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:17:23 No.3029025

  >clearly mexican

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:43:22 No.3029048

  stop b8ing /f/riend's dont know how to recognize it
Created: 23/2 -2016 19:27:05 Last modified: 24/2 -2016 00:51:03 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:28:39