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This is resource B96XSS7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/2 -2016 00:29:19

Ended:11/2 -2016 03:57:51

Checked:11/2 -2016 04:11:09

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 46.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: music_porn.swf-(9.99 MB, 512x288, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:28:17 No.3019488

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:34:46 No.3019490

  Too many instruments at once.
  Wrong order too.
  The balance just doesn't work.
  I used to be a music technician so I am an expert when it comes to this.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:37:30 No.3019493

  This couldve been good if they actually tried making a real concerto out of instead of making it
  some dumbass modern bullshit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:38:23 No.3019495

  That was tasty as fuck. Stop smelling your own farts.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:41:37 No.3019496

  stop being a millenial faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:42:33 No.3019498

  zun did it better

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)18:57:38 No.3019507


>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:03:17 No.3019508

  good shit, any source?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:06:43 No.3019512

  The concept is not bad, the skill of the ones playing looks obvious, but the music itself is
  nothing impressing.

  The novelty comes from it being people who actually play this (even though I would argue that
  using a keyboard is kind of cheating) but the piece is bland and boring and nobody would give a
  single one lone rat ass about it if it was being played by a computer instead of people.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:17:08 No.3019522

  I never would have guessed the audience of /f/ was mostly music majors.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:25:19 No.3019529

  I could think of only one thing after the trumpet started to play

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:46:54 No.3019552

  so what's their name?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)19:57:06 No.3019558

  no wonder youre talking shit on 4chan and theyre doing concerts

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:00:32 No.3019560

  Learn to use quotation marks before you try lecturing me on music, boy.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:01:39 No.3019562

  Nicki Minaj does concerts also.
  So... that doesn't mean shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:04:54 No.3019564

  is it?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:05:19 No.3019565

  It actually means a lot you.
  >You're trying to shitpost on /f/
  >she's making bank
  >You're arguing with some random schmoe on an image board for chinese cartoons for little girls
  >she's shopping at louis vuitton

  Shit pop star: 1
  Beta internet cuck: 0

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:09:52 No.3019567

  I wasn't dissing Nicki.
  The fact that corporate sponsorships and dumb young people get her bank is fine with me.
  Her music is painfully awful and her celebrity persona is a retarded bimbo.
  So having the ability to do a concert does not mean your music is good.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:14:13 No.3019569

  The only reason Nicki isn't working at McDonald's is because some very wealthy people chose to
  use her to push their fucked up (dumb em down) agenda on the young people.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:19:14 No.3019573

  Gonna need some sauce with that my friendo.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:24:13 No.3019575

  Source comes from common sense and just observing the world.

  Many celebrity's today especially the types you'll hear on the radio are corporation created
  They are scouted, dressed up and told to act/speak a certain way (false persona) and are given
  shallow, ghost written, heavily auto-tuned music which pushes whatever agenda the corporation
  wants to push.
  Creations of the corrupt cancerous media that is one of the most powerful forces in ruining
  society and molding us into controllable cogs.
  Its why you see so many SJW self hating types nowadays when not so long ago they were pretty rare.

  In the past you actually needed real talent and personality to become a star.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:28:06 No.3019579

  Song's named The Storm, it's by a composer named Yanni.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:29:35 No.3019581

  /f/uck the haters.
  I'm liking it and you can't stop me.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:29:41 No.3019582

  Friendo I could say that every three months americunts transform into mars aliens and back it up
  with "common sense" and "just observing the world". Without proof no one is gonna believe

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:32:22 No.3019584


>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:33:23 No.3019586

  I could find probably find proof.
  Show you her past as a groupie and how she connected with stars from a certain label (young
  money) who then got her tons of implants/surgeries, created a persona for her and had her sing
  auto-tuned music while the media advertised constantly for her.
  She is a corporation created star... and her music reflects that.

  Anyway... not like "knowing" makes much of a difference. Just makes you slightly more cynical I
  guess and helps you steer clear of the garbage but most people with some decent amount of
  intelligence can do that naturally.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:34:30 No.3019587

  Uncle Yanni is always a big plus

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:36:53 No.3019589

  >this whole thread
  Holy fuck, all of you are pretentious

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:37:43 No.3019590

  /f/ is a highly cultured board filled with highly intelligent people.
  If you don't like it perhaps you'd be better off on /b/.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:42:20 No.3019591

  I'm someone else, but want to see you go out and find all of this proof that you "probably" have.
  The likely thing is that you've just lost sight of how the world works, and think that every
  person on the street is some ridiculous, left-wing, brainwashed sheep to the media.

  The truth is that the world doesn't work like that at all, friendo. I don't blame you, though.
  It'd be hard to tell what was going on outside just by staring at a screen all day.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:44:20 No.3019593

  I could also probably find proof about americans who transform into mars aliens. Man I'm not even
  trying to tell you you're wrong but just piecing random thoughts off the internet together and
  fabricating your subjective version on how the whole world is fake and steered by the evil elite
  WITHOUT any proof brings you on the same level as your stongly hated SJWs, who also just parrot
  and invent shit on the go to fit their narrative.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:45:08 No.3019594

  So its just a coincidence that she was an ugly groupie with no accomplishments prior to hooking
  up with people from that label?
  Just a coincidence that she got tons of surgery and looks 1000% different then she did before
  Just a coincidence that despite showing no interest in composing/singing/acting before then she
  became this star?
  Come on... obviously its not always that way but with her it was.

  And its the people on the streets and working jobs and hanging out in bars who are too busy
  "living" to see past the brainwashing.

  The ones stuck indoors are the ones who see the real world.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:45:14 No.3019595

  >making bank = making good music
  yeah ok u rite

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:46:44 No.3019596

  The truth is more complicated then that... I agree but the "evil elite trying to control and mold
  people and their perceptions of most things" idea is far truer then we'd like to think... and
  staying in denial about it is a terrible thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:49:09 No.3019599

  Yeah I know you're somewhat right.
  The media is controlled by a small number of people and those people all seem to be on the same
  wave lengths as the SJW types.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:49:22 No.3019601

  You're getting at the same thing that I am. I like that shit
  Read above about delusional basement wizard mentalities

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:50:16 No.3019603

  Holy shit its based on vivaldi's 4 seasons, thats hilarious. An already over-rated piece that is
  the epitome of being the only song anyone knows about classical music just showing how new and
  stupid you are about a subject. Son't get me wrong Vivaldi is a great composer, this just lies
  with people's ignorace. Although Vivaldi alwayts did basically rehash his pieces into a defferent
  song. Like check out out His concerto in A minor vs La Stravaganza. Its very obvious to tell.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:50:54 No.3019605

  I don't live in a basement nor am I a wizard... but keep on going with your false assertions.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)20:50:57 No.3019606

  Friendo you are correct but you are missing the point I'm trying to make. You need proof for all
  that shit or no single person is gonna believe you, whether it is about the "controlled leftist
  cucks" or the "brainwashed nazis"

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:08:15 No.3019617

  its cheap and cheesy as fuck, but goddamn impressive. those guys know their scales and have been
  practicing at least 5hrs a day for 20 years. The guy surrounded by 9 keyboards is kinda faggy
  Force 10 korean autists to practice with each other for 10 years and you get the same result.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:11:49 No.3019621

  >The ones stuck indoors are the ones who see the real world.

  Not at all, the first thing you are wrong about is that you seem to be under the impression that
  people care.

  People couldn't care less about where did this girl come from, what they seek with it is
  entertainment, nothing more.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:17:44 No.3019627

  Holy shit, Weird Al is killing that fucking harp

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:31:50 No.3019635

  how the fuck do i use this board

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:34:31 No.3019641

  1. >>>/b/
  2. ?????
  3. profit

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:35:29 No.3019642

  >implying im 14
  /b/ is horrible.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/16(Wed)21:55:51 No.3019659

  lurk moar
Created: 11/2 -2016 00:29:19 Last modified: 11/2 -2016 04:11:14 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:20:43