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This is resource BWFVDIM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/3 -2016 11:56:55

Ended:8/3 -2016 20:30:13

Checked:8/3 -2016 21:39:13

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: CANT STUMP.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)05:39:29 No.3037760

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)05:43:54 No.3037761

  Once you populist you can't stopulist

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)07:20:27 No.3037782

  cant trump the stump :D

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)07:25:51 No.3037784

  but why can't we stump?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)09:23:38 No.3037802

  You can stump FOR Trump

  But you can't stump THE trump

  Learn the difference, it could save your life

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)09:26:33 No.3037803

  That's bernie, and it failed for him.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)09:41:30 No.3037807

  Hawaii, Mississippi, Michigan, Idaho vote today!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)09:53:14 No.3037810

  who should be his running mate?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:13:22 No.3037832


>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:17:07 No.3037834

  Donald Trump

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:17:55 No.3037835


>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:19:41 No.3037837

  Donald will never win.
  Everyone in the media hates his guts.
  He is KKK member.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:21:32 No.3037839

  >Everyone in the media hates his guts.
  not really, they just make mad bucks by featuring his shit constantly and pretending to be angry
  at him
  ad revenue's a bitch
  also, if anything, this is a reason he'd win. people haven't liked for felt comfortable with the
  news in fucking decades, let alone these past four years or so

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:31:16 No.3037845

  who is this cute anime girl?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)11:39:28 No.3037848

  They are openly demonizing him and his supporters.
  I mean maybe some of them are just reading from the script and don't seriously hate the dude but
  it sure doesn't feel that way.

>> [_] SomethingNice 03/08/16(Tue)12:05:38 No.3037857

  By the media... You mean John Oliver's show?...
  But yes, everyone with power and money is trying to take Trump out by constantly criticizing him.

  Yet he still has a large portion of the Black/Spanish vote...

  Maybe take a look at what he's actually trying to accomplish, instead of judging by the cover.

  He wants families with lesser income to be free of paying taxes. He also wants to raise tax on

  He supports #All Lives Matter

  He's a Bernie Sanders with backbone.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)12:19:11 No.3037862

  I watched Steven Colbert attack him the other night.
  Every typical extreme left wing insult, mocking all his supporters and then when he set up a
  thing where he would say we must accept the possibility of President Tr... and then he did a fake
  throw up gag and went on with that for a few minutes.
  Its all the late night media hosts, its most of the newspapers.
  Its most of the media and it seems to be slowly escalating.

>> [_] CAN'T STUMP 03/08/16(Tue)12:31:00 No.3037868


>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)13:08:20 No.3037879

  anime source?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)13:23:14 No.3037884

  And even with all this hate propaganda being generated, he's STILL ahead in the polls and has an
  almost 100% estimated chance to win the primary.
  Can you imagine what he'll do when he gets into the primaries? He hasn't even started, son.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)13:38:02 No.3037887

  We don't need this shitty swf every single day.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)13:40:44 No.3037888

  Jeb please go

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)13:56:15 No.3037893

  We need it every day until the election.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)14:00:42 No.3037894

  all publicity is good publicity

  if they really didnt want him to win they would just ignore him like they did with ron paul

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)14:06:54 No.3037898

  I mean think about it, their policies aren't too different and they're both anti-establishment.
  It could happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)14:12:10 No.3037901

  >their policies aren't too different
  The ONLY things they both have in common is that they're anti-establishment and that there isn't
  any evidence that they're receiving funding from large companies.

  Other than that, they're complete and polar opposites.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)14:19:12 No.3037906


>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)14:29:03 No.3037914

  >discussing politics on /f/
Created: 8/3 -2016 11:56:55 Last modified: 8/3 -2016 22:30:05 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:03:18