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This is resource C5FFJP3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/2 -2016 17:58:12

Ended:9/2 -2016 22:24:58

Checked:9/2 -2016 22:46:07

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: opm dance.swf-(1.8 MB, 1280x720, Anime)
[_] just marathoned one punch man Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)11:49:48 No.3018370

  I thought you niggas said it's a parody to all those shitty shounen fighting animes and its
  stupid ass tropes

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)14:19:49 No.3018421

  pls no
  you're triggering me

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)14:59:03 No.3018442

  My god /f/ is filled with niggers.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)15:07:11 No.3018446

  OP aside, I'm surprised I haven't seen this posted here.
  Not nearly enough Mumen Jobber for my taste, though.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)15:14:18 No.3018448

  the first 3 episodes were great but when they introduced the hero association it went down to
  shithole pretty quickly, and on top of that the final battle was fucking shit as well
  this flash is being posted every other day anon

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)15:24:32 No.3018460

  In retrospect, my compy has been broken for like two months, so it makes sense that I didn't see
  Whenever I'd go on it using my kindle I'd see, like
  some tan.
  like, a somewhat darker tan.
  Some letters.
  It's all greek to me amigo.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)15:35:08 No.3018471

  I hope they make a season 2, because Blizzard, and the battle against Garou is the best part of
  the manga.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)15:40:37 No.3018475

  Like they really won't make another season.

>> [_] me 02/09/16(Tue)16:00:05 No.3018489

  i have this one some like one year newfags

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/16(Tue)16:23:35 No.3018500

  It came out late last year, moron.
Created: 9/2 -2016 17:58:12 Last modified: 9/2 -2016 22:46:09 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:05:57