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This is resource DCGCU2V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/2 -2016 05:49:35

Ended:8/2 -2016 12:35:53

Checked:8/2 -2016 13:32:11

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 50.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: tem suck dik for cooleg.swf-(2.38 MB, 500x400, Other)
[_] hOI Anonymous 02/07/16(Sun)23:46:44 No.3017398


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/07/16(Sun)23:52:10 No.3017400

  Why indeed.
  Why did this give me a huge boner.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/07/16(Sun)23:58:14 No.3017404

  Die in a Fire

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)00:00:15 No.3017406

  >I have the weirdest boner right now

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)00:23:54 No.3017421

  >click link
  >hear voice
  >close link

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)00:25:24 No.3017423

  There's lead in that fucking paint flake, gurl, stop eating that shit.
  >Why are you taking your pants off
  Oh shit, that escalated quickly.

  Who does this? A femanon?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)00:32:53 No.3017429

  >Who does this? A femanon?
  Not 100% sure but I believe it was commissioned by someone (probably some guy) and a femanon was
  paid to do it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)00:54:06 No.3017448

  Sauce if anyone wants it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)01:11:15 No.3017469

  What? What? Why are fans of this game producing weird ass porn so fast?
  What is it about this fucking game??

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:31:00 No.3017529

  cool leg? your dam right, dik is teh coolest leg

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:40:01 No.3017535

  What just happened to me?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:42:43 No.3017537

  >This being weird porn
  >This being fast

  you must be new to the internet

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:48:59 No.3017545

  This sounds like every Undertale fan and newfag on /f/ "pretending" to be autistic and cancerous
  not realizing they are already autistic and cancerous.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:52:59 No.3017549

  The dick sock needs to keep it's mouth shut.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:53:04 No.3017550

  >lots of people on /f/ like a very popular and extremely well made game
  >I don't like it
  >I will whine like a faggot and call them cancer in every thread
  >weird porn doesn't exist for every type of thing
  >I have been baiting for 40+ straight hours
  Get a life man.... damn. I don't know if you're new or not but you act like it and you are a
  Also as you've been told im sure whining will only increase the level of shit you don't like
  so... you are accomplishing the reverse of what you supposedly desire.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)02:58:04 No.3017554

  Did I say I desired anything?
  I was simply stating a well-known fact.
  It seems you're the one who's whining about people shitting on your perfect little game.
  Doesn't this mean that you are accomplishing the opposite of what you're doing trying to defend
  it? All you're doing is just reaffirming the fact that the Undertale fanbase is autistic and

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:00:21 No.3017555

  >Falling for his bait
  It's so obviously bait. You can see the hypocrisy in the last sentence.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:01:31 No.3017557

  get the fuck off my board
  undertale is posted too much and if you cant see that because you like it i want you to fucking
  l e a v e

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:02:38 No.3017558

  I am not whining about that.
  I am just letting you know that many people who frequent /f/ like the game and will continue to
  share content related to it.
  Whining about it will only turn potentially good threads into shitpost threads and will also
  increase the level of that content which is not what you desire.

  I don't think UT is some perfect game.
  I think it was well made. I like the art style.
  I think the story & characters are pretty good.
  I think its clear that the maker (Toby) really poured his soul into it and cared about it which
  is shown in the quality.

  Its fine that you don't like it.
  Its even fine if some hate it.
  However constant bitching about it just because you don't like it is stupid.
  I won't respond to your posts again and its fine if you wanna bait more but I still think the
  board is more enjoyable when people chill out and just ignore shit they don't like.
  Let the people who enjoy it have their threads and post in threads that have content you enjoy.

  But... whatever.
  Be yourself my friend.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:06:25 No.3017561

  u mad bruh

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:07:52 No.3017564

  You've got the wrong idea.
  No one is bitching about UT.
  They are in-fact making fun of people who like UT, there's a huge difference.
  The whole reason people like yourself are getting so buttblasted is because you dislike the
  banter being directing at UT and it's fanbase.
  If you don't like it, then you can always go elsewhere.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:15:23 No.3017568

  >there's a huge difference.
  They've been doing both and have been doing it obsessively in every possible thread.
  Anyway, time for bed.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:19:47 No.3017570

  >>I still think the board is more enjoyable when people chill out and just ignore shit they don't
  Let the people who enjoy it have their threads and post in threads that have content you enjoy.
  You can endlessly bait in threads of content you dislike but I think it brings down the quality &
  enjoyability of the board.
  That is why I think you should stop.
  If you wanna keep throwing shit around and annoying the board no one can stop you but its kinda

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:20:28 No.3017571

  The "bitching" is actually baiting and the UT fans bite every time.
  I'm just sayin' it's not hard to get a reaction out of people when you can post something that is
  making fun of something people like. As opposed to posting something that only promotes it. I
  mean it is 4chan after all what do you expect?
  Everyone to get along with pretty rainbows and butterflies?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:21:53 No.3017573

  If you want a more "friendly" community, you can always go elsewhere.
  Maybe 4chan is not for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:22:35 No.3017574

  No, that's retarded. I expect the honesty brought about by anonymity to shut down stupid ideas
  like undertale being great and the fanbase not being autistic 'more enlightened than you' bitches.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:27:17 No.3017579

  If you think popular opinion on a 4chan board is going to "shut down" or "stop" anonymous users
  from posting content then you're retarded.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:29:39 No.3017581

  >I expected people to agree with my ideas/opinions even if they are clearly in the minority and I
  can't actually back them up with anything tangible
  >why won't people agree with me??? I am a special snowflake and what I think is always right

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:31:39 No.3017582

  >im a faggy autistic edgelord from /pol/
  >im here to shitpost and annoy people
  >4chan is a deep dark dangerous place, nothing Personsel Kid!

  Yeah I am not easily offended or bothered but when obsessive shitposting/baiting by autists is
  making the board less enjoyable for many people its fine to point that out.
  Then again as I said I let people be themselves and the autists will eventually get bored and go
  back to /pol/ or /b/.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:34:48 No.3017584

  lel, I said shut down stupid ideas, not content, moron. Stop being a persecuted little fuckwad.

  >back them up
  Ok, hypocrite. Back up the idea that people who don't enjoy you cancerous bitches on /f/ are in
  the minority.


>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:39:11 No.3017586

  Well it seems you're at a loss then, anon.
  Undertale content gets posted, someone baits, UT fans get angry.
  That is just the nature of things.
  If nobody reacted to the bait, then there wouldn't be a problem right?
  If people who like UT aren't as bad as we make them out to be, then they wouldn't be getting
  buttblasted about what is being said right?
  They'd just ignore it or take it on the chin.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:41:35 No.3017588


>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:43:22 No.3017589

  You must be one of the uneducated NEETS that infest boards with your lack of understanding.
  Shutting down "stupid" ideas would lead to the shutting down of posting content.
  Or are you just trying to "shutdown" an idea (which makes no sense and is extremely vague) for no
  reason (which also makes no sense).

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:44:25 No.3017590

  >Ok, hypocrite. Back up the idea that people who enjoy UT on /f/ are in the minority.
  Yes good idea.
  Why don't you do that faggot.
  Oh you can't?
  Thats too bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:51:25 No.3017594

  lol, you're the one who said my argument was bad because I couldn't do it. But you can't either.
  Thanks for playing. You lose.

  Maybe it would lead to it, maybe it wouldn't you don't know.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)03:53:30 No.3017596

  lost it at the perfect english "why are you taking your pants off"

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)04:05:40 No.3017606

  wahhhhh people post content about a game they enjoy on the internet wahhhhhh

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)04:05:47 No.3017607

  you people need jesus

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)04:23:07 No.3017616

  Jesus christ how new are you?
  This is fucking nothing.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)04:42:06 No.3017621


>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)05:00:10 No.3017627

  I feel like it's an insult to newfags to call that guy a newfag. He's just your run of the mill
  fella on 4chan who posts instead of lurking.
  >"Will my post convince them of my point of view?"
  >A question never, ever pondered by their kind.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)05:01:56 No.3017628


>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)05:04:55 No.3017630


>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)05:50:04 No.3017653


  You kids are adorable.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)05:58:07 No.3017654

  why did i cum to this...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)06:12:41 No.3017659

  Came and I'm caught between this odd feeling of self loathing and satisfaction.

  I'm having a bad time.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)06:15:14 No.3017660

  you faggots really ARGUING over this?
  literally every single one of you arguing are newfags.
  I hate that 4chan even gets newfags.
  I miss being the only-fags.
  back when we didn't care about shitposting.
  we accepted it, because it's what made 4chan 4chan.

  stop being completely autistic and arguing, and start learning how to actually 4chan.
  which means be slightly less autistic but without the 'bitching'.
  >making this veteran oldfag bitch about your bitching

  you should be ashamed. all of you. respect your elders damnit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)06:29:09 No.3017662

  paid money for cooleg

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)06:30:48 No.3017663

  comes in seeing the number of comments... reads comments... laughs a lil because not surpriseed
  at the reason for the number of posts... chooses to leave -- why am i not surprised? too many
  times and i just came for the lulz. g'day

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/16(Mon)06:33:16 No.3017665

  The description for that particular sound file is equal parts funny and depressing.

  I love it.
Created: 8/2 -2016 05:49:35 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:54:59 Server time: 28/09 -2024 05:00:43