Archived flashes:
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This is resource EJS7162, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/2 -2016 04:06:15

Ended:5/2 -2016 06:56:03

Checked:5/2 -2016 07:26:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Louie dislikes England.swf-(9.25 MB, 624x352, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:01:54 No.3014909

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:04:37 No.3014911

  Reported for shilling, cuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:05:50 No.3014912

  >Reported for posting something I don't like.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:08:20 No.3014916

  Didn't the cuck meme start out as a joke? What made people start calling Louie an SJW cuck? Did
  the memes go too far?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:09:13 No.3014918

  >I'll play fool and that will advert the gaze of the factual shitposting of this bald cuck

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:11:37 No.3014921

  >I can't ignore one flash I don't like and that will expire in an hour or two.
  I am a butthurt pussy and will call the internet police on you.
  You're the only one acting like a cuck. Cuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:11:38 No.3014922

  He's a funny dude. I don't see anyone complain when people post shit-tier anime AMVs on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:39:52 No.3014949

  Is this meant to be funny?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/16(Thu)22:41:37 No.3014950

  Well anon /f/ is a Japanese oriented board, it is expected to find otaku culture in this place.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/16(Fri)00:07:19 No.3015035

  spamming ripped videos sucks
  kill yourself

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/16(Fri)00:08:46 No.3015037

  >posting 2 vids in one night is le spammming
  yeah... take your own advice my butthurt friend

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/16(Fri)00:22:56 No.3015041

  Stop posting this dumb fucking guy. If you know who he is or care about him you are shit.

>> [_] RepostChan 02/05/16(Fri)00:55:09 No.3015068

  Whoa there, partner. I see you're playing the edgy card. Now I really hate to be the bearer of
  bad news, but nobody really cares what an aspie has to say. I know, it's a hard pill to swallow.
  You see, if you actually wanted to get your opinion across, you'd say something like, "I don't
  think this is funny because..." or, "I believe Luis CK is overrated." Instead, you chose the most
  trite and raped phrase of any social tryhard: "Is this meant to be funny?" In your mind, you're
  showing us your alleged superior taste in comedy. It's like those folks who sniff wine corks and
  make remarks about the "fullness of body." It's all bullshit. And we know it's bullshit because
  you aren't making any effort above what a Chinese spam bot would make. If you really want to get
  your opinion out, try with something more than 20 letters.
Created: 5/2 -2016 04:06:15 Last modified: 5/2 -2016 07:26:28 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:53:43