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This is resource ET65IAB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/3 -2016 01:51:16

Ended:15/3 -2016 06:00:10

Checked:15/3 -2016 06:09:43

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 43.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Run with Bernie.swf-(9.84 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] ~best candidate~ Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)20:49:47 No.3041707

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)21:11:04 No.3041719

  look at that fossil hustle :D

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)21:18:48 No.3041725

  He hangs around with niggers all day, of course he knows how to run.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)21:23:55 No.3041728

  cuckle doodle dooo

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:24:18 No.3041762

  The most autistic candidate. I seriously hope you fags really expect you're getting free collage
  because of this guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:25:20 No.3041763

  Fuck. I seriously don't hope you are getting free college out of this guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:30:31 No.3041764

  Irony is when the majority of people demanding free college will still end up in debt because of
  their life and career choices.

  Liberal Arts majors are retards.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:31:55 No.3041766

  Not all people wanting free college are lib-art.
  STEM schools are expensive as shit too.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:35:39 No.3041771

  Please stop telling your self lies.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:37:51 No.3041773

  A+ poorfag student; 120,000 tuition with 90,000 scholarship reductions made. Go fuck yourself.
  Doctorates don't come cheap.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:39:20 No.3041774

  He ain't lyin'. Being a STEMfag myself, I'm a degree away from cybersecurity and network
  forensics. Just what the US of A needs, but I can't get.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:40:42 No.3041775

  Its your choice you dumb cunt, if you just held on to a small comfy blue-collar job you would not
  have to sink in a school debt, now stay mad supporting a literal communist Jew who will drain
  your funds

  I hope you rot in a gulley, stupid intellectuals like you deserve killing fields like what Pol
  Pot do to our people

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:41:34 No.3041778

  looks good on a resume, certs optional.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:42:44 No.3041780

  You got me.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)22:47:45 No.3041788

  Thanks, senpai.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:05:11 No.3041802

  lololol free college from a commy jew, lolol wut a bunch of retards

  - Rest of developed world keking over how fucking retarded Americans are.

  Brazil, Sweden, Germany, France, all can afford to fucking give their people higher educations,
  and yet the US is the largest economy in the world.

  Nah, fuck that, build more drones. Eventually the guy writing the AI updates will be so shit-tier
  he'll wind up programming it to unload it's ammo the minute it comes in for maintenance, and
  hopefully all the comfy blue-collar anons will be spreading their assholes gaping wide in glee as
  they explode.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:11:16 No.3041805

  >mfw no one will ever realize the secret of this flash

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:12:49 No.3041808

  I love how you started out with a right wing bias and then went full retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:13:41 No.3041810

  CK Louis + Niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:18:59 No.3041816

  Bernie is only 4 years older than Trump.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:19:58 No.3041817

  People don't age at the same rate.
  Trump would kill Bernie in any athletic competition.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:21:49 No.3041821

  >Not all people wanting free college are lib-art.
  Never said that was the case.
  Most of them are though.

  >STEM schools are expensive as shit too.
  That education at least pays for itself.
  Lemme know when colleges start taking strides towards creating stronger incentives for students
  to take STEM and Business, then maybe I'll get behind free college.

  Until then, we're just going to continue generating a slew of useless idiots majoring in
  professional whining are more content with abusing the system instead of utilizing it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:25:05 No.3041826

  john mcafee 2016

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:26:56 No.3041829

  Guess criminology is useless too, as well as sociology, history, law, social anthropology...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:27:56 No.3041834

  > as well as sociology, history, law, social anthropology...
  Yeah. Those are all pretty fucking useless careers with extremely low employment rates and
  virtually zero demand.

  Were you trying to refute my point or endorse it?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:30:59 No.3041838

  >the problem is the people not the lack of jobs
  No wonder you support Drumpf

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:33:36 No.3041840

  You don't get to cherry pick, if you refuse to support lib-art, that includes ALL lib-art, not
  just the ones you personally think are a shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:34:57 No.3041841

  Free college isn't going to increase a demand for social anthropology, you dumb fuck. It's not a
  profitable career, there's heavy competition for it, and it is extremely limited in how it can be
  applied. Arguable, Law and Criminology are in higher demand but even those are hawkshots.

  And the problem IS the people. These students are looking for easy degrees that have zero future
  job security, and the colleges aren't being held accountable for ensuring student employment.
  THIS is the real problem. Unless colleges can be held accountable for ensuring employment, making
  them free will only devalue degrees overall.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:36:58 No.3041843

  >You don't get to cherry pick
  Nigger, I was pretty clear that my objection to the vast majority of lib arts is that they do not
  provide educations that pay for themselves. So many of them lack any sort of job security or
  demand, which is where all these baristas claiming they are college educated are coming from.

  No. I don't think all of lib arts are shit. But pretty much everything >>3041829 is low security
  and low demand, and only establishes my point.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:38:37 No.3041845

  Totally isn't massive outsourcing to china for general production, Taiwan/India for tech, and
  Pakistan/vietnam for textiles by sociopathic globalized corporations that jumped ship from a
  service economy for short term quarterly gains at the cost of long-term financial gains.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:40:49 No.3041848

  Hm. Good point.

  I know. Let's go ahead and bring a bunch of financial migrants into our post-industrial society
  so that our lower class citizens will have the privilege of competing with robots AND foreign

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:46:05 No.3041852

  My point being that the logistics applicable by a fully fledged service economy (including big
  data/analysis) coupled with large scale production (which we had) would allow us to drop rates
  underwater to kill foreign competition. We gave that up cause my quarterly profits.
  Don't mix up the cause with a cure. I'm just trying to assign blame. I agree with your solution
  btws( that being targeted compensated education).

  What is investment?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:49:49 No.3041853

  Wouldn't that hurt foreign countries though?
  In this new globalized world I am not sure that is the morally right decision to make.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:53:52 No.3041855

  In a crapsack world where idealism doesn't get to even approach the soapbox, I want to fuck the
  competition as badly as they tried to do us; i'm lookin' at you china.

  What would your proposed solution be?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/16(Mon)23:55:58 No.3041859

  More money from the banks and perhaps an employer trading program with Europe so we can provide
  more jobs for both countries.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:00:46 No.3041861

  ALL of Europe? Just the EU? Smaller case by case nation selection? Would it help proportionally?
  Would we still be expected to foot NATO's bills?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:05:41 No.3041862

  In any case, I've had a more informative exchange with you than most conservatives/liberals.
  Best of luck in your ventures.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:09:19 No.3041865

  >bernie fag
  >instead of making a swf himself he steals a video from someone else, turns into an swf and just
  calls it his swf
  What a coincidence. Now go be a faggot somewhere else, like red dit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:17:15 No.3041868

  implying you know a rats ass about the political process and are not just spouting your low
  budget low quality opinions out of your ass in an attempt to get a rise out of some random person
  on the internet


>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:42:30 No.3041884

  I'm in STEM. I got through on academic scholarship along with most of my colleagues. Keep
  dreaming, faglord.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:51:00 No.3041890


>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:54:02 No.3041893

  It's a Trojan reverse shell.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)00:57:52 No.3041895

  >When you just remembered that you forgot to prep the bull
Created: 15/3 -2016 01:51:16 Last modified: 15/3 -2016 06:13:21 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:53:34