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This is resource FU2UA6N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/3 -2016 09:03:49

Ended:27/3 -2016 19:27:56

Checked:27/3 -2016 21:18:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: VLC.swf-(9.83 MB, 640x360, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)03:00:42 No.3049635

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)05:30:14 No.3049694


>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:20:47 No.3049721

  looks like somebody has a peasant rig. vlc performs fine if your computer isn't shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:26:44 No.3049722

  can you recommend a better program?
  I have always used VLC and my computer although a few years old is POWERFUL but newer videos
  often have that awful lagg or the high motion scenes turn into grey mush

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:00:47 No.3049736

  how do you fuck up this badly? i need to know

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:06:56 No.3049738

  >have a shit-tier graphics card and i3 processor
  >VLC literally has zero difficulties



>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:58:52 No.3049749

  been using different graphics proggys longer than most you been alive . vlc is still my #1 of 4

>> [_] ︀ ︀ ︀ 03/27/16(Sun)08:12:30 No.3049753

  There's a couple of options but my favorite is mpc+cccp, works for pretty much anything. A few
  people I know use GOM player, it works better than VLC at the very least.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)09:02:46 No.3049762

  this flash is enjoyable af

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)09:31:00 No.3049767

  I see no difference in quality.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)09:33:44 No.3049769

  There is literally nothing wrong with VLC. This meme needs to die already.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)09:36:38 No.3049771

  I use KM player but also have VLC but I rarely use it
  I think it's just a matter of what you're used to and are familiar with

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)09:59:51 No.3049781

  I only started using GOM as a result of living in Korea. Gotta say, if you spend a few weeks
  learning how to hangook around, it's a vastly superior system. Easier to figure out than Dwarf
  Fortress :D

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)12:29:14 No.3049829


>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)12:37:16 No.3049830

  That's only if you download a resolution your screen can't handle, you know. Like playing a 1028
  high movie on a 720 high screen.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:10:25 No.3049850

  Funnily enough my MPC HC started screwing up every video like that too until I updated CCCP.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:26:47 No.3049863

  MPC. It just works, and comes as a bundle with KLite codec pack. You'll never download another
  thing to see literally everything you can throw at it.

  That's a mystery. Ask the geeks at VLC and ask them what they changed.

  time ≠ expertise

  Yes, but it never used to be this way...

  I have a collection of computers I've been using for 6-8 years now, and always had VLC on them.
  It worked wonderfully on these rig, but since about 18 months ago, something happened to VLC, and
  now only the best, most modern and speedy ones can use it without this happening. The computers
  didn't change, VLC did. MPC still runs as fine as it always has. It doesn't have many of the
  bells and whistles that VLC does, but you don't need 99% of them for movie playback. Or anything
  else for that matter. They're mostly hipster tools.
Created: 27/3 -2016 09:03:49 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:03:28 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:02:44