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This is resource FXL7B5D, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/4 -2016 15:18:29

Ended:6/4 -2016 22:49:29

Checked:7/4 -2016 00:10:15

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 41.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Policeman Vs Veteran.swf-(9.18 MB, 448x336, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)08:45:41 No.3056511

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)09:00:34 No.3056519

  What a pussy.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)09:07:19 No.3056520


>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)09:33:23 No.3056526

  so it looks like a combination of suicide by cop and a man not qualified for his job....

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)10:04:10 No.3056530

  kill these USoAcans

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)10:13:37 No.3056534

  Should he not have shot him in the leg as he returned to his vehicle? The dude was clearly loopy
  in the head from PTSD and even after he grabbed the gun he had enough time to do so in order to
  disarm him.

  Or maybe I'm retarded

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)10:17:01 No.3056536

  the real question is, how can we train our soldiers to be as bad ass as grumpy veitnam agent
  orange vet.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)11:31:37 No.3056555

  Do you think it will get to 100 this time?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)11:38:31 No.3056559

  anything's possible if you shitpost enough

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)11:44:18 No.3056564

  nice trips yo but honestly they need to arm cops better...hand guns vs a semi automatic rifle we
  can see clearly which one is the winner of the two calibers.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:27:04 No.3056578

  hahahah fuck america

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:33:48 No.3056580

  >the screams
  they will haunt me for another week again

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:34:41 No.3056581

  Police officers are aggressors so I would consider it to be within anyone's rights to kill them.

  Also the veteran was probably also just more knowledgeable in regards to combat in general than
  the fat amateur cop.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:48:06 No.3056584


  They show this exact video to police officers in almost every state. I had to watch it. Very

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:51:12 No.3056590

  2 retards holding arms and shooting eachother under the same institution

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:52:13 No.3056591

  You don't win a war by dying for your country. You win a war by making the other poor dumb
  bastard die for his - George S. Patton

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:55:10 No.3056595

  What is supposed to be learned from this? That you're a fucking retard if you constantly threaten
  to attack people for no good reason? But that's the entire job description of a cop in the first

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)12:59:51 No.3056600


  Two things. First it is really psychologically hard to shoot another person. Most combat veterans
  from WWII shot "near" the enemy and many did not even fire their weapons. You can train all you
  like, but it's god damn hard. It's as hard as it is easy to sit on your couch and say otherwise.

  Two: You don't shoot to disable, you shoot for center mass. Firing a pistol is difficult enough
  in situations where your adrenaline is high that if you want to hit what you're aiming at, aim at
  the biggest chunk of a person. If the cop was incredibly combat trained (which is unlikely) even
  then he wouldn't go for a leg shot.

  It's for situations like this that I'm glad officers have tazers they can go to first. Being
  low-lethal I hope that the officer would have gone to it as soon as the gentleman started digging
  in his truck.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:01:07 No.3056602

  i hope they grilled him after even if veteran was drunk

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:06:16 No.3056605

  the fucking bastards have to fill a quota of giving tickets and this poor veteran just became a
  victim of this system
  fuck the system
  *tipping my fedora to another quadrant*

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:11:59 No.3056610

  The new gta looks like ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:41:26 No.3056616

  The reason is to keep fuckheads like you from harming the law abiding citizens of our nation.

  We don't want you in our society so we do what we can to keep you the fuck out of it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:44:14 No.3056618

  "Deputy Kyle Dinkheller was shot and killed after pulling over a man on a rural road about 6
  miles north of Dublin, Georgia.

  During the traffic stop he called in for backup. Before the backup arrived he was shot by the man
  with a rifle. He was able to return fire, striking the subject in the stomach. The subject was
  found during a search the next morning and taken into custody.

  The entire incident was videotaped by a camera in Deputy Dinkheller's patrol car. On January 28,
  2000, the subject was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death two days later. He was
  put to death on January 13th, 2015."

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:46:40 No.3056619

  >We don't want you in our society so we do what we can to keep you the fuck out of it.

  How very collectivist and authoritarian of you. So if anyone ever dares to challenge the
  legitimacy of the state's rule, they basically just deserve to die? Fuck off. Human rights don't
  end where your feelings begin.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)13:57:46 No.3056623

  Most humans don't deserve rights.

  Well, actually, I am exaggerating.
  There are about 5.5 billion odd decent human beings out of the 7 odd billion.

  4 odd billion of those are decent honest people that live in nations that are considered
  "underdeveloped", aka don't have 15 TVs and iPads, but they still have a quality of life as good
  or better than the average American or European.

  That includes large parts of China. China isn't huge shithole, just the cities. ALL cities are
  The QoL of an average Chinese person actually isn't shit like the big bad media would have you
  believe. Just capitalist propaganda.
  Also Africa, mainly the South. Unlike North cunts warring, militant Christians and Muslims.
  Many regions of South America are fine too. b-b-but mexico and brazil. Wow, 2 examples, I can
  find more examples of shit states in the US and Europe.

  The rest are scattered amongst all types of nations as scarce as the rare earth elements are.

  Humans are a disease.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:08:27 No.3056628

  You don't have any authority to decide who does and who doesn't get to have rights. The only
  point at which human rights are forfeit is when somebody is violating the rights of other people.
  This is something that the police do, which is why it's morally defensible for people to kill
  them (that's not to say anything of whether or not it's a good idea, however).

  >Humans are a disease.

  You're the only disease I see here.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:13:35 No.3056634

  You are the one denying that humans are anything but animals.

  The so-called "Americanization" of the world is the biggest cancer that has inflicted humanity.
  It is honestly on a level as bad as the ice age, just so much slower and more painful to the
  regions being infected by shitty food and toxic products they bring.

  Yet these multinational companies thing they are doing no wrong, everything is legal and fine.
  Yeah, because fuck morals. (not even moralfag)
  Look at the tax haven shit happening as of this week. The Panama Papers have shown just how
  corrupt that shit is. And curious how "no" American companies were in the list. (admittedly that
  is probably because the company leaked is, if I remember correct, only the 3rd most popular
  agency for tax avoidance)

  These groups have already stripped you of rights and will take even more from you with time.
  The world already lost.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:34:13 No.3056643

  Doesn't the stress of being angry at the whole world wear you out?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:37:08 No.3056645

  Hardly angry.

  Just let down that people are caving to American shit companies because MUH JERBS and cheap food
  made by stuff that should be banned forever.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:40:46 No.3056647

  >You are the one denying that humans are anything but animals.
  It must be fun putting words in my mouth. We are indeed animals, we are also the only animals
  which are capable of moral reciprocity which is why we have rights unlike other animals.

  >The so-called "Americanization" of the world is the biggest cancer that has inflicted humanity.
  Who gives a fuck about America?

  >It is honestly on a level as bad as the ice age, just so much slower and more painful to the
  regions being infected by shitty food and toxic products they bring.
  Were you around during the ice age so that you can compare accurately?

  >These groups have already stripped you of rights and will take even more from you with time.
  What, you mean governments? I know.

  >The world already lost.
  Life isn't a game. When there's nothing to win, there's nothing to lose either.

  You seem very pessimistic just in general. Maybe consider embracing life for what it is instead
  of thinking that there's something inherently wrong with human existence. Yes there's a lot of
  evil in the world, yes there's a lot of corruption, and tyranny, and all that jazz. The world is
  a brutal and fucked up place, but that doesn't mean you can't find some peace within yourself .

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:42:40 No.3056648

  >I just learned a quote in another thread and now try to force it in every coversation regardless
  if it fits or not.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)14:44:47 No.3056651

  Sitting around passively while the world falls in to an even shittier state is what pussies do.

  You are making the world shittier indirectly by being so lax about things instead of standing up
  for the world and humans rights.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)15:01:31 No.3056657

  >Sitting around passively while the world falls in to an even shittier state is what pussies do.
  You are misreading what I'm saying. I never said anything about sitting around being passive.

  >You are making the world shittier indirectly by being so lax about things instead of standing up
  for the world and humans rights.
  When the fuck did I ever say I wouldn't? If I saw somebody robbing another person, or even worse,
  attempting murder, I would not be able to contain my anger.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)15:12:49 No.3056664

  right by yelling bullshit like "get back" when nobody is even moving AND IF someone is moving you
  yell "stay still" or "come here" and then right after "get back". Some of you guys must be so
  fucking stupid. There are many great police officer that do a fantastic and awesome job but the
  one in the video was a fucking idiot for yelling all the time confuse bullshit. Sad that he died

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)15:24:25 No.3056666

  i think we should require that police officers serve 5 years as firemen. This will weed out the
  power hungry assholes and the dumbasses

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)15:41:00 No.3056672

  I find this video monumentally badass.

  Don't fuck with a vet.

  I have a hell of a lot more respect for the vets than most of the cops of today.

  All this passive aggressive bullshit this deputy's laying down - fuck, man. Couldn't he have just
  been more polite about the whole thing? You got some unstable motherfucker up in your face, and
  your first instinct is to try and assert control?

  That's perp handling 101, I know, but the dude was shot and murdered in what looks like cold
  blood - dude sounded like he was screaming from a position on the ground before he got finished.
  Clearly the officer's handbook didn't cover this particular situation.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)16:02:29 No.3056684

  i get the feeling most of them are taught to assert control all the time. i've been pulled over
  multiple times for having a shitty car and usually they were not respectful (no tickets though).
  i think they forgot about the whole protect and serve deal. particularly the serve part. Also you
  make it sound as if you have to be a badass killing machine to get respect from the police.
  that's fucked up.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)16:31:04 No.3056699


  You obviously don't know what you're talking about. They BOTH exist for a reason..

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)16:35:56 No.3056702

  >i think they forgot about the whole protect and serve deal. particularly the serve part.
  Their duty is to protect and serve the government, not society. That's not hyperbole either, it's
  actually explicitly the reason for their existence.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)16:40:32 No.3056704

  tbqh that would actually be a good idea. firemen are really cool.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/16(Wed)16:46:03 No.3056706

Created: 6/4 -2016 15:18:29 Last modified: 7/4 -2016 00:10:23 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:45:06