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This is resource MBOLEF7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/3 -2016 16:21:34

Ended:20/3 -2016 20:57:58

Checked:20/3 -2016 21:38:01

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 37.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Migrants Attack Film Crew In Sweden.swf-(9.61 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:19:11 No.3045112

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:28:48 No.3045115

  Poor people.
  Betrayed by their own government.
  Who has benefited from letting in these animals from a completely incompatible and unintegratable
  Swedes are no longer safe in their own country.
  Their economy is getting worse.
  Who benefits? Why do so many Swedes support the destruction of their culture, their ethnicity and
  everything else they had of value?
  These globalists have convinced so many of the people that good is bad and wet is dry.

  Thank god it hasn't got this bad in America... yet... but we are heading in the same direction.
  Trump is our last hope and I don't even like Trump but he is a Nationalist who hates Muslims so
  that alone makes him a King among peasants among our current candidates.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:37:21 No.3045117

  Just imagine walking through the streets of NYC with full of these kind of immigrants. The
  thought of it makes me shudder.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:39:54 No.3045119

  You know they're people too, right? People in need.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:47:25 No.3045122

  hitler was a person too
  your point?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:47:27 No.3045123


  People in need firm beating.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)11:48:47 No.3045124

  it's useless anon
  bush's damages to society's thinking about anyone from middle east are irreparable

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)12:02:08 No.3045130

  Those guys weren't from the middle-east...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)12:41:36 No.3045147

  Why should any country have the burden of taking in thousands upon thousands of refugees without
  education or skill just because it's the "right" thing to do? Was giving aid not enough?
  t. Syrian immigrant whose parents came to America 20 years ago

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)12:41:49 No.3045148

  Kind of shortsighted aren't you, it will be a cold day when you're ever put into a position of

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)12:42:49 No.3045149

  >> You know they're people too, right? People in need.

  yes they are I would be first in line to help if they wanted to integrate and become american to
  adopt our values, but sadly they never will. even among american muslims an alarming number
  support sharia knowing what it did to the countries they came from

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)12:50:41 No.3045153

  My dad bullshitted that european countries wrekt them pretty bad so they should deal with the
  fallout of people.

  Too bad only a non major percentile of the refugees are asylum seekers or just not economic
  migrants from less okay countries than sweden.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:05:17 No.3045158


>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:08:41 No.3045160


  They are people "in need" who refuse to integrate and then set up 'no go zones' in sweden.

  Think about that for a second. You let in refugees out of the kindness of your heart, then they
  repay you by turning their settlement area into a dangerous slum that ambulences cannot even go
  without a police escort, and even the police do not like going into those areas.

  Fuck your feelings. They are not 'people' they are invaders.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:14:58 No.3045162

  >tfw Europe is paying for America's idiotic interference in literally every conflict in the
  Middle East

  Thanks guys.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:22:02 No.3045164

  They are indeed "people", however by letting them into your country at this rate you will find
  that they will outnumber you. Take Germany, for example, It is predicted that by 2020 the
  invaders between 18-30 years old will outnumber Germans between 18-30 years old. This is the
  death of a culture. It's what the dalai lama, Lhamo Dondrub, fears has happened to Tibetan
  culture. In Tibet a mass influx of Indians has migrated to Tibet and nearly out number them. Rape
  and murder statistics have gotten worse and worse since the invader crisis. So what do you care
  about more? The death of culture or the immigrants who come in with their violent culture
  preaching sharia law?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:26:49 No.3045166

  >white people will become extinct in your lifetime

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)13:34:27 No.3045168

  Examples like this make the xenophobes sounds sensible. But then there are people who - like in
  the video - are friendly, polite, contributing and trying to integrate. It's sad that these good
  people are lumped together with their degenerate countrymen. But as the saying goes, a few bad
  apples spoil the bunch.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:30:53 No.3045189

  They will let in thousands of people who hate you and your way of life.
  They will take your guns.
  They will make it a hate crime to resist invasion.
  No one will admit it is too late until all your women are wearing hijabs.

  Yes. What a wonderful "people" we have "saved" by allowing mass immigration.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:37:40 No.3045191

  why would anyone let this happen?
  who's gaining from this? I mean there must be someone profiting from this mess, right? RIGHT?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:42:09 No.3045194

  Yes but thats Newyork. America.
  America is all about immigrants. But someone who can live in NYC, needs to work, and they are
  okay. But these people, in sweden and EU they are all gypsy muslims

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:43:13 No.3045195

  who want everything for free

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:44:43 No.3045197

  >come to sweden for a better life
  >make it worse for everyone else

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)14:53:11 No.3045202

  >come to sweden to rape blondes
  >rape blondes

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:00:16 No.3045207

  >America is all about immigrants.
  No its not.
  America was 85-90+% European up until the last 2-3 decades when immigration numbers went through
  the roof at a rate never seen before in our history and we started taking in mostly Hispanics or
  other minorities rather then Europeans like we used to do.
  Not to mention we stopped any standards like making sure the people know our language and truly
  wish to be American culturally.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:10:22 No.3045213

  The Americas were 100% natives up until the last few centuries when immigration numbers went
  through the roof at a rate never seen before in American history and Americans started taking in
  mostly Europeans or other Old Worlders rather than nobody like we used to.
  Not to mention there were no standards like making sure the immigrants knew any American
  languages and truly didn't wish to destory Americans and steal the jobs and land and literally

  Shove your "holier than thou" up your ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:15:05 No.3045215

  Sorry that I care about my country and know that things would have been much better had we stuck
  to the old ways not to mention never brought blacks here in the first place.

  Oh and America was built by Europeans and all that technology you use and all the living
  standards you have is thanks to us since we basically invented all modern technology.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:17:46 No.3045217

  >our ancestors robbed the natives out of their continent
  >Oh I know, let's destroy our countries out of guilt

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:29:53 No.3045224

  Just saying there should be some humility.
  Ah yes, the "old ways." That's a very selective reading of history.
  As to blacks, did you know that Europeans tried to use Native Americans (or Amerindians, or
  whatever you prefer) as slaves instead of Africans? They couldn't because the natives kept dying
  of European disease. (Not particularly relevant, just some interesting trivia.)
  The West always tries to pull the technology card, and it's bullshit. You're pushing the idea
  that people should be grateful for imperialism because it brought them fancy gadgets.
  Technological, economic, and legal innovations don't have to be imposed to be spread, and to say
  that they do is an updated version of the white man's burden.
  The West does not export its institutions because it cares about others, it does so because doing
  so has positive outcomes for the West. When a country's economy becomes more liberal (i.e. more
  like free market capitalism), the West benefits because it's very economically advanced. The
  concept is called Neocolonialism if you care to read further.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:39:59 No.3045226

  I get the sense you're a big believe in Keynesian economics and the trickle down theory.

  Regardless, white people need a country for white people only and that will solve many issues.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:47:25 No.3045228

  >I get the sense you're a big believe in Keynesian economics and the trickle down theory.
  Those are completely different things, though. Keynesian economics posits that economic health
  relies in large part on overall spending, so the government should spend money to dull the
  effects of a recession. Trickle down theory (which is basically a neo-liberal theory) says that
  lower regulations on businesses allow them (and the economy) to grow and thereby provide higher
  employment and pay for everyone.
  >Regardless, white people need a country for white people only and that will solve many issues.
  I really don't think nationalism solves things.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:48:00 No.3045229

  >>>/pol/ will show you the answer

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:49:39 No.3045230

  well wasn't that what Europe was at first? a big fucking chunk of land occupied by whites?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:55:31 No.3045232

  mobility scooters are really fast in sweden. he juggernauted that untermensch

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:56:19 No.3045234

  >"too many of the wrong people" [immediately cuts away and doesn't let him explain what he means
  so that he looks like a bigot]

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:56:23 No.3045235

  Yeah, people in need. Really famished, wounded. Lots of women and children right?

  Totally not mainly military-age males who hate your white guts, and will do nothing to help you
  when Ahmed tries to cut your kaffir head off when you get mugged by the same refugees you let in.

  Europeans have no idea how little Muslims care for them.

  Videos like this make my blood boil. God save us.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/16(Sun)15:57:38 No.3045236

  Just admit you like your toilet and your computer.
Created: 20/3 -2016 16:21:34 Last modified: 20/3 -2016 21:45:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:38:38