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This is resource MN2OL84, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/2 -2016 14:23:29

Ended:21/3 -2016 14:50:51

Checked:21/3 -2016 15:09:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8360

Age: 31.01d   Health: 0%   Posters: 13   Posts: 15   Replies: 13   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 12feb2016(fr)14:18 No.28700 OP P1

Alice in Wonderland Upskirt by Mo_Onchild

Simple flash anim

[IMG] Alice Upskirt.swf (152.6 KiB)
1050.2x1335.85, Compressed. 2 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 12feb2016(fr)16:15 No.28702 A P2R1

These are 2 frames...
That's not an animation at all.
*sees patreon link*
That's it! I'm out!

>> Anonymousé 12feb2016(fr)23:00 No.28706 B P3R2


>> Anonymous 12feb2016(fr)23:31 No.28707 C P4R3

I love how the person had the audacity to be like "Pay me for more stuff" when this is just 2
frames. It can BARELY be called animation, IF it counts as one.

Just fuck you, man. Fuck you AND your Patreon.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)00:52 No.28708 D P5R4

This is like the epitome of everything wrong with modern flash makers.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)01:28 No.28709 E P6R5

Take a look their Patreon page. This, and some pictures from behind, is all that's been made so far
in over a month.

Also how did you get a hold this?

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)01:35 No.28710 F P7R6

>lifting skirt up to show people
that's not what upskirt is

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)03:12 No.28711 G P8R7

First of all, Im not defending anyone... Its true that this is not an animation, this isn't even a
loop...but the quality of this 2 frames is not so bad.(take a look to the overall at swfchan),
second and last you all faggot trolls are not paying for nothing, so there's nothing to complaining
to. I thank the uploader for this anyway..for trolls ljke this, swfchan is getting shitty

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)03:12 No.28712 G P9

First of all, Im not defending anyone... Its true that this is not an animation, this isn't even a
loop...but the quality of this 2 frames is not that bad.(compared to the overall quality in
swfchan), second and last you all faggot trolls are not paying for nothing, so there's nothing to
complaining to. I thank the uploader for this anyway..because of you f*ck trolls, swfchan is
getting shitty everyday...

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)03:38 No.28713 H P10R8

The quality is bad, there's no actual nudity, no animation, patreon links are cancer, there is a
shit ton of better quality swfs, the uploader should be shot and raped by dogs, why are you
censoring yourself, you are the cancer killing swfchan by accepting absolute detritus as quality,
god danm do i love the oxford comma, and run on sentences, remove yourself from the gene pool,
never reproduce.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)09:24 No.28716 I P11R9

While I agree that this is far from a product worthy of funding yet, the idea that Patreon is
inherently bad is absolutely stupid. Look at all of the quality adult flashes of the past-- the
vast majority are made by companies with subscription fees (like Zone for example, or various
Japanese companies). Money breeds quality.

Patreon is giving the opportunity and incentive for independent Western animators to pursue
creating adult animation/games. Yes, you'll have countless creators trying to squeeze money from
unfinished products, but you'll also get actual OC on a regular basis rather than the same reposted
flashes every week.

Why would skilled animators ever choose to do adult animation/games if there is no money in it for
them? From the goodness of their heart? When was the last time you worked hard for no payoff
(salary, wage, credit hours, etc.) If you want quality, you have to incentivize it.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)10:11 No.28717 J P12R10


The issue is that no one pays for the majority of porn because plenty of people make it for free.
Exceptions apply of course. If the porn is mind blowingly awesome, then people will donate.
However, if it's good but average, that's not good enough to get money.

and then you get ones like THIS. THIS doesn't even qualify as average. THIS is just two still
pictures, and ones of below average quality at that(not horrible but not quite average). Yet this
person has the audacity to put himself in the same category as the guys who DO make quality and
deserve a donation. we can't just give out money, especially for porn. for us to give money for
porn, that porn better be A WORK OF ART.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)11:13 No.28718 I P13R11

"The issue is that no one pays for the majority of porn because plenty of people make it for free. "

Citation? Just because you have ways of getting it for free (swfchan, torrents, etc.) doesn't mean
the majority of porn is made for free. The vast majority of porn is made by either companies that
are making profit through subscriptions and/or advertisements, or individuals making money through
donations. If you see a company logo, that means it was paid for in some way or another. If you see
an individual artist's logo, that means they likely have a donation link either in the flash or on
their website.

Patreon, Kickstarter, etc. are just mediums to facilitate the funding of niche products and ideas.
Like I said before, most companies/artists won't touch porn because there isn't much profit to be
made compared to mainstream PG animation/games. These companies offer the opportunity to connect
producers and consumers who would otherwise never come in contact, and thereby allows for the
creation of products that would never see conception otherwise.

Again, I never said this flash deserves funding since it's so far from anything resembling
completion, but your reasoning is really irrational. You will never see that "work of art" unless
the artists have a fair chance at proper compensation for their time and effort.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)12:08 No.28719 K P14R12

Art wise I like it very much, love stockings with garter belt and the barely concealing underwear
with a touch of pubic hair.

>> Anonymous 13feb2016(sa)15:30 No.28721 L P15R13


only true if they deserve it, but this example this person can Fuck off, some are deserving of
Patreon, others don't especially Monster BReeder game fuck off those assholes manage milk people
for game doesn't even work is buggy as hell.
Created: 12/2 -2016 14:23:29 Last modified: 22/3 -2016 16:34:45 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:36:00