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This is resource NNU2GT3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/3 -2016 06:48:28

Ended:12/3 -2016 10:37:24

Checked:12/3 -2016 12:36:10

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Peace in the Middle East.swf-(9.9 MB, 624x352, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/11/16(Fri)21:58:18 No.3040029

>> [_] Anonymous 03/11/16(Fri)23:40:42 No.3040079

  that's heartwarming and all, i wish it were like this, but what he shows to the public influences
  how people see world affairs.

  they're promoting this mentality that the Taliban are peace-loving types that if we all just made
  a joke everything would be ok. It is misleading, and frankly dangerous.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)00:04:33 No.3040090

  anon. its the [CURRENT YEAR]! i mean come on!

  but yeah you're right about the taliban/isis or any other group like that.
  only time it would ever happen is if it were in villages that were liberated by the u.s. which
  have now all been lost.
  thanks for wasting our blood, obama

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)01:33:26 No.3040136

  To be fair, the show in and of itself is pretty ridiculous so while my crotchety side definitely
  got upset over my perception of how they handled this issue, I just said "Fuck it. I want to
  believe". After all, I watch TV and stuff for escapism so I might as well dip myself into nice
  warm, buttery feelings for a bit and wish this were true.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)01:58:27 No.3040150

  Arent they just villagers not tailban?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)02:40:40 No.3040172

  Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
  Indoctrinated fanatics can look like anything.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)03:53:30 No.3040193

  >implying 100% of the hundreds of millions of people over there are ALL fanatics

>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/16(Sat)03:56:49 No.3040194

  wow this was retarded
Created: 12/3 -2016 06:48:28 Last modified: 12/3 -2016 12:37:01 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:18:38