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This is resource P2IPTTG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/2 -2016 03:33:31

Ended:16/2 -2016 06:30:01

Checked:16/2 -2016 07:11:21

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Burger ($2,000)!.swf-(9.98 MB, 412x232, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)21:31:02 No.3023559

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)21:58:30 No.3023584

  This burg doesn't actually cost $2000. It costs $666.
  >The Douche Burger
  >Cost: $666
  >Intended as a f-you to the rest of the expensive burgers with "rich people stuff" on them, The
  Douche Burger's quite possibly the most expensive food truck item in existence: a lobster-,
  truffle-, and caviar- topped, foie gras-stuffed Kobe puck that's slathered in champagne
  steam-melted Gruyere and doused with Kopi Luwak coffee bean BBQ sauce, then served in a gold leaf
  wrapper. The guy who sells it wears mink coats. Seriously, he does that.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)22:29:51 No.3023611

  Except that's a different burger made by a completely different restaurant and charged at a
  completely different price.

  There are also a few albeit minor differences between the two entrees.

  The glamburger in this flash does indeed cost 2000$.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:30:42 No.3023668

  The burger is too tall and the duck egg's awkward shape just adds to the structural instability
  of this burger. In order to eat this burger without it spilling everywhere you'd have to eat it
  with a fork and knife or mash it down into a more flat and stable design.

  Fancy-ass burgers almost always have this problem.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:38:40 No.3023679

  Yeah I would remove the duck egg.
  I would also probably not go for the caviar because I don't think it would compliment the other
  flavors well.
  Maybe same for the lobster salad.
  The rest seems like it would be nice.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:40:54 No.3023681

  Welp, that burger is ruined.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:46:02 No.3023693

  gold leaf is placed so haphazardly that the use of gold is even more of a waste than it already

>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:55:17 No.3023703


>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/16(Mon)23:58:33 No.3023708

  its not regular mayonaise, look at the green color.
  Plus Mayo can work very well with burgers.
  McDonalds secret sauce has mayo in it...
  On some burgers I wouldn't recommend it but when you have bacon, tomatoes and certain other
  things I think it will mix fine.

  Then again when it comes to condiments its really more preference and theres no wrong or right.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/16(Tue)00:28:26 No.3023725

  >McDonalds secret sauce has mayo in it..
  Why would you mention mcdonalds if you're trying to convince somebody that something tastes good?
Created: 16/2 -2016 03:33:31 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:56:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:11:00