File: andro.swf-(4 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Does anyone have that? Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)09:39:33 No.3030021
That flash where anime loop of a girl dancing in front of a mirror?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)10:57:23 No.3030045
Any idea how it's called? I could look it up on swfchan if you give me a name
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)10:59:21 No.3030048
that's the problem, I only remember those details.
It could be in a ballet dance gym area.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)11:01:04 No.3030049
and the girl has darkblueish hair.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)11:02:30 No.3030050
No clue,sorry pal
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/16(Thu)12:46:31 No.3030086
was it a person sized mirror?
was she changing clothes?