File: Migrants Attack Film Crew In Sweden.swf-(9.61 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)05:53:27 No.3049708
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:03:00 No.3049713
>Cripples have to kick ass to protect people.
>The cops won't
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:12:38 No.3049716
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:19:58 No.3049720
Maybe if they weren't so racist towards the immigrants this wouldn't happen.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:42:10 No.3049725
Too many men!
Too many people
making too many problems!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:43:49 No.3049726
I'm not sure if this is just a news segment or a documentary or whatever but does anyone have
details on where to find it or its name? I'm guessing it wasn't a Swedish documentary since
everyone was speaking English so I'm not sure where to begin looking.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:51:00 No.3049728
Watermark in the bottom left
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:51:25 No.3049729
>mfw country is being raped by zealous parasitic 'refugees' with no intention of ever returning
to their country of origin or contributing to the society they forced themselves into
>mfw repay you with rape, assault, violence and crime
>mfw we are supposed to embrace this
>mfw I have no face and I must scream
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:51:42 No.3049730
>60 Minutes watermark in lower left
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:51:56 No.3049731
its your fault
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)06:59:30 No.3049735
Tell that to the americunts who decided to kick over the wasp's nest that is the middle east and
gave the dustniggers more reasons to kill eachother
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:04:12 No.3049737
>fucks up their own countries
>proceeds to fuck up host country
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:20:35 No.3049739
We could solve all these issues by allowing more African men into Sweden. I believe it boils down
to sexual frustration from the refugees and if we sexually relieve them with Swedish women they
would be much happier
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:35:43 No.3049744
This. I miss 15 years ago when most immigrants in my country were tech savvy Asians or Indian
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)07:38:04 No.3049745
I feel so bad for Sweden. They used to be such a proud nation, and they've fallen so far. And
they only had the best intentions.
Even though I hold leftist-progressive ideals, shit like this makes me pine for the
reintroduction of concentration camps
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:05:57 No.3049750
Maybe if the immigrants would just fuck off and act like normal people instead of fucking
primates we wouldn't have this problem, you're not from a country where they think taking in
refugees is a good idea, are you?
Actually even primates are more reasonable than these fucking shitstains.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:06:18 No.3049751
Holy shit what the fuck. It was 60 minutes crew? Aren't they supposed to be pretty good at not
taking sides in their stories?
Did they provoke the refugees or something? Like, are they seriously just trying to fuck them up
because they're a camera crew?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:06:58 No.3049752
Why did they attack them? And by attack I mean run over the cameraman's foot which came out
Why didn't they show us full footage?
I don't want to defend them because I'd be stoned to death here even though it might turn out the
crew were just annoying them and since those are half-apes they reacted as they reacted.
Now I know how this sounds like but just imagine if those were just some white thrash or
politicians who do this shit all the time just to avoid questions but only this time it would be
labeled as "an accident".
I mean this is journalism 101 where they just show the delicious scenes without any kind of
context and just create their own or maybe they even paid them to act like this.
But the question is why would they need to promote the awareness of problems with immigrants?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:14:28 No.3049754
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:15:18 No.3049755
I am from Canada and we love immigrants.
They have more soul and culture then most of the dull grey natives in all honesty.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:26:45 No.3049757
Stop making Canada look worse you falseflagging faggot.
>mfw I live in a country where my prime minister is trying to get 250,000 refugees in the country
by the end of the year
The fact that he has a quota like it's something he has to meet makes it even worse. Fuck this
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:27:22 No.3049758
>> found to be closet cannibal looking for new flavors
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:28:00 No.3049759
>cuck canuck
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:28:38 No.3049760
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)08:32:28 No.3049761
It was turning into feminist shithole before the migrants came along :(
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:36:46 No.3049790
yeah nothing spices up boring everyday life like a nice honor-killing or a fun little spat with
your local sharia law enforcers.
Nothing says cultular enrichment like being tossed off a 3 story balcony because you said no to
the wrong person
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:44:08 No.3049793
You'd rather live among boring dull people who just smile and say howdy m8 before staring dully
into space?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:46:31 No.3049797
liberals will never accept the overwhelming evidence there are just shitty people out there.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:49:30 No.3049798
they didn't take sides, they went there to get the other side.
it took 1:30 before they were attacked by the migrants. I guess that was their interview.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:49:49 No.3049799
Swede here, Grew up in a rich kids area just outside gothenburg. It's just as bad if not worse
with the immigrants as you think. I dont think i can go into the local immigrant area without
being robbed. Look up "angered" or "Biskopsgården". almost 90% of all shootings in this region is
done by immigrants so.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)10:50:48 No.3049800
Life is only as fun as you make it buddy, you should consider the possibility that youre the one
that is the bland as gruel boring shitstain of society and not the people that surround you....
Trying to make up for your own ineptitude by importing people you consider to be of a greater
quality than others is not only pointless by also extremely racist by all definitions of the
you should look up a condition called "self hatred" and really think about why you hate yourself
and your peers so much ya cultural-marxist shitstain...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)11:56:28 No.3049817
this is advanced shitposting
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)12:41:41 No.3049833
"Sweden closing it's borders to people WITHOUT identification papers"
Meanwhile America's screening process requires getting identification papers, forming interviews,
doing biometric scans, and doing medical checks. These are done at refugee centers, then done
again at resettlement centers, then again with U.S. Security agencies, again with the Department
of Homeland security, and then AGAIN with U.S government employees. Somehow this is the fucking
same thing to you people as Sweden.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)12:42:19 No.3049834
sweden truly is the land of confusion
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)12:56:25 No.3049841
nice gold reserves you dumb leaf
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:08:53 No.3049849
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:12:14 No.3049851
I wonder how all of that will affect Germany in the next 5-10 years. It's quite out of control
and might or might not lead to disaster.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:12:53 No.3049852
We can always hope for a new reich.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:14:02 No.3049853
Back to /pol/ with you, that would be close to worst case scenario.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:15:31 No.3049855
I dunno. I think the world is in need of a swift kick to the population.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:18:04 No.3049858
Not central Europe though. And population will probably never drop below 7 billion unless there's
another world war.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:18:27 No.3049859
Here's hoping.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:20:04 No.3049861
When would you people learn?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:21:38 No.3049862
>I am from Canada and we love immigrants.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:33:47 No.3049864
scooter rider saves swedish tv crew from jihad.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:37:11 No.3049866
Operatic remix when?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:45:21 No.3049871
I really like how the lady gets in front of the crew, just talks to the attackers while being
completely surrounded by them and they didn't even try to touch her. They even go out of their
ways to avoid her while attacking the men behind her. This is male privilege, folks. True
oppression of women right there because, remember, female privilege doesn't exist.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)13:57:36 No.3049877
>Now I know how this sounds like but just imagine if those were just some white thrash or
politicians who do this shit all the time just to avoid questions but only this time it would be
labeled as "an accident".
What imaginary country do you live in?
>they just show the delicious scenes without any kind of context
And what kind of context could possibly justify the actions of the rapefugees?
>But the question is why would they need to promote the awareness of problems with immigrants?
Because of people like you.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:07:30 No.3049881
...You what?
Honestly, it seems pretty brave of her to take advantage of their preconceptions to defend her
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:12:49 No.3049887
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:13:50 No.3049888
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:14:52 No.3049891
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:15:53 No.3049892
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:17:14 No.3049894
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:18:01 No.3049895
You actually sat here for six minutes to write this.
Also I'm hispanic.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:19:16 No.3049897
Why is /f/ getting increasingly infested with political bullshit? I'ts only worse that its
getting 50+replies. Just fucking Post da hood and zone flashes like the good ol times.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:20:26 No.3049898
>I don't agree with his points so I'll just say he's shitposting
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:21:39 No.3049901
>Instead of posting good flashes please post forced memes and porn
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:25:22 No.3049905
>anything even remotely political
fuck off back to /pol/ and stop shitting this place up
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:27:10 No.3049906
>illustration of what's wrong with /f/ and the world
Don't cry about it, just shaddap and do your part.
ITT: all trolls, intentional and accidental.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:33:59 No.3049911
>Jews in the 20's
'We need to socio-economically uplift minorities to breed out the white race"
>Jewish would-be US president
"We need to socio-economically uplift minorities"
You can't make this up.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:41:22 No.3049917
>Mole Men in the days of Jesus
"Judas, we need you and the Romans to kill the savior of the white race to destroy them."
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)14:58:05 No.3049925
kill them please
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:10:07 No.3049934
/pol/ has spread its tendrils through the boards, much like the lugenpresse has reached its
distended limbs throughout the minds of the public of the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:23:45 No.3049945
who are "they"?
we are very worried about not being pc
please don't judge the whole country
what is this news team, though?
feels kinda biased...
and the Swedish guy is definitely not your typical Swede..
there are like 5 - 10 immigrants living temporarily in our local train station. They're really
nice. They don't bother anyone. And somehow they manage to smile. :)
the scooter was funny, though ^^
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:26:53 No.3049946
proud nation? what?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:39:17 No.3049956
you're right
I consider myself liberal
I wont say they're shitty
.. or maybe there are shitty people, but at least they're not incurably shitty. And it's not
their fault really. They didn't get comfortable childhoods etc.
... I don't really think they're shitty. Just desperate.
when I don't understand why people do bad things, I simply assume that it's just me not
I have faith in humanity.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:41:35 No.3049958
>I am from Canada and we love immigrants.
That's because the 5 that you get are wealthy asians.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)15:54:25 No.3049968
I liked /f/ better before it was overflowing with political shit
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:02:36 No.3049970
I think Trump should build a different wall
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:09:18 No.3049971
Are you fucked?
Also from canada. Everyone I know hates immigrants.
We really wanted Harper gone but fuck weed man really might have fucked us.
Most of us who are sane quitely hope trump wins (were screwed anyway take the niggers down with
Nazis or Stalanism with a feminazi twist? Fuck man, someone please poison our maple syrup
reserves so we can end it all
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:12:08 No.3049972
> when I don't understand why people do bad things, I simply assume that it's just me not
You might be right for small things like gays and niggers eventually learning to kill less.
But these... "people", they're monsters. Rejected from even the most violent, barbaric societies.
Our worst prisoners would recoil at them. These beings are unsaveble. It's either us or them, one
must go.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:14:50 No.3049973
/f/, like all things in our world, is affected by the shit that happens IRL.
In this case, sandniggers are nearing the end of their welcome worldwide and /f/ reflects that.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:21:29 No.3049976
Not even the Jews can withstand the multiculturalism.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:25:20 No.3049977
I live in Toronto and we all love immigrants.
Stay in Winnipeg you racist fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:28:12 No.3049979
Toastin in ebin bread :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:30:55 No.3049981
Isn't pewdiepie from there? They were never bright.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:39:13 No.3049984
nice b8
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:40:22 No.3049985
let's shitpost this thread to 600 replies! come on, lads! let's break a record!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:45:09 No.3049989
>flash is up for 11 hours
>still not over 600 replies
not likely
>> [_] Anonymous 03/27/16(Sun)16:47:11 No.3049991
Number of immigrant assaults and rapes in Europe: Trillions
Number of immigrant assaults and rapes in America: 0
The system works.