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This is resource SZYGLC3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/2 -2016 20:27:28

Ended:1/3 -2016 02:34:52

Checked:1/3 -2016 03:46:34

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: This board.swf-(1.03 MB, 640x368, Loop)
[_] with these long shitty youturips Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)14:25:17 No.3032847

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)14:26:35 No.3032849

  thats from youtube also

>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 02/29/16(Mon)14:33:17 No.3032856

  Irony, lack of self-awareness, or satire of the mentality. I wonder which the OP is going for.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)14:37:59 No.3032860

  long is the important word here

  now I don't mind youtuberips that last 30-60 seconds and have a simple point
  but the top 10s, reviews and fucking let's play videos are just pure cancer

>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 02/29/16(Mon)14:42:04 No.3032862

  Oh yeah, the random Projared videos are cancer.
  I ignore most youtube rips unless they're music videos, since I might actually end up learning of
  a new band.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)14:52:02 No.3032865

  AVGN, irate gamer, those faggots who play minecraft, maddox...
  I swear to god if mods don't do shit about this I myself am gonna start posting pewdiepie in here
  just so this shit gets noticed

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)14:55:17 No.3032866

  My advice : just try and ignore it
  Getting upset or fighting back typically is counterproductive but do as you feel is right and
  people who post unpopular content and don't get attention for it will usually just go away on
  their own.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)15:34:08 No.3032880

  >people genuinely prefer shitty flashes of 10 looping frames from an anime set to bad pop music
  to youtube rips of obscure and otherwise unknown videos

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)15:37:46 No.3032882

  have you read the fucking thread m8?
  are above mentioned people obscure and/or otherwise unknown?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)15:43:06 No.3032885

  I have never seen a minecraft lets play posted to /f/.
  Instead I've seen YTPs, music videos, and that funny mongolian shit and seen people complain
  about "shitty YT rips" while sucking the dick of loops set to shitty pop music.

  So which is it? Do you hate pewdiepie bullshit, or do you just love tiny edited scenes from anime
  looping over themselves so much that nothing else should be here?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)15:45:02 No.3032890

  This is all because flash as a medium is dead and nobody is making any good flashs.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)16:55:12 No.3032923

  Why not make some flashes yourself?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)19:13:51 No.3032972

  > that funny mongolian shit

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)19:53:00 No.3032985

  You know, I think that will be my goal. I already have flash cs6 so I'll learn it and then make
  flashes that teach people how to use it properly.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)20:01:22 No.3032987

  Ill be waiting sir

>> [_] Anonymous 02/29/16(Mon)20:32:41 No.3033000

  Be very patient, might have to wait until summer even.
Created: 29/2 -2016 20:27:28 Last modified: 1/3 -2016 03:48:28 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:26:19