File: Cannot Stump.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Loop)
[_] Will Not Stump !WinFLPg2AE 02/23/16(Tue)17:20:13 No.3028978
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:39:22 No.3028988
I almost got Trump hexes on a leftist board yesterday.
Unfortunately, I fired off my posts in the wrong order so one of my posts that was meant to bring
the postcount up to 555554 just before the Trump post ended up being the 555555 get. Still a
decent post for a get though since it insulted liberals.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:43:19 No.3028994
boy you sure showed them
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:48:17 No.3029004
Trumpites are the new Bronies, spreading their shit everywhere and forcing it down everyone's
throat even though anybody who's not a fucking toddler isn't impressed by it at all
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)17:50:02 No.3029006
Can't burn the Bernie
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:01:10 No.3029015
Except that's wrong, you fucking retard. This has more impact to the world than any fucking
cartoon fandom you could mention.
Keep on complaining about Trump on the internet like every other 'rational' person, and then
refuse to go out and vote when the time comes because you couldn't be bothered to get up off of
your lazy ass.
I don't even like Trump but I can't wait to see the amount of asspain he will bring to people
around the world who refused to fight with anything other than slander on the internet and
personal attacks.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:05:33 No.3029017
Of course shitposting on a board full of politically illiterate people has a gigantic impact to
the world.
I like the song, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:20:49 No.3029029
what anime is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:23:47 No.3029034
would have thought weeaboo's would be the lat to pick up the trump banner considering trumps
hatred of anime
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:25:04 No.3029036
Complaining about him on an anime imageboard isn't going to change anything either.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:25:12 No.3029037
It's not anime.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:25:31 No.3029038
>implying your vote matters
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:30:55 No.3029043
Do show me where I complained, pal. I pretty much said I enjoyed this particular shitpost, while
pointing out that it has no impact whatsoever anywhere, but in some /f/aggots' butts.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:33:51 No.3029045
That's sad,
thanks for the source anyway
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)18:52:47 No.3029055
Its from the anime about boats
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)19:19:20 No.3029071
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)19:24:37 No.3029076
I mean slightly less than Steven Universe let's be for real
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)19:34:32 No.3029086
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)20:30:43 No.3029109
This guy knows what's up.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)20:50:29 No.3029117
why the rename?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)20:53:34 No.3029120
These are men who masturbate to anime.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)20:58:01 No.3029122
The creator made different copies so it could be posted more often.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:00:25 No.3029125
le ebin liberal media meme haha kek ex dee
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:02:02 No.3029128
Just checked SWFchan. It's the same flash, and as long as the content is the same, doesn't that
stop the flash from being posted?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think the filename is irrelevant when it comes to that
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:06:18 No.3029130
The most ironic part about this mindset is that for each person that doesn't vote because they
think it doesn't matter, the more impact each individual vote actually has.
When half the country decides not to vote, the other half matters twice as much.
Not that I think voting for president is worth your time at all. That's only 1/3rd of the
lawmaking power in the government, and while the power to veto is nice the common man still won't
matter until we start voting on house and senate too. And knowing how lazy modern America is,
that'll never happen.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:15:16 No.3029135
The post denigrates trump supporters by comparing them with avid fans of cartoon horses. It tries
to devalue that Trump holds the most caucus on the republican side and, even if you don't like
trump, must understand that he is a valid political contender for a powerful position. Also all
criticizing post did not say you enjoyed the shitpost, rather they were sarcastic remarks and the
only positive comment was about the song. I don't like Trump either but please don't be a retard.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:18:57 No.3029137
Do u ever feel like killing urself is like a box of chocolates if u take a bite it eaither taste
really good or really bad
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:21:44 No.3029140
Stump The trump boi
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:23:48 No.3029142
not sure anymore, I always thought there was a 24 hour cooldown on posting the same flash and a
two flash limit per anon
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:25:09 No.3029144
Creator here.
I have posted it a total of once. All subsequent repostings are not me. I also have no clue how
they're circumventing the post timer.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:30:01 No.3029147
teach the controversy
did someone post 2 frames of centaur sex with the same name? was it me?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:30:41 No.3029148
Low-energy cuck detected.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:31:26 No.3029152
oh don't even begin to suspect how "much" energy I will cuck expend at you
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:42:44 No.3029167
make more senpai-pai, best flash this month.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:49:41 No.3029169
This is only true in a Democrat primary.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:52:29 No.3029172
Well, I also made 8 STEPS and Take me to church. I'll probably throw something together in the
near future.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/16(Tue)21:55:36 No.3029175
Mexican detected.