File: opm dance.swf-(1.8 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] jfkdlsaflkdf 02/06/16(Sat)01:51:31 No.3015729
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)02:24:44 No.3015739
who's that black haired chick?
and if it turns out it's a guy I don't care because I fell in love with his/her face
>> [_] jfkdlsaflkdf 02/06/16(Sat)02:56:45 No.3015755
its a dude.
speed of sound sonic
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)02:58:19 No.3015757
You may notice the lack of breasts.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:06:23 No.3015759
I always thought it was a chick.
doesn't it have small boobs?
definitly chick face.
all signs point towards = woman
so even if it isn't that anon isn't at all gay not even alittle
and neither am i
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:16:27 No.3015765
watch the fucking show then decide fagott
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:29:34 No.3015774
call me a fagott to my face kid and see wut happens
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:31:25 No.3015776
I am waiting and praying every day for this to be finished.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:40:41 No.3015783
ohh bring it on ive been inching to break someones face
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:43:12 No.3015785
Good luck.
I hope your a big guy.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:56:20 No.3015800
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)03:58:37 No.3015803
This is the first time this kind of thread cracked me the fuck up oh my fucking gawd you are all
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:18:47 No.3015816
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:20:23 No.3015818
Fetty Wap taking over /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:21:38 No.3015819
i dunno why trap queen was so popular, 679 is better
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:22:39 No.3015821
yeah he's pretty hot desu
it's the sleepless eyes and the teeth smile
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:27:27 No.3015823
Agreed, but it could be that Trap Queen is a lot more accessible and radio-friendly.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:32:23 No.3015828
no oppai shirt?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:35:33 No.3015830
How the fuck did this become so mainstream? Like I even have friend who changed his last name to
Saitama on facebook. Before you ask, I only have that shit for some university groups.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:37:07 No.3015832
Are you trying to start a hatedom for it? One flash won't be enough.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:37:39 No.3015833
No one gives a fuck about whether or not you use social media or not. You're a faggot either way.
On that note, if you don't understand what makes One Punch Man an excellent manga/anime then you
might as well just kill yourself, gaylord.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:38:19 No.3015834
OP here, I love one punch man and i think this flash is dope
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:38:54 No.3015835
opm is the new titans
unnecessary senpai
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:39:36 No.3015837
>excellent manga/anime
It is decent, a bit above average but nothing truly special. Gets stale pretty fast.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:52:17 No.3015844
set fedoras to maximum, engage.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:58:35 No.3015845
Inb4 shitstorm
Oh, okay. Well, you know you can open flashes in Internet explorer, right? Right-clicking the
file and hovering your mouse over "Open With" will let you do that. /f/ tends to hate flashes
that are posted really often.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)04:59:51 No.3015846
The salt
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:01:47 No.3015847
Explain pls
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:02:58 No.3015848
this song is shitty
the animations are neat
no idea wo the hell is OPM
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:03:16 No.3015849
hipster goto sleep
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:03:30 No.3015850
He's probably an underage retard who shits on everybody who dares to say anything against his
beloved OPM. Or a shitposter, but I don't get why you'd shitpost on /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:06:09 No.3015851
go back to b. this isn't what flash is about newfriend
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:06:14 No.3015852
I think OPM is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills monsters and doesnt afraid of anything.
Understanding why you choose what you do is important, anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:40:45 No.3015870
was this made in flash? it better not have been...... but if it was i want the actual swf file
>feminine penis
fucking lol
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:42:59 No.3015871
tons of different animators use this as a template and draw their own characters to this.
someone decided to take a OPM version and put fetty waps "679" to it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:44:34 No.3015872
why hasnt anyone turned this video into a flash yet
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:45:43 No.3015873
yeah but you can draw in several different ways. if it was made in flash i would like the swf
doesn't look like flawless vectors though so probably not made in flash but maybe
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)05:46:22 No.3015875
because it always looks like shit
i told moot to bring webms with sound to /f/ i told him
it's half of what /f/ is now these days, just youtube videos
but nooooo give it to /wg/ instead
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)06:50:45 No.3015894
and also the hair does it for me
the flow of it looks so smooth even though it's like 5 fps
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/16(Sat)09:44:19 No.3015950
Why haven't you turned it into a flash yet?