/ > /fap/ > Thread 8388
Age: 32.37d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 7 Replies: 5 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 18feb2016(th)00:58 No.28933 OP P1
[G] Gundam Dress UP
Artist is e-ohkoku, make sure to right click the flash to change the character's head
[IMG] gKisekae.swf (769.2 KiB)
656x440, Compressed. 70 frames, 20 fps (00:04).
Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 19feb2016(fr)11:55 No.29003 A P2R1
It's not much, but you slightly remove the censor on her lower bits by change her outfit while in
one of the preset outfits, and then switching over to one of the two outfits that say "J". The
censor returns as soon as you change something on that outfit though, so you can't take off the
bottom parts to get a full view.
>> Anonymous 19feb2016(fr)14:25 No.29004 B P3R2
Any idea what "pie" does? It's the last option I get and it seems to do nothing.
>> Anonymous 19feb2016(fr)14:28 No.29005 B P4
nevermind, it just changes the colour of her boobs (and one variant makes them smaller, or at least
they stop jiggling). Weird.
>> Anonymous 19feb2016(fr)21:26 No.29012 C P5R3
The game probably has either broken or hidden option to change girl's appearance.
If you click "forward" or "play" button, it will show that there are other characters included.
No fucking idea how to get that as the game is fun only for the first five minutes.
>> Anonymous 20feb2016(sa)01:45 No.29018 OP P6R4
It's listed right there in the OP
>> Anonymous 20feb2016(sa)23:18 No.29052 D P7R5
I removed it for you.