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This is resource VN79YJ9, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/2 -2016 16:48:20

Ended:24/3 -2016 15:11:43

Checked:24/3 -2016 15:18:42

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8371

Age: 30.93d   Health: 0%   Posters: 8   Posts: 16   Replies: 11   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 15feb2016(mo)16:45 No.28801 OP P1

"The Parlor" W.I.P Part 2

totaled in at about 3-4 hours to animate.

[IMG] newhj31kftest6(1).swf (5.22 MiB)
1280x720, Uncompressed. 376 frames, 25 fps (00:15).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Warrior Soul 15feb2016(mo)17:00 No.28803 OP P2

>> Anonymous 15feb2016(mo)21:33 No.28808 A P3R1

Delete this trash.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)02:44 No.28820 B P4R2


>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)02:44 No.28821 B P5

Keep it up OP

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)03:34 No.28826 C P6R3

that chick's face is literally the face of satan

>> Warrior Soul 16feb2016(tu)04:01 No.28827 OP P7R4

Thanks for the encouragement, I'll be posting the finished version whenever it's done. In the
future I'd like to make the kind of animations with a button that lets you switch between scenes
and all that, Although I don't know how that is done yet in SFM.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)09:20 No.28839 A P8R5

love how the op is posting on different ips to promote his shitty animations.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)11:15 No.28840 D P9R6


Is the fact that he's trying that offensive to you? How sad your life must be to be utterly
convinced no one is happy to see someone making an effort in life.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)11:55 No.28844 E P10R7

That's isn't the problem faggot.

Right now OP is that kid at the skate park who can't even stand on the board but still insists on
being in the way.

Practice by yourself until you at least have a fucking bare minimum of skill to showcase.

Fucked rig, no eye for details, no experience and no skill.
Great job OP go make a Patreon and a Kickstarter campaign.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)12:10 No.28848 F P11R8

Rough. But constructive in a way. Agree with OP needing to fix basic rig problems. Disagree with no
eye for detail, since I noticed a few things that make it likable. You remind me of a ludicrous
version of a normal employer who only hires experienced employees. Your model only works because
not everyone is as brutish in their critiques.

>> Warrior Soul 16feb2016(tu)16:35 No.28861 OP P12R9


The rig issues is something I definitley need to work on. When I used the default rig,
"Biped_simple" or whatever I noticed when you move the hands and arms they move together without
having to rotate them individually. I got this crazy idea in my head that i was going to challenge
myself by purposefully not attaching the rig to the character because I figured having the rig was
"easy mode"

tl;dr I fucked up pretty bad on that one.

I think the main issue is the lighting and the cinemetography at the moment. From here on out most
of the animation should be at least passable, I mean it's not half as bad as some of the shit I've
seen here like those fucking infamous 2 and 3 frame 2d animations that are plastered across the
furry section of this site. The facial expressions also definitley need work and I'll be the first
to tell you that.

>> Anonymous 16feb2016(tu)20:10 No.28876 G P13

Would it kill you to invest the extra sheckles to get rid of the white line? It would also make
your rig render faster and there wouldn't be a huge "I'M BAD" marker on all your stuff.

>> Anonymous 17feb2016(we)05:02 No.28897 B P14R10


>> Warrior Soul 17feb2016(we)05:33 No.28898 OP P15R11


I would love to do that but I'm currently a NEET with no income. Short of a crowdfunding campaign I
don't have any way of getting the sheckles to get a better rig.

>> Anonymous 17feb2016(we)23:56 No.28932 G P16


Maybe staying inside making bad porn isn't the best choice then.
Created: 15/2 -2016 16:48:20 Last modified: 24/3 -2016 15:22:04 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:12:23