File: CAN'T STUMP.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Loop)
[_] wont stump Anonymous 02/12/16(Fri)23:48:10 No.3021104
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/16(Fri)23:48:55 No.3021107
Feel the Bern
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:25:18 No.3021139
This is my favorite flash of all time. At least until I find a better one.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:34:40 No.3021143
America is on its way down. The only thing left to see is who they take down with them.
Forgive me if I'm not dazzled by illusory appeals and hollow slogans like "make America great
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:38:39 No.3021147
Shhhh you don't have to say what we're all thinking.
At least contribute to it's downfall by making people believe America can be great again.
No point trying to get everyone's attention and be all like, "Oh look at me I can think for
C'mon m8.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:38:53 No.3021148
glad to see that cheerleader gif is being used well
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:39:27 No.3021149
America will always be #1 kid.
Can't ignore its history.
We created the modern fucking world.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:41:12 No.3021150
America is not past the point of saving... yet.
But its getting close. The cancer needs to be stopped and slowly rooted out soon but that almost
certainly won't be able to happen so... who knows. I still have hope for the old America to
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:43:08 No.3021151
America was #1.
No one said it didn't do great things.
It'll be interesting to see though what will come of it after it's steady decline in the past 30
Will it continue to be shit or will it step up and create war/famine/destruction.
I'm content as a cucumber either way.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:44:11 No.3021152
I have my doubts about saving it I just want it to last long enough for my kids to grow up
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:44:38 No.3021154
Y'all niggers are dumb as hell for thinking that a nation that controls almost an entire
continent and has access to vast and unlimited resources is suddenly going to stop being the most
powerful nation in the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:45:56 No.3021155
>No one said it didn't do great things.
Yeah... but even that is an understatement.
Think of everything the country inspired on a humanity wide basis.
Think of all the modern technology past Americans created.
We accomplished so much.
Its painful watching the country degrade from that. I remember what it felt like to truly love
the country.
Can't give up hope though... things could get better... right?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:51:32 No.3021158
Don't worry Trump will fix everything.
He knows the old ways.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:52:28 No.3021160
Nobody said 'suddenly'.
I'm sure there were many a Roman citizen who looked across at the vast domain of Pax-Romana and
all the wealth and power concentrated within its borders and thought it impossible that its
preeminence could ever fade.
But lo and behold the sun always sets.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)00:53:57 No.3021161
It could for sure.
But not quickly - in fact it's like a race against time.
The long route to remove the cancer may actually not be fast enough to remove the spread of
cancer, so to speak.
A quicker route would be to just have non-nuclear warfare.
Usually when everyone has seen and felt horrors globally they all begin to have purpose all of a
sudden and then you have the greatest minds coming out of the woodwork inventing things that
could catapult us into the next age.
As it stands, globally, we're sitting at a stop sign. Nobody wants to do anything because there's
better things to do - like making money, getting famous, working dead ends jobs to party on the
weekends and fuck chicks, sit around at home on welfare and play video games, the list goes on
and on.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)01:33:50 No.3021197
trump a shit desu senpai
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)01:57:56 No.3021223
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:00:33 No.3021224
You're the reason we're building a wall. Traitors and Illegals will be the first to go.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:02:40 No.3021227
What Laotian cinematography if that girl from?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:04:34 No.3021228
Remember back when short loops on /f/ were short loops and didn't spawn political arguments?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:04:41 No.3021229
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:05:12 No.3021230
you're waifu is trash and anime isn't real
nothing personnel kid
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:05:41 No.3021231
remember back when you sucked off Tyrone for a quarter?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:05:47 No.3021232
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:08:11 No.3021234
Yeah. He had a big dick unlike you.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:09:24 No.3021237
fucking kill yourself you loser
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)02:18:31 No.3021246
Bern in hell.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)03:19:58 No.3021278
song name?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)03:25:27 No.3021283
Darude Trumpstorm
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)03:27:52 No.3021286
Played college ball you know.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)03:31:15 No.3021289
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)03:45:29 No.3021298
If we're going down, we'll take everyone else with us. And we have the stuff to back these words.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)04:03:55 No.3021308
I like this flask, its snappy
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)04:10:34 No.3021310
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)04:11:43 No.3021312
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)04:29:55 No.3021316
>I remember what it felt like to truly love the country.
What are you, sixty? If you're under 40, you need to step right the fuck out, homie, you're
nostalgic over something you didn't ever actually experience.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)04:31:17 No.3021317
I'll just leave this here for you
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)05:01:28 No.3021329
requesting bernie version of this.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)05:10:55 No.3021330
Also requesting this, but use some sort of cuckold anime grill
>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 02/13/16(Sat)05:48:25 No.3021338
Anyone remember when Rome was the top shit in everything?
Then the british empire?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)05:53:50 No.3021339
fucking love this
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)06:59:13 No.3021356
>implying berniefags are smart enough to make a flash
You are funny.