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This is resource WMHNZ0F, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/3 -2016 03:07:50

Ended:2/5 -2016 19:46:44

Checked:2/5 -2016 19:58:27

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8815

Age: 30.69d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 12   Replies: 9   Files: 1+2

>> PancyC 26mar2016(sa)03:05 No.30770 OP P1

Human Fluttershy at Party

Music is "OMFG - Ice Cream (LFZ Remix)"

Art originally by MegaSweet.

[IMG] fluttershy_parties_hard.swf (3.32 MiB)
400x400, Compressed. 1 frame, 29 fps (00:00).
Ver24, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)03:19 No.30772 A P2R1

Yea, if you could never do this again, that'll be great.


>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)05:25 No.30807 B P3R2

no, do this again. but make it in a way that it doesn't limit to the face and boobs.

>> sage 26mar2016(sa)06:56 No.30810 C P4



>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)07:08 No.30811 D P5R3

I disagree. I think this person should make a bunch more of these. Flood this site with them. And
make them choppier in animation. Also, uncompressed so they have a larger file size. Maybe just
focus on the face too, I think the boobs were too generous.

>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)07:11 No.30813 E P6R4

I liked the face,at least.

>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)13:30 No.30823 F P7R5

This still lagged on low quality! How the fuck does such a poorly drawn piece of shit lag so much!?

>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)14:00 No.30824 G P8R6

Don't listen to the negative bastards PancyC, I appreciate the original content. Keep it up and
keep posting them here!

>> Anonymous 26mar2016(sa)15:34 No.30825 H P9R7

>Music wasn't theirs
>Art wasn't even theirs

I'd like to say "You tried", but I'm finding even that a tough sell.

>> PancyC 26mar2016(sa)21:35 No.30828 OP P10R8

As I see it, most flash loops on this site barely use "original" music.

Another thing, I understand this could be classified as unoriginal but if anything its an original
animation, just not necessarily the art is original.

>> Anonymous 27mar2016(su)07:17 No.30842 I P11R9

This is great and it has alot of potential.
Would be great if it was less laggy on a bigger resolution.
4/5 would watch again

>> Anonymous 27mar2016(su)07:19 No.30843 I P12

Also get Flash Player Projector & load the url into it for more fps by playing it on a standalone
flash player.
>> <<
Created: 26/3 -2016 03:07:50 Last modified: 2/5 -2016 19:59:09 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:07:28