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This is resource WP66FPQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/4 -2016 00:14:29

Ended:20/8 -2016 23:24:43

Checked:20/8 -2016 23:39:12

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 2

There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files).

/ > /swf/ > Thread 8933

Age: 125.97d   Health: 0%   Posters: 6   Posts: 6   Replies: 5   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)00:01 No.31442 OP P1

[IMG] BreedingSeason7.4.swf (16.07 MiB)
960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00).
Ver28, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)00:42 No.31444 A P2R1

What's been removed this time?

>> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)02:06 No.31447 B P3R2

7.4 Patch Notes

- New breeding animations: Fbreeder x Dickwolf, Fbreeder x Tigirl, Fbreeder x Titwolf, Fbreeder x
Futa Titwolf, Fbreeder x Dickpup, Fbreeder x Dire Dickwolf
- Bailey's St. Paddy's Day event has been updated! New drinking contest minigame courtesy of Fleet
and a new event animation for the male breeder, as well as a special consumable reward
- A little bit of new storyline content with Margo and Ferris. Not much yet, but it will lead into
a larger storyline with Delilah later (currently it ends before you talk to Delilah).
- There's now a tutorial! Courtesy of ChocoPinkPurin! (tutorial is liable to change as we continue
with the UI updates, but at least this should get new players started for now)

Bug Fixes / Balance
- Colors have been adjusted to be more consistent between different monster types (your pink
catgirl should have pinkish dickwolves, etc) - this might change the colors of some of your
monsters from older saves
- Milftaur and Minotaur colors should work correctly now
- It now snows at the same time in the town and on the ranch
- fix to Amadour event for females

Known Issues
- Due to color changes, some of your monsters from older saves may be new colors now
- There may be some weird game behavior when monsters with disabled traits are obtained
- Some animations are glitchy due to design changes and colors
- Colors are incorrect in a number of pens and animations

>> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)02:41 No.31449 C P4R3

again, not working, move along

>> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)14:25 No.31462 D P5R4

needs sub folder(/media) and files. use installer or compressed files.

>> Anonymous 30jul2016(sa)23:15 No.37139 E P6R5

Breeding Season is Dead

Is official.
Created: 10/4 -2016 00:14:29 Last modified: 21/8 -2016 04:56:27 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:28:57