File: Multiphase flow.swf-(8 KB, 465x465, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/08/16(Tue)23:26:30 No.3038182
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)00:25:30 No.3038229
dope as fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)00:30:59 No.3038235
>messy micelle on micelle action
Oh baby. Too bad it doesn't give you a way to play with the parameters or equations.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)06:50:10 No.3038389
By clicking on an edge and then dragging as far away from the window as possible, you can shoot
out the shapes so forcefully that it devolves into chaos ore-maturely. However, since the screen
isn't full yet, the shapes stabilize again.
By doing this with the right about of screen already filled, I made a constant clock-wise spiral
powered by a reaction moving counter-clockwise. As the reaction passes a section of the spiral,
the shapes reform and keep their motion, and then destabilize into entropy once more as the
reaction swings around.