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Happy New Year!

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This is resource XYNEPOU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/4 -2016 04:01:22

Ended:2/4 -2016 07:41:39

Checked:2/4 -2016 08:27:20

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: saving_puppies.swf-(7.38 MB, 352x262, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)21:57:09 No.3053548

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:03:57 No.3053551


>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:21:00 No.3053562

  my gawd this should be taken down....
  still sick

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:21:50 No.3053564

  well you and whoever taped this can get fucked

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:28:28 No.3053569

  >I like to complain about problems but not actually solve them

  Seriously, the only reason anyone starves to death is because you aren't feeding them

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:32:56 No.3053572

  anyone got the youtube video?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:34:41 No.3053573

  i like my streak like my jews gased not cooked over a open flame.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:37:14 No.3053576

  been so long what was the reason for tossing them in water?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:51:12 No.3053582

  Because it's rural region of Bosnia (or some other former Yugoslavia country, I don't remember)
  and that's the only thing you can do if you get unwanted puppies. They don't have dog shelters.
  Everyone in the village usually already have at least one guard dog so most likely no one will
  need another puppy. And you can't just let them let them free because one day those stray dogs
  will cause lots of trouble.
  And it's not something unusual or shocking even for the first world countries.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)22:51:19 No.3053583

  probably not enough money/people/time to take care of them, better a quick death than death by

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:03:35 No.3053591

  So basically traditional population control (i.e. infanticide) that we now see as literally the
  worst thing possible

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:16:13 No.3053595

  I know it's a bit brutal, but they can't figure out how to snap a neck? They had to throw them
  into the water?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:34:48 No.3053605

  It is a rather traditional thing to drown puppies rather than to snap their necks, perhaps just
  so that the person killing them doesn't have to hear the scream.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:38:59 No.3053606

  snapping a puppy's neck is less brutal than throwing them into a river?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:42:31 No.3053608

  Well at least the puppy dies a bit faster doesn't experience the pain of not having oxygen

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:44:24 No.3053610


>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/16(Fri)23:47:35 No.3053613

  You know that by snapping one's neck, you kill them by a lack of oxygen right? They don't die
  immediately like the movies.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/16(Sat)00:16:47 No.3053628

  >Guaranteed replies

>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/16(Sat)00:42:19 No.3053636

  Don't blame OP, he just reposted it.
  Blame me, I made this flash.
  (glad to see it's not forgotten, thanks)

  All sources were taken down within weeks of the event, due to animal-rights faggotry.
  The master for this flash I posted on my JewTube, and within hours it was deleted and I got a
  A full copy still exists on LiveLeak (watermarked), and a virgin copy still exists on
  DailyMotion. Hunt around for it, you can find it in minutes. I might still have the hi-def copy
  from a news outlet on some old hard drive or another, but I don't even know where to begin
  looking, I have dozens.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/16(Sat)01:36:55 No.3053663
Created: 2/4 -2016 04:01:22 Last modified: 2/4 -2016 08:27:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:08:22