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This is resource YI3L5EF, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/4 -2016 16:36:38

Ended:7/4 -2016 20:40:50

Checked:7/4 -2016 22:01:42

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 85.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Bernie Sanders Neely.swf-(5.6 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)10:19:32 No.3057259

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)10:37:37 No.3057267

  neely I am disapppoint

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:11:51 No.3057286

  You shouldn't be, most of the creative/art sector is pro-bernie. Which I love.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:17:03 No.3057287

  >creative/art sector is pro-bernie.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:18:36 No.3057291

  The response of a man to stupid or immature to come up with a valid argument.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:19:37 No.3057293


>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:21:09 No.3057295

  It's a shame we will never know who or when this flash is about.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:23:30 No.3057296

  Majority of the creative/art sector as you put it are pro-Bernie because they are stupid! As in,
  they're not in STEM... Because they're stupid. Illogical muppets.
  That's why its funny.
  There's no argument to be had.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:27:36 No.3057298

  I don't think that just because somebody chooses a career in art means that they are stupid,
  there are lots of brilliant artists out there. Many of them just love to create and choose it
  over a career where they would make more money because it's something they are passionate about.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:33:13 No.3057301

  No, it does. Either that, or they're flawed. Broken. Doing useless, meaningless, trivial stupid

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:43:54 No.3057307

  I think this comes down to you not liking or being willing to understand and empathize with
  people who think differently than you so you just label all those who oppose your way of thinking
  as stupid. I'm not berating you though, it's a common problem in people from every walk of life.
  But I think you should work on changing that way of thinking as it will lead to a much happier
  outlook on life in general.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:47:37 No.3057309

  No, I used to acknowledge others views however, they're all usually all stupid and irrational, so
  I stopped.

  I'm already happy. I have money, because I went into STEM.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)11:54:06 No.3057313

  How have I not seen this before?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:01:35 No.3057321

  Dude, seriously, this isn't your place. Just get out already, we really don't want you here. Go
  somewhere else, we beg you. I'm for real here, not trying to offend you or anything.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:11:03 No.3057330

  >Directs insult at someone but doesn't link to a post.
  What a dumbass.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:17:25 No.3057336

  Obviously referring to the original post/poster.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:19:49 No.3057340

  Well I'm not seeing any more opposition and hate in this thread than the trump posts. If anything
  it's less.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:21:50 No.3057343

  >bernbro asking for people to be valid
  Bitch I actually troll bernie supporters by being logical. They fucking hate logic and only know
  how to use fallacies in response. They are among the dumbest people I've ever seen in my life.
  And furthermore, fuck you for supporting an aurthoritarian bastard like this guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:36:58 No.3057354

  Trump supporter triggered.
  >Supports Trump
  >Tries to take the logic high ground

  Make up your mind, either you're a logical functioning human or you're a rabid trump supporter,
  you can't logically be both.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:13:51 No.3057372

  You can if anger is the logical response to the modern world.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:15:27 No.3057375

  if you're implying that the fact that most of the creative/art sector is pro-bernie is a reason
  that bernie sanders should be president you should kill yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:19:34 No.3057376

  How can you be a Bernie supporter AND be logical at the same time? Bernie has 0% chance of
  winning the primaries.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:25:03 No.3057381

  I understand he has a very slim chance but I still support him because I feel it's the right
  thing to do. It's not about winning or losing it's about supporting who I think would make the
  best president.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:25:17 No.3057382

  Bitch I ain't a trump supporter, I'm not even a republican.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:26:40 No.3057383

  Sure, that's a good EMOTIONAL reason. However, you cannot take a logical stance or criticize
  someone for being illogical if you support Sanders.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:26:52 No.3057384

  No you don't seem to understand. He has literally already lost. There are not enough delegates
  left for him to take the win, and yet his supporters are still deluding themselves into believing
  that there's a possibility because he's chosen to continue taking their money.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:30:44 No.3057387

  The logic behind it is to show the politicians that people are getting tired of the
  establishment, even if neither Trump or Bernie win the primary the message will be clear from
  their relative success that people want real change on both sides of the political spectrum.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:32:19 No.3057388

  Not if the Shebeast is linked back to the shit in Panama.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:32:38 No.3057389

  Bernie is an establishment candidate. He wants to grow the size and power of government, that's
  literally the only thing the establishment cares about overall because the establishment is the

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:34:25 No.3057390

  Again, that's a good EMOTIONAL reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:34:25 No.3057391

  Even as a Trump supporter I understand that he's anti-establishment, Why are you pulling
  arguments out of your ass when there are plenty of valid arguments against Bernie?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:36:23 No.3057396

  Now you're just slapping the word emotional onto to stuff to make them seem invalid.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:39:37 No.3057400

  >Even as a Trump supporter I understand that he's anti-establishment,
  How is giving the government control over college "anti-establishment"?

  It's not. It's advocating the total destruction of higher academia. It will only further in
  solidifying college as Highschool 2.0, once again coming at the total expense of STEM related

  Repeat after me:
  College should NOT be free.
  College should be designed for career preparation.
  Colleges should be held accountable for ensuring that students are employable.
  If colleges are not accountable for student employment, then they are not good for the economy.

  Now say it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:43:47 No.3057406

  >Even as a Trump supporter I understand that he's anti-establishment
  Then, even as a Trump supporter, you are fucking incorrect.

  > Why are you pulling arguments out of your ass when there are plenty of valid arguments against
  The man is an authoritarian 100%, this isn't even fucking disputable, and it is a valid point
  against him. It's arguably the most important thing to mention.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:43:54 No.3057407

  College shouldn't be free but it also shouldn't be prohibitively expensive either.
  Colleges should be designed to further knowledge not prepare you for a career, the career is
  Colleges have no obligations to make sure you are employable.
  Not everything has to be for the betterment of the economy.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:45:13 No.3057408

  Emotional arguments =/= logical arguments.

  That was my point to begin with.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:45:30 No.3057409

  If you want to go somewhere to prepare you for a fucking job go to a trade school dumbass.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:45:43 No.3057410

  >Which I love.

  Bernie is an awful candidate. He's a career politician with zero real work experience and is
  completely out of touch with anyone or anything job oriented. Which is why he's doing something
  as fucking stupid as giving free degrees to oversaturated fields like liberal arts at the expense
  of the american public.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:46:49 No.3057412

  Instead of making colleges free, then make trade school free.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:49:38 No.3057415

  >College shouldn't be free but it also shouldn't be prohibitively expensive either.
  Not a problem that can be fixed by the government, though, since price controls don't work.

  You didn't even mention how all of his policy positions have been proven to be economically
  impossible and only like a fringe handful of crony economists agree that his policies are viable.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:50:21 No.3057416

  >Colleges have no obligations to make sure you are employable.
  Why don't you understand or realize how serious of a problem this is?
  Why does NOBODY hold colleges accountable for their total failure to enable students to get

  All of these retarded faggots keep trying to blame everyone else for their failure to be
  economically sound except for the one place that put them into debt in the first place. It's not
  wallstreet's fault that the easiest path (the path that these people constantly take) towards a
  degree happened to be dead end majors.

  Until colleges play a part in directing students towards degrees with high demand, we will
  perpetually have baristas with BAs in english.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:51:00 No.3057417

  I can agree with that. I also think that trade schools should offer a more diverse selection of
  programs and more common in communities. There's only a handful of them in my state and all of
  them offer the same 3 or 4 programs. I'd have to Go two states over to get training to be a
  painter or drywaller and two states over the opposite direction if I wanted to get technical
  training in Forestry.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:52:23 No.3057420

  The fact that you can agree with making any services "free" only shows that you have the economic
  understanding of a fucking goldfish.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:55:11 No.3057422

  You sound like a dumb faggot who barely scraped by with a degree in biology and now you can't
  find a job because that field is barely hiring for any jobs worth working and only taking the
  straight A graduates.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:56:12 No.3057425

  Not everything has to be for the betterment of the economy.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:58:24 No.3057427

  There is a difference between something not being for the betterment of society and something
  being a justification for societal plunder of money in order to provide certain things. That's
  not just a lack of economic growth, that's economic destruction.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:58:55 No.3057428

  Bernie will beat up Trump.
  We need a candidate who cares about minorities and Trump only cares about ghosts.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:00:02 No.3057429

  >Implying society and economy are the same thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:00:07 No.3057430

  >Bernie will beat up Trump.
  Except no he won't, because he's already lost the primaries against Hillary.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:00:11 No.3057431

  >Trump only cares about ghosts
  Ironic when Bernie is the one who won't stop talking about spooks

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:00:36 No.3057432

  You sound like a retard that completely missed what I was getting at.

  Do you really want to see your tax dollars directed towards gender studies and philosophy majors?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:01:03 No.3057433

  And Ghost only cares about Trump.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:02:04 No.3057435

  Sure, I don't see anything wrong with that. It helps broaden people's perspectives on life.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:02:15 No.3057436

  They fucking are you faggot. The economy is the source of society's prosperity, because the
  economy is the people in society acting to improve their own person lots in life. If you harm the
  economy, you harm society by extension, because markets are people.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:03:05 No.3057437

  It scares me when 4chan starts sounding like my idiot bigot teaparty father.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:04:32 No.3057439

  You asked the wrong question, because what >>3057435 doesn't realize is that they can't consent
  to how taxes are used, so their approval of how it is used is irrelevant to the fact that
  taxation is compulsory.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:05:18 No.3057440

  really glad i wasted my time watching that entire thing

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:05:48 No.3057441

  Nobody gives a fuck about your problems. Go write blog posts somewhere else.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:06:01 No.3057442

  That broad perspective sure helps when you're behind the cash register at Walmart.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:06:23 No.3057443

  >It helps broaden people's perspectives on life.
  To what end?

  To become perpetual whiners who actively seek to abuse the system provided to them as opposed to
  utilizing it?
  To indoctrinate others into being chronically offended and generally unsatisfied with their lack
  of direction?

  Every liberal arts major I fucking know is the whiniest fucking sad sack in the world, yet they
  are constantly insistent on telling others how they should live their lives despite their total
  inability to get theirselves on track. And when confronted about it, they back themselves into
  denial and convince themselves that they were happy all along, despite the fact that they were
  complaining about their depression 12 minutes before.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:07:10 No.3057445


>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:07:50 No.3057447

  It scares me when I start realizing that your father was probably right all along.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:09:08 No.3057448

  Even if they end up working at walmart they can use their knowledge gained in college to help
  them raise a kid who doesn't grow up to be a bigoted fuckwit who would vote for someone like Trump

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:09:51 No.3057449

  Just be aware that people have different views.
  Leftists think those on the right are evil crazy bigots because the TV told them to believe that.
  Rightists think those on the left are evil crazy brainwashed bigots with no common sense or

  Regardless of my own positions it always bothers me when I see people on either side acting
  arrogantly and acting like everyone believes what they think and that they are just naturally
  Maybe I didn't say that well but the point is the people on the other side look at you with the
  same disgust and misunderstand as you look at them and there are plenty of people on both sides.
  So try to be more open minded and realize that just because you feel you're right doesn't mean
  you actually are nor does it make your views more valuable then others. In a democracy each
  persons views has the same value no matter how different they are.

  Then again I do feel that the people on the right tend to be more "correct" if only because
  actual facts tend to support them.
  The left is mostly about emotional appeals and illogical ideas and alot of their arguments kind
  of crumble when faced with actual facts.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:11:31 No.3057450

  I'm flabbergasted with just how out of wack your priorities are.

  Doesn't matter if your child is successful, happy, or has kids of his own. No, all that matters
  is that your child knows to be offended in all the right ways. She'll grow up to be stupid,
  skillless, and eventually sell herself on the streets.

  But hey, at least she's not a fuckin' bigot, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:12:10 No.3057452

  I think the Right is full of crazy bigots from reading facebook posts and 4chan. It's not
  something major media had any part of, I don't watch TV or listen to the radio or browse any
  major news or political site. Hell I don't even have to go any further than the yearly family
  reunion to see what terrible people the right wing extremists and teaparty supporters are.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:12:27 No.3057453

  >Until colleges play a part in directing students towards degrees with high demand, we will
  perpetually have baristas with BAs in english.

  No, what will happen then is:

  1. Depreciation of STEM to make it more accessible to more paying customers

  2. The defunding of non-STEM programs in public universities. You know, the ones that shouldn't
  be in it for the money and were made to be a center of discovery for most applied creative human

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:12:33 No.3057454

  >Dear blog, today I was a faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:13:14 No.3057455

  I like that you think that people can't be happy working a regular job. That's adorable. You're
  obviously in your early 20's at the oldest.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:14:23 No.3057456

  >1. Depreciation of STEM to make it more accessible to more paying customers
  That... doesn't even make any sense.

  Are you seriously asserting that response to holding colleges accountable for employment is to
  make their graduates unemployable?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:14:32 No.3057457

  >Ironic when Bernie is the one who won't stop talking about spooks

  I don't understand, is that a slur for whites? I can only think its whites, since I can only
  think of the name referring to looking like a ghost.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:14:38 No.3057458

  ITT: STEMfags think they are god's gift to humanity.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:16:12 No.3057459

  I couldn't afford college.

  If liberal art majors are detested, I don't want to know where I am on the scale.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:16:58 No.3057461

  Don't worry about it anon, these guys are just elitist assholes.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:17:34 No.3057462

  >I like that you think that people can't be happy working a regular job.
  I like how you think that money doesn't matter; until you're in debt, of course, then it's I

  Intelligence without a means to success means nothing. Being the smartest man in the world does
  no good when you have neither the skills nor the means to utilize your knowledge.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:17:43 No.3057463

  >Many academics at universities are liberal


>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:18:06 No.3057464


  Side note: Some trade schools already are free.

  For instance, plumbing trade school where I live is paid for by the union. You know what you need
  to be able to apply for it? A driver's licence. That's it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:18:35 No.3057466

  >He said, ironically posting from a computer connected to the internet

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:19:18 No.3057467

  Honestly, I only hate liberal arts majors because it's a waste of money and they think they're
  hot shit for getting easy degrees. I'd rather work with someone who never went to college than
  some asshole who's too stupid to realize he just wasted his time.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:21:14 No.3057470

  Yeah, if it weren't for those Mathematicians, we wouldn't even have 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:21:22 No.3057471


>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:24:49 No.3057473

  >idiot bigot bigot idiot bigot idiot bigot
  I hope you don't talk like this in real life.

  I can't imagine that anyone takes you seriously.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:24:57 No.3057474

  >he thinks there's no mathematics involved in computer networking
  U N S K I L L E D

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:32:19 No.3057479

  E L I T I S T

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)14:39:36 No.3057484

  This thread got completely out of hand.
Created: 7/4 -2016 16:36:38 Last modified: 7/4 -2016 22:02:33 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:50:21