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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Rondo_Veneziano_Medley.swf-(9.47 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] techno baroque 4 teh win Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)14:01:00 No.3050501 >>3050375 reminded me of this. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)14:12:08 No.3050512 If anyone is wondering why I'm responding to a post that has been gone from the board for hours, it is because windows 10 had the great idea of delighting me with a blue screen of death, which was the third in two days, while I was searching for this file. This was of course because it decided that it didn't like that I was using the official ASUS drivers for my ASUS manufactured trackpad which had been installed for half a year then. The solution for this apparently was unninstalling said drivers and using the generic microsoft ones that would take away half of the functionalities I paid for. And reinstalling .NET framework. Beacause it doesn't matter what the issue is and it doesn't matter how recent the installation is, .NET framework will always corrupt and you will always have to reinstall it. This year alone I've gotten 5 different .NET framework errors which required me to reinstall 3 different versions and only once did the "turn features on and off" thing work; every other time I had to spend hours or days reading the same guides I had read a month ago; trying half a dozen different utilities that claimed to work but didn't; modyfying the registry, the system variables, and even the global assembly cache; looking at some angsty 16 year old type shit on notepad in broken english; and reading "I pm'd you thne fix" and "don't necropost" until I wanted to cry, while wondering why so many things depended so heavily in a piece of software that is so prone to break. And worst of all is that the same fixing method will never work twice. So this time I decided it would be better to just format the disk make a fresh windows 7 installation with the sp1 and every update microsoft wanted to shove up my ass and be done with it. >> [_] Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)14:13:44 No.3050515 God damn, the QUALITY and PERSPECTIVE in this. >>3050512 Good for you. Fuck Win10. Shits literally pre-alpha software. They fired half the Windows QA testers. >> [_] Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)14:14:19 No.3050517 FUCK THE POST LENGTH LIMIT I'mwritingfromthatinstallationnowandIswearupontheholynameofGodalmightythatifIhavetor einstall.NETframeworkanothertimethisyearI'mgoingtofindthesadisticpieceofshitwhocoded thatabomination,burnhishouse,dogandfamilykidnaphim,bringhimtosomeabandonednuclearshe lterinoneofthegodforsakensatellitecountriesoftheformerUSSR,buyadozenofIndianslavesan dturnthatbunkerintoahellishcontraptionthatconductsthediarrheaoftheeternallydefecatin gpajeetsconstantlyfedwithamixtureofsurströmmingandlaxativestoatankwhereitwillferment untilanautomateddispenserprogrammedtoactivateeverytimea.NETrelatedqueryissubmittedto'stimefordin-dins.AndafterI'mdonewiththatIwillinstallw indows98beacusethelastmutantscavengerpoblatingthescorchedcinderthatwasoncetheearthwi lldieofAIDSbeforethedayIuselinuxandtheaberrationthatiswinetoplay videogames. >> [_] Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)14:42:06 No.3050521 This started out good, both the music and the animation, but after the first part it really started to go all over the place. The animation went from adventure to lolwut and the music went from an intense build up to some flowery drama. >> [_] Anonymous 03/28/16(Mon)18:28:22 No.3050642 >>3050517 Yes, yes.... let the hate consume you... |