File: whiteboard.swf-(338 KB, 1050x640, Porn)
[_] Can you answer this question? Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:18:01 No.3057337
I was in a thread in the middle of the board with the flash "Loves me not". It was marked for
deletion because it was old, but it was still in the middle of the board so it should have been
around for an hour or more. I was posting a reply in the thread, but I got the error message
saying the thread no longer existed.
There was no reason for it to disappear, so where did it go? Somebody had made a dig at the
government saying they should get rid of it and live like a hippy, but that shouldn't have been
anything noteworthy right?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:40:38 No.3057357
/f/ doesn't work like other boards
there are always 30 flashes present and the thing is when you post a flash it gets deleted after
another 30 flashes get posted it's called pruning
when you see in the thread that it is old it means it gets pruned soon and the bar is also marked
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:41:39 No.3057358
found it with quick archive search. learn to do it yourself in future
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)12:43:28 No.3057359
Also, no hate but in the future if you have a question at least post it with something
interesting that isn't posted often or OC.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/16(Thu)13:46:39 No.3057411
I can't make OC, I have no talent with anything whatsoever.
I thought things got pruned when they reached the bottom of the board
Right, thanks, I'm new and didnt know about the archive.