File: CAN'T STUMP.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)15:17:20 No.3039191
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)15:47:08 No.3039205
These are men who masturbate to anime.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)15:52:44 No.3039209
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)17:42:39 No.3039261
sauce on the girl?
>inb4 google the swf
I already did.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)18:16:20 No.3039283
fan drawing of a kancolle girl, not sure which
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)18:25:38 No.3039289
try 4plebs
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)18:53:12 No.3039299
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)19:00:47 No.3039304
I'm getting real fucking tired of all these /pol/ crossboarders, most of whom are just reddit
You realize in 2 years you'll bitch about whoever is president, even if you voted for them? Or
let me guess, this is your first election and you're still a college kid?
Either way fuck and keep to politics on /pol/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)19:43:14 No.3039325
well again not a big trump supporter but cruz having been in bush's cabinet under condoleza rice
tells me he isn't the outside he is trying to portray himself as... unfortunately looks like
trump is it
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)19:45:26 No.3039327
The sauce on the song, for those who were wondering.
I fucking love Junior Senior.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)19:56:17 No.3039334
found this on cruchyroll while the fanart is very good its not exact the girl you are looking for
is shikinami in the 4th fleet
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)19:59:18 No.3039335
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)20:03:44 No.3039339
pretty sure most of the people posting this are trolls, i personally find it funny lol, trump is
a meme
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)20:04:36 No.3039340
debate soon fellow centipedes
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)20:10:17 No.3039344
>don't post flashes to /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/16(Thu)20:54:14 No.3039365
>Don't post American political flashes on a board originally meant for Japanese related shit
I understand there's a lot of leeway on this board in regards to japanese related flashes, but
politics should stay in /pol/, and not just for /f/, but for all boards.
It's like bronies leaving /mlp/ and posting their porn all over every other board. It's annoying,
doesn't belong there, and makes your candidate or whatever you're posting look like a force
reddit meme.