File: Man Children.swf-(9.48 MB, 848x480, Game)
[_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:24:51 No.3044129
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:29:28 No.3044134
Oh shit, he got me good.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:35:03 No.3044139
No fun allowed. I mean holy shit. Shows and books and games were made through hard work and a
dedicated team so people could enjoy themselves when they have free time. Whether it's anime or
it's science fiction or greek epics, it was made for entertainment. His judgement of others based
off of their preferred medium of enjoyment just shows his immaturity and closed mind.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:37:52 No.3044141
Try hard faggot. Just because you get over 18 doesn't mean you can't have fun anymore.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:43:26 No.3044148
The guy talking is almost as bad as OP for posting this. Seriously post a real swf or get the
fuck out.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:44:22 No.3044149
This is the guy who taught us how to piss in public without getting caught.
I can only laugh after watching this.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:46:11 No.3044150
I find the fact that he looks pretentious as fuck hilarious.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)00:47:28 No.3044152
video games are for nerds
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:00:08 No.3044157
Do you think Gavin would be triggered if he knew about the 2hus?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:09:32 No.3044161
I would just like to point out that hipsters are fagets
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:22:54 No.3044166
I bet this guy is fun at parties
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:26:20 No.3044167
Behold, the mating call of the Redditor: whining about pointless shit in an attempt to make
himself seem superior to those around him.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:26:20 No.3044168
Kinda does.
So play games as a hobby all your free time? That's fine when your free time is maybe an hour a
week. I mean, I waste a lot of time, but hey, this guy's got a point.
I bet that guy has something to talk about desu.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:27:21 No.3044169
Why is it pointless?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:29:47 No.3044170
That's what I was thinking.
No fun allowed. Unless it meets some arbitrarily defined standard apparently. I'm not even sure
what is actually allowed here.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:33:42 No.3044172
Because a neckbeard NEET playing vidya all day has no effect on his life.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:40:47 No.3044178
seriously tho fuck off
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)01:45:25 No.3044184
I don't agree with what the guy says either, but the butthurt is strong in this thread. Lol,
damn, people. I thought you learned long ago that you never take the internet serious.
>> [_] sage man 03/19/16(Sat)02:06:48 No.3044199
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:14:01 No.3044205
guaranteed replies, guaranteed to rustle jimmies.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:17:08 No.3044207
He's right though.
Occasionally playing a video game might be ok but if you do it on any consistent basis then
you're most likely either a man child or a homosexual.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:22:11 No.3044210
Oh no. Someone spending their free time in a way I don't see fit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:23:33 No.3044213
Most gamers I have hung out with were gay.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:28:17 No.3044219
Behold the mating call of a newfag, referencing reddit like it makes him cool
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:32:22 No.3044227
And most gamers I've hung out with have been straight.
Your point?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:34:43 No.3044230
>Your point?
im gay
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:37:24 No.3044231
>paying attention to The Rebel
>literally ever
I'm just mad that I wasted 9.5 megs on this shit-spewing fuckwit's rant. I want me megs back.
"The Rebel" is worse than Fox. It's worse than fucking CNN. It's basically a bunch of socially
retarded tryhards screaming "notice me notice me!" into the void. It's the antithesis of all
forms of meaningful discussion. Charlie Hebdo got shot because they were being stupid and were
making points. Nobody will ever shoot up The Rebel because they have never made a point in their
entire journalistic history. They're literally too stupid to insult Muslims -- that'd be a talent
if it wasn't the conceptual opposite of what they claim to be. If you gave /b/ a megaphone and
told them to imitate /pol/, The Rebel is what the result would be. It's the single greatest waste
of space, matter, and energy that persists in this unjust universe.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:40:08 No.3044232
t. butthurt
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:41:18 No.3044234
thats because you exclusively hang out with gay men. some were bound to be gamers.
In any case, this faggot is drawing conclusions based on cultural standards anyway, which
probably detracts from what im guessing was the point of his video (sexism in video games?).
Yes, video games are a waste of time, but the pursuit of every human ever is to waste time as
comfortably as possible. Ancient hunter/gatherers would work for about 3-4 hours a day and kick
it for the rest. If the anxiety of believing others are judging him for reading fiction or
playing games is keeping him from being comfortable doing those things, he must be pretty
Its obvious he is close minded because he is insecure. That said, weebs and sperglords do need a
reality check.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:45:06 No.3044239
I'm just surprised that it hasn't caught the attention of western media already.
Japan has a sick culture that revolves around single childless men masturbating to little magical
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)02:53:24 No.3044243
So men shouldn't have anything they enjoy if it doesn't involve something that could one day be
of use to someone i.e. repairing, and carpeting.
Wow, good thing his opinion is just that, a shitty opinion
>> [_] ayylien1 !B.Y/ygldyM 03/19/16(Sat)03:01:27 No.3044248
He's right about the part about the ''gamer'' title. People always say ''I'm a gamer!'' like it's
some sort of real-life achievement. As he said, people don't say ''I'm a WATCH TV-ER''.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:03:13 No.3044249
Well, he's not wrong.
>> [_] Pewds 03/19/16(Sat)03:05:19 No.3044251
Considering the wealth and celebrity gaming has brought me why shouldn't I be proud of being a
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:07:33 No.3044254
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:08:55 No.3044255
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:12:00 No.3044257
this is to troll the young, vulnerable /v/ folks isn't it?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:13:01 No.3044259
It's funny because its true.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:15:03 No.3044262
>i don't pay taxes
>i don't think a fat slob wasting welfare money has an effect on taxpayers
Found the NEET.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:17:29 No.3044264
NEET's aren't always on welfare and taxes are a socialist scam.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:24:12 No.3044267
This. I was a NEET for over a year and I was living off my savings. Fucking government told me I
owed them $1400 for not having health insurance though, fucking bastards.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:26:04 No.3044268
Not paying taxes is a good thing. As for "wasting welfare money" it was already wasted when it
was taxed you dipshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:31:28 No.3044272
>it was already wasted when it was taxed
>there are no legitimate cases of people getting fucked over by the government/corporations and
needing help to support their families.
Also, what does not paying taxes have to do with anything? I'm talking about fat fucks not being
able to support themselves and being a drain on society. I suppose terrible reading comprehension
is a prerequisite for being a NEET though, so it makes sense you're fucking retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:32:04 No.3044273
shit man, i dont know
i understand that video games are a pointless waste of time
i understand that neets and neckbeards need a reality check
but what the fuck, its okay to be a zombie in front of a tv, but not if you have an interactive
tv with a controller?
hes so inflammatory, and goes on this rant for what seems like no purpose other than self
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:34:26 No.3044276
Your right.
Instead they call themselves "TV buffs".
Before you go off on me yes I have heard people describe themselves as that.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:35:00 No.3044277
>"there are no legitimate cases of people getting fucked over by the government/corporations and
needing help to support their families."
>problems created by government
>"gee, I know, let's get the government to fix it, because that never backfires!"
>"Also, what does not paying taxes have to do with anything? I'm talking about fat fucks not
being able to support themselves and being a drain on society."
So you mean like tax collectors? Compared to them, a NEET is a fucking saint to society.
>"I suppose terrible reading comprehension is a prerequisite for being a NEET though, so it makes
sense you're fucking retarded."
I just wanted to point out how twisted your priorities were. Not my fault if you can't see,
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:36:55 No.3044278
You're autistic. I'm incredibly small government. When you're already being taxed, however, I'd
rather see the taxes go to something worthwhile. Not some fat fuck who sits at home all day
playing video games.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:39:56 No.3044279
>When you're already being taxed, however, I'd rather see the taxes go to something worthwhile.
Not some fat fuck who sits at home all day playing video games.
But rather the whole point of the existence of taxes is that you don't get to chose what happens
to them.
You would sooner bitch about somebody using money that was taxed than you would about the
institution that collects them to begin with, that tells me all I need to know.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:42:50 No.3044283
Every once in a while, something comes along with guaranteed replies in /f/. Too bad, it's always
something that is intended to rustle jimmies, instead of something constructive. Oh well. Such is
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:43:35 No.3044284
do you not understand the point of government?
do you not understand why we have taxes?
are you some sixteen year old communist/anarchist?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:44:04 No.3044285
That I'm realistic and understand that taxes are a part of life? I don't have to like them or
agree with them, but I'm mature enough to accept that whether or not I think they're fundamental
to a functioning society, the government is going to tax me. Of course I'm going to bitch about
someone using MY tax money. It's money I never wanted to give up in the first place. Again,
you're retarded if you think the two issues are mutually exclusive. Why can't I hate the
government AND the people taking advantage of it?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:45:21 No.3044287
Says the man wearing male feminist glasses, a totally unironic hipster beard, slicked back
douchbag hair, and Dad from the 50s clothes.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:48:25 No.3044290
Also >>3044254 .
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:53:26 No.3044292
>do you not understand why we have taxes?
We have taxes so that the Establishment can maintain their power over us and make sure no
individuals gain too much power.
There is no legitimate need for taxation as the free market can do everything the Government does
cheaper and better and with way less waste/corruption due to competition.
Need roads built? Someone will do it if you pay them. Taxes are a scam and have always been a
scam. You do realize that taxes haven't always existed and the IRS didn't always exist right?
America had a long and far more successfull history before a couple of rich men subverted the
country and introduced them.
Anyway keep being a GOOD GOY.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:54:29 No.3044293
>I think they're fundamental to a functioning society
Yeah except America didn't always have taxes...
You like everyone else was taught that it is NEEDED and you just gotta accept it and that is the
beauty of the scam.
Wake up sheeple.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:54:57 No.3044294
spoilers, the Rebel is the canadian equivalent of glenn beck's The Blaze :^)
keep clapping those burgers, though
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)03:56:01 No.3044295
I guess you got me, or something. The worst part is that I agree with everything in >>3044292
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:06:59 No.3044296
How does that debunk any of what I said moose fucker?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:07:30 No.3044297
I wonder what this guy has to say to people who play chess or cards?
Or how about watch football? Or racing? Or enjoy music or art?
Does this guy think anything that's not engineering is vulgar masturbation? His opinions seem
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:09:21 No.3044298
You and pretty much everyone else in the thread share that opinion.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:10:59 No.3044299
Eh, sorry for being an asshole.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:19:39 No.3044302
The worst part is because it got so many replies you just know it's going to be posted again.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:42:00 No.3044308
You realise that taxes don't go into some imaginary pot from which roads burst forth, don't you?
The taxes you pay that go to roads are paid to businesses that do the work
It's the same for every industry, take healthcare for example, taxes go towards it, and pay
doctors wages, and buy bandages and penicillin
And speaking of healthcare, Americans are always so proud of their private system, yet per capita
healthcare spending in the USA is over double that of the UK with public healthcare, paid for by
And bear in mind that this is for a lower standard of care than is provided by both the UK
Do you honestly just ignore the writing on the wall where this sort of stuff is concerned?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:48:25 No.3044312
posting in epic thread
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:53:41 No.3044313
They tried that with firefighters, really didn't work well at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:56:27 No.3044314
Tried it with prisons too, hilarity ensued.
But some people will continue to "muh free market" even in the face of overwhelming contradictory
evidence as to its efficacy
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:58:33 No.3044315
That wasn't exactly the point he was trying to make though. He's saying taxes are unnecessary as
a whole because "if someone wanted it done, they'd pay for it."
The better point of attack would have been at saying something like "who decides when to invest
in something like a road, and if it's for the good of everyone, how do you distribute the cost?"
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)04:59:35 No.3044316
Don't get me wrong, I love the free market and think that in a lot of cases its the better
choice. But things like military, police, and firefighters shouldn't be privatized. Mostly
because introducing competition into something that needs to happen right goddamn now causes
people to die.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)05:08:20 No.3044317
They are called public goods, and you are right, they should all be publicised.
I got a little sidetracked with the healthcare stuff, it's true. It really rustles my jimmies
when Americans tell me that their free market is inherently more effective/efficient/better at
distributing public goods than a government. Their own healthcare/firefighters/prisons that went
private prove exactly the opposite.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)05:10:29 No.3044318
That's because no one's ever learned the valuable lesson about feeding trolls.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)05:16:05 No.3044319
Fair enough. I know the system we have is totally fucked by hey what can ya do.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)05:41:19 No.3044330
That's right Old Man. Batman ISN'T for kids. The show with Adam West doesn't count. Sorry.
>feminist glasses
It's funny because he's as anti-feminist as you can get
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)05:51:07 No.3044332
This isn't even that epic. This has the truly epic threads:
Some are great, some are bait.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)06:35:49 No.3044345
No anon, I don't think it's a coincidence that you hang around gay people a lot
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)06:48:26 No.3044348
>hurr people cant have fun
tears are delicious
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:22:39 No.3044359
How you love the things you do matters more than what you love. What you love has implications of
what kind of person you could be. Most of the time you will fit into people's descriptive boxes.
Thing is though, life defies expectation. You are that box and more. Live in it, own it, and love
it. Fuck what anyone else says, build your own sense of cosmic order. You are way beyond any
generalization that anyone could ever make.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:28:05 No.3044361
almost reach 80
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:29:35 No.3044364
why does /f/ get such long threads these days
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:31:54 No.3044367
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:34:33 No.3044369
More Bait!
go to 90
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:38:17 No.3044370
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:45:52 No.3044372
now 81
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)07:57:55 No.3044376
I'm the one who honestly liked it?
Goddammit, stop being so delusional and on the defensive.
It's pathetic this new "nerd pride" frenzy. It's pathetic to wear diapers after adulthood, yes,
this don't harm thirds and it's a fun hobby to some, but it's pathetic nonetherless.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:02:51 No.3044377
>>3044376 same thing with watching a bunch o men run around a field in spandex, jumping on each
other for control of an oversized suppository... And yet there's very little social stigma
attached to that passtime in the US...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:16:25 No.3044379
It's "better" than colliseum fights, but please kid, do you know that sports is just a civilized
war, don't you?
Sport is not about spandex, but about warring against other humans without having to kill them,
it's the basic about humanity, trying to achieve the best physical conditioning and control than
the enemy.
Yes, the fanboyism and devotion to certain sport is equally pathetic and shamed, but this
oversimplification was fedora-level("hurr, we are all going to die, so eating shit has the same
value than finding the cure of cancer"), try again.
And no, your game (or chess), is not sport.
>> [_] Let's get to 100 replies 03/19/16(Sat)08:22:49 No.3044380
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:23:36 No.3044381
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:24:31 No.3044382
>hurr hurr le sports is war
no its a fucking game
don't belittle war
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:26:49 No.3044383
>don't belittle war
Teenagers being send to desert to fight for Israel for his holy right to keep being mutilated at
So glorious and honorable.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:29:27 No.3044384
Wow you're a huge faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:53:07 No.3044387
Yeah, mhmm tell me how noble your pursuit is over mine... You out there scoring that extra point
for the Gipper, then? Get back to me about my passtimes when you got that bowl ring.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)08:56:36 No.3044388
>MY game is a spiritual metaphorical representation of martial battle against another and YOUR
game is just childish doo doo!
Haha, wow, and you have the gall to call anyone immature. Competition is competition whether
that's sweaty men in spandex slamming their bodies together or two dudes moving pieces in an
>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/16(Sat)09:01:11 No.3044391
Ah, that reminds me- Did DeepMind take the latest round, or the human?