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This is the wiki page for Flash #165740
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starfire_loop(blackfire_edit)-be ta-1.swf
3,22 MiB, 00:08 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 10/1 -2015 05:43:40 Ended: 22/2 -2015 12:24:23Flashes: ~2 Posts: 34
/ > /fap/ > Thread 6508 Age: 43.25d Health: 34% Posters: 18 Posts: 34 Replies: 30 Files: 1+3
>> Nanonymous 17057 yet another zone "hack" not mine [IMG] starfire_loop(blackfire_edit)-beta-1.swf (3.22 MiB) 1280x720, Uncompressed. 186 frames, 24 fps (00:08). Ver12, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 17062 >># what exactly is hacked here? looks like the zone's first animated loop to me
>> Anon 17064 >># are you colorblind?
>> Anon 17067 >># Changed from blackfire to starfire and a belt strap removed.
>> Anon 17077 ah i see
>> Anon 17097 I totally didn't remember that the original starred Blackfire. The old ZTVs were about Starfire. Then again, I'm not very familiar with the series.
>> Anon 17114 >># You should watch it then. Teen Titans is actually really good. It's basically Justice Leauge with anime-like humor.
>> Anon 17116 eyes are wrong, but otherwise it looks okay. >># yeah, Teen Titans was pretty baller. new series sucks though, lol randumb humor was never teen titans thing, more like white people making an anime.
>> Anon 17124 >># yeah... the so called new series sucks ass. >more like white people making an anime. Dude, what? Was there a scene of Cyborg eating KFC and water melon I didn't get? Don't start with this 'white people', 'black people' bullshit. It's the sole fault of the two fucking retards responsible for the script. They didn't even watch the old show before they made the new one. That's also why BeastBoy is eating meat in some scenes, despite beeing a Vegan... and pretty much everything else beeing wrong. The old show and other good ones, like Avatar, were also done by 'white people' and had plenty of anime influence. And it was awesome!
>> Anon 17127 >># >tfw he said nothing about black people
>> Anon 17129 >># What if I told you: I never said he did. Neither did I. If he had said: >more like american/western people making an anime. I'd still disagree, for the same reasons I mentioned, but I wouldn't be as unnerved. You can't just poke fun at 'white people' specifically and pretend it's not racist. >Don't start with this 'white people', 'black people' bullshit. People are people and for all I care they could be checkered.
>> Anon 17130 >># If anything they were being more white-asians than white-blacks. The point they were making is that anime is an asian product, as far as I'm aware you can't actually produce the style outside of Japan without a merit to say so or something to that effect. The point they were making is that it wasn't anime but it might as well have been.
>> Anon 17135 >># >The point they were making is that it wasn't anime but it might as well have been. I'm afraid you didn't get the point. No offence, really. (Most people say that to not seem the ass they are, but I catually want to clarify here) Just re-read these parts: him: >># >new series sucks though, lol randumb humor was never teen titans thing, more like white people making an anime. >negative statement. white people making anime. me: >># >The old show and other good ones, like Avatar, were also done by 'white people' and had plenty of anime influence. And it was awesome! >western shows. Anime influence. ... dafuq am I doing with my time discussing on the internet anyway? *flys away on the book of Azarath*
>> Anon 17138 >># Hey we all gotta waste our time in some way, might as well be here!
>> Anon 17139 As this is not tumblr please leave your tumblr shit at tumblr, thank you.
>> Anon 17141 >># I've never been on tumblr. please define 'tumblr shit'.
>> Anon 17142 >># Definition: This threads Teen Titan argument.
>> Anon 17144 >># that's the 'problem'? lol. You guys should be happy there is activity on the board that isn't recycled flashes, furry or borderline illegal content for once.
>> Anon 17167 >># >isn't recycled You mean the flash that is literally just a recolor? By that logic, Mysterious Anon was pumping out originals left and right two years back.
>> Anon 17171 >># How can you be so dumb and still breathe? I'd suggest you read more than just one comment before you type a reply that completely ignores the context.
>> Anon 17183 >># You mean the part where a bunch of dipshits argue like brainless Tumblr zombies on a porn flash? Yeah, no, that isn't the least bit relevant to my point about the content of the actual post whatsoever in response to claiming it's somehow good.
>> Anon 17184 >># Dude.... I've never been on tumblr, ever. I think you are the only one in the whole fucking thread who's ever been on tumblr and, apparently, can't shut up about it. So much for that point then. And yeah. It's an argument under a porn flash. So fucking what? It's not my fault when you are to retarded to either take part in or simply ignore a discussion. Not to mention that you still misinterpret the previous comment. And concerning that: What are you doing right now? You started an argument about people starting an argument. How fucking stupid are you? Like, seriously! Are you also running around in real life and tell people at public places they should talk somewhere else about something and what brainless tubmlr zombies they are? At least you know how to use sarcasm, I give you that. But it seems like that's it. PS: Yeah, Teen Titans is rather good. lolololololol But really now: Don't like it? Don't look at it, don't read, don't respond. Problem solved. It takes only slightly more brain than talking utter bullshit. I know you can do it.
>> Anon 17185 Well that was boring.
>> Anon 17186 >># >"But really now: Don't like it? Don't look at it, don't read, don't respond. Problem solved." Tell me, what makes YOU exempt from this golden fix-all rule of yours?
>> Anon 17189 >># >Tell me, what makes YOU exempt from this golden fix-all rule of yours? Well, at least your comments can't get any more illogical now. I wasn't the one complaining about an argument in the first place or anything else for that matter. Which renders this question rather moot. Any other mindful thoughts you want to share? It's actually kind of funny to see how much more nonsense you can produce in an hopeless attempt to justify your prior nonsense. And all this on the internet.
>> Anon 17194 >># First of all, I'm "J" your argument is with posts "L", "K" and "I" I'm not the same guy. >"I wasn't the one complaining about an argument in the first place or anything else for that matter." Great, you are complaining though. And your own rules state that you should neither read it nor comment on it if you do not like it. >"Which renders this question rather moot." It certainly does not. What stopped you from using this advice yourself when you read the original comment that you didn't like? Surely you could've just ignored the comments you didn't like? (like you told everyone else to do) And don't try to tell me it's only applicable to the posts you find it convenient to apply this rule-set to.
>> Anon 17199 >># >First of all, I'm "J" your argument is with posts "L", "K" and "I" You do know that these letters don't work all the time, right? I'm also Anon B and I, for example. I can't possibly know if you really are someone else or not so naturally I assume you are the same person when you reply that way. It's quite possible that there are only 3 people in this thread and we'll never know. And I'm not complaining. Never was. In fact I'm laughing my ass of over that retard :D
>> Anon 17209 >># Ah, but in reality there was only one poster; OP, trying to shill his thread because.... HE is the hacker! *scare chord*
>> Anon 17246 Ad hominem. Ad hominem everywhere.
>> Anon 17261 >># >"lel I trol u" >gets called out on hypocrisy >"I was only pretending to be retarded!" Of course, how silly of me. fucking hell, is a single post in this shitheap actually about the flash besides the first four or so?
>> Anon 17262 i came here for the NO YOU discussion that seem to go nowere
>> Anon 17266 >># >is a single post in this shitheap actually about the flash besides the first four or so Is it ever like that? Let's be honest here: Most threads either drift of just like that or they have like 5 comments or less.
>> Anon 17267 >># Oh, and I got a new Letter again.
>> Anon 17271 >># means that you're on a new ip >># well i know yours isn't
Created: 10/1 -2015 05:48:58 Last modified: 9/8 -2019 03:14:14 Server time: 14/11 -2024 22:55:09