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Threads (2):
File: How2Mincepie.swf-(8.37 MB, 320x240, Loop) [_] How2Pie Anon 2708954 Moar liek dis up in hya! >> [_] Anon 2708964 BWHahahahhaahahaha XD >> [_] Anon 2708969 >># >># samefag >> [_] Anon 2708972 >He puts the first egg in the bowl. "Shockwave flash has crashed" >> [_] Anon 2708983 I never will understand why normies find this tripe so funny. But I watch anime so fuck me, right? >> [_] Anon 2708985 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD SO RANDOM I DIDNT EXPECT DAT HAHAHAH LOL I SHARED THIS ON REDDIT HAHHAHA >> [_] Anon 2708997 >># because its gross out and random humor, which normies understand >> [_] Anon 2708999 I CAN'T EVEN BRO >> [_] Anon 2709000 I used to lose it all the time when I first saw his videos then after like 3rd video it felt all the same >> [_] Anon 2709036 This guy must really like cleaning. >> [_] Anon 2709039 When will I be rich enough to waste food without worrying about it like this? >> [_] Anon 2709047 Fuck that was stupid. >> [_] Anon 2709052 >># he works at some shop and he gets all that food from there and is actually expired >> [_] Anon 2709054 There has to be a special place in hell for this man. So special it has to be made. INTRICATELY MADE. Thats why he doesn't show his face He knows. >> [_] Anon 2709056 >># Even though this is still retarded, he gets the food from a grocery store, all the food is bad and it would have been thrown away anyway. >> [_] Anon 2709098 >># ya fuck you and your anime fucking nerd! >> [_] Anon 2709110 These videos were funny when there were all of maybe two of them. After that it's just the same crap over and over. >> [_] Anon 2709125 Autism >> [_] Anon 2709157 who is the guy that makes these? >> [_] Anon 2709166 wat da fuk just happened >> [_] Anon 2709172 I remember watching one of these for the first time. It was shown to me by this chick with the best tits and ass I ever saw in my life so I pretended to laugh at this stupid shit so I could have intercourse with her later. Most mind numbing 5 mins of my life. >> [_] Anon 2709176 >># >I_came.jpg >> [_] Anon 2709177 >># >Most mind numbing 5 mins of my life The video or the intercourse? >> [_] Anon 2709187 >># The video. The sex was ok. >> [_] Anon 2709197 >># So you're telling me that grocery store literally throws away cartons of eggs every week? >> [_] Anon 2709205 >># Yes. Eggs go bad quickly.
File: How2Mincepie.swf-(8.37 MB, 320x240, Hentai) [_] Secret Integrient: Crack Anon 2665727 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2665749 Howtobasic is the fucking worst. piss off! >> [_] Anon 2665775 >># he may be shit but he knows how to edit his videos, it is fast paced, it has rhythm which you cannot tell about all of the other channels trying to rip him off >> [_] Anon 2665778 >># I liked him in the past/when he was new-ish but now every video contains eggs because it's something like a running gag or something i suppose? it just isn't creative anymore >> [_] Anon 2665780 >># eggs are in all of his videos except maybe 2 or 3 and yeah he's not that funny anymore but damn those first 10 videos I've first seen were cracking me up >> [_] Anon 2665782 Is this really what passes for humor now? >> [_] Anon 2665785 >># don't be silly, anon, of course not this is nothing compared to tuhu and ♂gachimuchi♂ these are golden patterns for humor nowadays they redefine the very basics of the genre of comedy >> [_] Anon 2665786 Is he a pervert or something? These videos are just too weird and creepy to be funny; I think that it's not actually made as a comedy. >> [_] Anon 2665806 How2Basic guy owns a grocery store. >> [_] Anon 2665817 >># Nope, he's just Australian. Source: the chocolate sponge roll, fruit mince pies. Both Coles brand. >> [_] Anon 2665818 >># im a doop doo doo doop boy next dor bondage party boy next door doop doo doo doo dungeon master ITS SO FUCKING DEEP >> [_] Anon 2665820 >># AJ, get off 4chan. >> [_] Anon 2665823 >># is it bad that i hear that with the music playing in the background? >> [_] Anon 2665826 >># yes, yes it is bad you should do an hero >> [_] Anon 2665827 >># but i didn't even loose my ipod >implying you're not a boy next door >> [_] Anon 2665831 it's a she you fags. >> [_] Anon 2665841 >># Can confirm from Australia. >> [_] Anon 2665857 >># This. Then, I'm not twelve and I don't have ADHD, so maybe this comedy just isn't for me. >> [_] Anon 2665860 I habe cancur b0ss >> [_] Anon 2665861 >># all of these videos are for 10 year olds with no attention span and edgy autism >> [_] Anon 2665891 >># What the fuck did i just watch? Seriously... what the fuck is this...? >> [_] Anon 2665922 thx reddit for the converted youtube videos |