File: did not know flash could do this.swf-(1.62 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Anon 3387691
>> [_] Anon 3387692 just because it CAN doesn't mean it SHOULD. controls like hot garbage.
>> [_] Anon 3387697 Do what? let some guy make the worst implementation of wolfenstein ever constructed? sure.
>> [_] Anon 3387702 >># check this out OP: 6&n=Quake.swf (select Prevent A before pressing GET FILE)
>> [_] Anon 3387754 >RPG launcher Nice.
>> [_] Anon 3387764 >># Yeah, there's something deeper here... fired all three rounds of that RPG and it just gets fukken WEIRDER.
File: Pixel FPS.swf-(1.62 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Anon 3385466 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3385494 What the in actual fuck is this creatiion
>> [_] Anon 3385558 >># >RPG launcher Okay that was pretty good and it got me right in funny spot.
>> [_] Anon 3385560 this hurt me
>> [_] Anon 3385568 >># CAN'T STRAFE
File: bababada.swf-(1.62 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Anon 2954282
>> [_] Anon 2954375 christ this is hard
>> [_] Anon 2954411 >># obviously didnt get the RPG launcher yet
>> [_] Anon 2954415 >># good to know someone else sucks at this game too
File: image.swf-(1.62 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Anon 2952501
File: bababada.swf-(1.62 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] FPS Anon 2700839 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2700845 lel, 'rpg' launcher
>> [_] Anon 2700850 Needs some strafe. Other than that, great game! I nostalgia'd so hard.
>> [_] Anon 2700925 neat game, I found it more convenient to just ignore the enemies though (beat the first level that way, didn't bother trying the second because g2gfast.jpg)
>> [_] Anon 2701062 >># This. Plus a knife.