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File: mode_7_v2.swf-(52 KB, 512x478, Game) [_] Less CPU-intensive. Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736526 Changes: Optimized graphics (may appear choppier, but the code execution time was nothing compared to the draw time, so some reduction in resolution was necessary.) Changed starting camera position. Implemented more responsive key detection method. Implemented new velocity-based movement system. Fixed camera vertical placement issue, removed height and view angle controls. Set static stage size to enable proper non-embedded use (though you may take a framerate hit from the scaling.) At least on my machine, CPU use is down by half. >> [_] Anon 2736533 >># Works for me. Isn't there a better place for you to post these works in progress though? >> [_] Anon 2736535 >># >removed height and view angle controls Dropped. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736544 >># I'm working on a website, but that's a while off at the moment while I relearn HTML and CSS. Normally I don't iterate this quickly though. >> [_] Anon 2736550 needs more optimization >> [_] Anon 2736555 >># Essentially the only way to make it run smoother is to reduce the number of sprites on screen. This is accomplished by taking more than one pixel per line from a given sprite. At the moment it's two. Any more and it starts to go like this: https://puu.sh/gYzdO/5c98ae2efc.png Is it really running that badly? >> [_] Anon 2736557 totally frozen, doesn't do anything. sorry >> [_] Anon 2736559 I'm running on less than 2ghz and it ran perfectly fine for me. >> [_] Anon 2736561 >># it runs nice but its not normal to use 80% of my cpu only on that, but idk if it is because i am using an old first gen i7 >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736562 >># You have to click in for it to capture key presses. >> [_] Anon 2736565 >># i7 3720QM, Nvidia Quadro K2000M. No lag here. Running Project Spartan on Windows 10 build 10049. >> [_] Anon 2736567 >># Also your game uses up about 40% of my CPU time, meaning it caps out two of my cores. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736574 >># Code execution is single-threaded, but after that Flash allocates resources to graphics on its own, probably based on CPU speed and how much is on screen at a time. On my i7 3610QM, the last version used four cores, and this one uses two. >> [_] Anon 2736575 >># ok now its at 45% >> [_] Anon 2736606 Runs much better than the last one. I'm curious about what you're actually trying to accomplish, though. It looks like you've created some kind of CPU-based rasterizer. I can understand learning the technique, but you could probably get the same effect running much more smoothly by using actual 3D. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736610 >># Basically, for each scanline there's a line across the map texture that matches, so it scales and rotates the map to match for each scanline. Can't do real 3D since I'm on CS3. >> [_] Anon 2736621 >># But you could still do frustrum culling, right? Why not split the map into octrees and only perform transforms on the shit in the field of vision? No "3D" necessary. >> [_] Anon 2736622 >># Simple enough. It's a cool technique, and it probably is pretty close to what the SNES sprite hardware was doing. You might look into WebGL. It's fairly widely supported these days (but of course, you couldn't show it off here). Could you just do the perspective calculations yourself and draw the whole map with that transformation? Not as authentic, but probably a lot faster. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736625 >># You need exactly one sprite per scan line, so there's no real point in splitting it up further. I'm pretty sure having slightly larger sprites is cheaper than having many smaller ones. >># It can only do affine transformations (transform, rotate, shear, skew, and scale, but no perspective. Parallel lines stay parallel.) Can't draw triangles either. Essentially, I already am doing the perspective calculations myself, it's just the implementation isn't streamlined. >> [_] Anon 2736634 >># Oh. I figured the whole thing was just one huge sprite. >> [_] Anon 2736635 The background ruins it. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736636 >># It's only 256x256. >># I know, it's just a placeholder. I need to find something better to use. >> [_] Anon 2736645 >># Why not just use the background from SMK? >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736647 >># Couldn't find a clean version of it. >> [_] Anon 2736649 >># Use a picture of a butt. >> [_] Anon 2736650 >># Ah, that blows. In HTML5 canvas, you can do arbitrary transformation matrices. What's got me interested lately is pseudo-3D as done in Outrun. No transformations required at all. Pretty good page on it here: http://www.extentofthejam.com/pseudo/. Maybe it'll help you with this somehow. >> [_] Anon 2736651 i5 2500k here, no lag but 90% cpu usage on all 4 cores. >> [_] Anon 2736653 >># Open emulator, hide layers you don't want, print screen >> [_] Anon 2736654 >># Similar on my hex-core FX-6300. ~85-90%. >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736656 >># Didn't think of that. Anyway, the general idea is that once this is fully up and running, I'm going to fill it out with content as Cirno Racing, so in the long run it wouldn't be that useful. >> [_] Anon 2736658 >># >Cirno Racing I had high hopes for you and you dashed them in two words. First you took out view angles, now THIS? Fucking TOUHOU!? >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736661 >># >high hopes Very funny. What do you want, just a vanilla super mario kart clone? >> [_] Anon 2736663 >># Honestly? I was just hoping that you would find a way to optimize this more, or implement it stronger. I like little ditzy flash toys like this, proof of concept shit that is just cool to play around with. I'm just salty because I'm sick of Touhou. >> [_] Anon 2736666 >># That's right! Get mad! Open the window and shout, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to Touhou anymore!" >> [_] Anon 2736669 >># First of all: >checked But second, and more importantly: >kek'd >> [_] Rubber NAND !0x524E/n3E 2736683 >># There's only so much you can add to a toy before it becomes something more. >> [_] Anon 2736684 >># It's fine, make your game. I'm done being butthurt. Honestly, it's pretty cool, and a nice idea to boot. |