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Amazons - Horse Vore Animation by ZefiroTreddi (VoreHorse OralSoftGirl3dRenderBlenderCycle sAnimatedSoundNudeSneakyFundRaisi ng).swf
5,83 MiB, 01:25 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 28/6 -2017 07:06:12 Ended: 6/11 -2017 20:19:01Flashes: 1 Posts: 32
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11525 Age: 124.55d Health: 0% Posters: 31 Posts: 32 Replies: 30 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 50731 A thousand hours in Blender. [IMG] Horse.swf (5.83 MiB) 852x480, Uncompressed. 2047 frames, 24 fps (01:25). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 50737 Any chance you can get a refund on those 1000 hours? and Blender? And the medical bill from your birth?
>> Anon 50739 WHY
>> Anon 50740 HD pls
>> Anon 50744 Explain yourself.
>> Anon 50749 Just...why?
>> Anon 50750 >># Sadly all three of those were provided free on the internet. No refunds, no returns, all sales final... Which only leaves the wood chipper option.
>> Anon 50753 I was expecting this to be the other horse swf around until I saw the thumbnail... That one got bumped for a year or so.
>> Anon 50758 "swfchan complaining about animal pr0nz? wut?!" *looks at movie* DEAR GOD WHY
>> Anon 50768 Listen I opened this up expecting some bitch to play with a horse dick, then I saw the horses jaw unhinge. This can never be undone to my mind.
>> Anon 50769 That's not how horses work
>> Anon 50770 this is just as hilarious now as the first time I saw this. Probably not the reaction you wanted, but I'm a fan. Shit is fucking hilarious.
>> Anon 50771 How can people be turned on by vore, there are just some fetishes I'll never understand.
>> Anon 50781 Actually a funny anti-joke
>> Anon 50784 >># Yeah, but there are different levels of weird fetish. 1: Meh, not my thing. 2: LOLWUT 3: Why would you do this? 4: Stop it. Get help. 5: Stop it. Get ME some help. 6: Somebody call the cops. 7: Somebody call Batman. 8: There is no god. 9: God is a bad, bad man. 10: Killllll... meeeeeee....... I've seen some shit...
>> Anon 50786 At what point in time did horses and snakes start breeding with each other?
>> Mr Muffin 50788 SOMEBODY KILL ME!
>> Anon 50789 Good job.
>> Anon 50794 I came.
>> Anon 50796 I...I dont even...What?
>> Anon 50811 >># I don't think it ever went past 3 for me. Unless there's real bad violence involved in a real porn. Then maybe 6.
>> Anon 50816 Take queues from The Brother's Grimm movie if you really want people to flip their shit. You're already most of the way there.
>> Anon 50819 Theatrical clowns in the comments. I mean yea, it's disgusting and probably made by a degenerate autistic virgin. But then again, aren't we all?
>> Anon 50880 youre doing it wrong
>> Anon 51041 Alright, I didn't expect that...
>> Anon 51057 This flash was a friendly reminder that you shouldn't have expectations when someone throws big numbers like 1000 hours (or expectations in general)
>> Anon 51284 >># Blender is FOSS, but the other stuff, yeah.
>> Anon 51293 I see so many erotic style, I can't judge OP for the vore-stuff... But... BUT... THIS IS... THERE IS NO WORD TO DESCRIBE THIS...
>> Anon 51311 I would like to nominate this as the new Beef Curtains.
>> Anon 51377 This was fucking hilarious but these comments are so autistic
>> Anon 52666 Posting on a epic bread
>> Anon 52898 Beef curtains
Created: 24/4 -2015 12:47:47 Last modified: 8/8 -2019 18:28:53 Server time: 14/11 -2024 18:11:04