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File: Ordering Kids Meal.swf-(8.97 MB, 320x176, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)13:49:14 No.3109179

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:01:00 No.3109185


>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:19:16 No.3109195

  That video had 50 views when someone put it on /b/. it has over 10,000 now i believe, all because
  that autist is a shit human being who hasn;t had his face kicked in yet

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:41:50 No.3109199

  I know that the "customer is king", but the respect should work both ways.
  These idiots really believe that they deserve anything they want and that people should bow
  before them just because they exist.

  Remember to spank your kids and not to spoil them, anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:47:12 No.3109200

  It's especially more incriminating for him when he says he asked for a small drink, got a big one
  instead, and still drank it. He still thought it was going to be free? If he really wanted to
  play with the rules, he should have stuck with them and not drank it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:51:00 No.3109202


  /pol/ here

  you can't order from the kids menu as an adult because then everyone would do it and the company
  would lose money. It's just an incentive to get more people to buy food.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)14:55:14 No.3109204

  man this guy is a fucking prick

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:04:02 No.3109207

  Resturaunts already rip consumers off though.
  I mean they charged that autist like 5.99 for a tiny plate of pasta with some butter sauce on it?
  I could make that at home for like 20 cents.
  We should make new laws where resturaunts can only charge like a certain percentage more then
  what it cost them to actually make the food.
  Burger cost the resturaunt 50 cents to make?
  Then they can't charge more then a dollar for it etc...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:08:02 No.3109209

  God that customer is a cunt.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:11:14 No.3109211

  If paying extra for a plate of pasta you can make at home bothers you, then don't go to a
  Restaurants are not a necessity, they are a privilege.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:22:11 No.3109219

  Making the dish on it's own is very cheap indeed, but they also need to factor in the rent for
  the building, the salary of their employ's and a small percentage for unexpected expenses.

  But I do have to agree with you that making such laws for, not just restaurants but the entire
  economic sector would be a godsent for the non merchants.

  Funyy historical fact, medieval traders had to conform to simuler laws, in that they had to
  Always ask a fair and honourable price for their wares.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:50:10 No.3109228

  anyone got youtube link to that?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)15:55:14 No.3109230


>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)16:03:52 No.3109231

  Profit margins for most restaurants are very, very thin. Restaurant costs in America compared to
  other countries are astronomically low for many reasons, chiefly that they don't pay their
  employees well enough but many others. Also the general rule of thumb for any restaurant that
  doesn't specialize in it is "never order the pasta."

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)17:04:38 No.3109262


  Everything works both ways. There's not much point arguing on behalf of would-be customers or
  would-be service providers.

  Let assholes be assholes, and let gents be gents,
  But don't be a know-it-all who vociferously screams for new regulations to choke the business
  owners whom you wish to judge.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)17:10:59 No.3109268

  you're paying for the service

  someone has to make the food
  someone has to serve you the food
  and you have to have somewhere to sit and eat.

  you wouldn't say to a mechanic "well that bit of the car only cost $30 so i am only paying this
  much" despite the hours of work he put in and his many tools he has to pay for

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)17:35:01 No.3109275

  "At least you got your way, right"
  After he fucking badgered the manager into letting grown adults order off the kid's menu. Fuck
  this guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)17:45:51 No.3109279

  >im jewish

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:01:57 No.3109287

  Holy fuck, shut the fuck up and never talk about economy again.

  Those eateries need to pay for every seat never used in a day, as well as food waste, and wages,
  on top of other running costs.
  Heating a building for 5 people is very expensive. (or cooling)
  And so on, and so on.


  Fucking underage b&.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:05:58 No.3109288

  you mad?
  resturaunt owners are reknown cheapskates who want customers to tip so they can pay less then min
  wage while they float around on their yachts.
  go suck their dicks kid.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:09:36 No.3109289

  Yeah, in shit places like America maybe.
  Here in the first world, they actually pay their staff.


>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:12:27 No.3109292

  stop posting this

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:13:36 No.3109293

  wtf, it just got worse and worse

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:13:37 No.3109294

  Unless you live in Switzerland don't give me lip boy.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:20:06 No.3109297

  >he thinks a Nandos is representative of actual restaurants and classy eateries.

  Source: Shitty American companies yet again.
  All multinational companies sourced from America do this shit.
  Luckily more and more countries are rising up against them and forcing them to pay a decent wage
  or fuck off.

  And you know all that will happen from this?
  America will act like a pissy little baby again and start more wars to get its way.
  That's all immature little America can do. Shit everywhere.
  That is America. That little fat kid that shits all over the toilet and leaves the rest of the
  world to clean up its mess.
  That little fat kids about to be put in its place.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:23:11 No.3109298

  A U T I S M

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:26:43 No.3109299

  >We should make new laws where resturaunts can only charge like a certain percentage more then
  what it cost them to actually make the food.

  That is fucking retarded. You should be able to charge whatever you want, for whatever you want.
  If you charge too much, nobody will buy it, this is how the system works. If the price isn't
  worth it to you, then don't buy it. If you didn't know something wasn't worth as much as you paid
  for it, that's on you. You don't have some fucking right to not be given a bad deal. Piss off.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:30:49 No.3109301

  You have a point but I still think we should better educate people on the value of common goods
  and services so they can find out if they're being ripped off or not.
  The other day I was downtown and I stopped at this little store and was going to buy something.
  The guy was asking 80 dollars (which I thought sounded absurd) so I offered 20 dollars and he
  accepted that.
  The fact that he was clearly trying to scam me isn't at all a nice thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:34:39 No.3109303

  You just killed that store.

  Do that shit with big stores, don't fucking do that with little stores.
  They need as much money as it is to survive when going up against big cunts like walmart, tesco,
  aldi and others.

  Price != quality.
  I'd sooner pay triple price for something of higher quality than pay less for some shit food with
  all its nutrients ripped out of it and replaced with cellulose, salt and sugar.

  Actual dickbutt.
  You are the reason small family-run stores are dying off.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:36:49 No.3109305

  Nandos? Nobody mentioned it you Britcuck. Also:
  >That is America.
  LMAO buttmad eurocuck confirmed. How does it feel knowing that today is the anniversary of the
  day we decided to kick your ass and put your empire on the road to irrelevance?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:39:29 No.3109307

  >kick your ass
  lol if you say so.

  lmao America.

  America is the worlds test bed for science.
  I'm surprised, I never knew guinea pigs could type.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:40:34 No.3109308

  How did I kill the store?
  Had I looked around more or ordered online I likely could have bought what I bought for even less
  then I paid the man.
  He also fairly quickly accepted my offer which makes me think I wasn't exactly robbing the man.
  I can respect paying somewhat extra for the luxury of small stores but I myself am not very well
  off and so if I am going to make a purchase of something I don't wanna get ripped off.
  It doesn't feel good (if you're poor) to buy something and then realize you could have bought the
  exact same thing for considerably less money at another store.
  Another example would be that I occasionally drive slightly outside my state and wealthy area for
  a doctor my Grandpapa sees.
  When I am up there I often stop at a supermarket and buy beer.
  I can get like 20 bottles or so for 14 dollars.
  Near my actual home 20 bottles would probably cost me 28-30 dollars despite only being perhaps an
  hour away from the cheaper store by car.
  So yeah if you're poor you don't like paying much more for things, it just makes you feel shitty.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:41:50 No.3109310

  >We should make new laws where
  Please find someone near you to smack you upside the head

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:43:34 No.3109311

  Which one of us has the bigger economy?
  Which one has a higher percent of the population that's muslim?
  Which one has a bigger army and more territory?
  Which one of us obsesses over an old fucking irrelevant monarch?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:44:31 No.3109313

  >yeah because laws aren't made all the time that fuck over the common folk in order to expand
  wealth for the rich
  >how dare I wanna make laws to benefit the worthless common folk

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:47:08 No.3109316

  thanks for your expert insight

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)18:56:51 No.3109320

  America kicked its own ass.

  Even Chinese have a higher quality of life than the average American does now.
  And it has the most billionaires.
  And they are buying up more and more American companies every year.
  Sooner or later, America and China are going to switch roles.

  Just like the cowards all these guntards are, they will all cave.
  There is no "we" in Americans independence. None of that legacy exists in America today.
  You are fucking delusional if you think that is true.
  This country blows ass. That is the only thing it is king at. Sucking its own ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:01:39 No.3109322

  What a dumb post.
  America built the greatest democratic system and has more individual rights then the majority of
  places around the world.
  Also America built the modern world and most of the technology & medicine we all take for granted.
  It is the greatest country in the world and without it having existed you'd be living in a shack
  and shitting in a hole.
  Show some respect you wanker.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:03:35 No.3109323

  And then this guy pulls the retard card and goes full /pol/.

  >bigger econ
  Learn some econ. Don't even reply with GDP, you will auto-lose.
  China basically owns America now. They are already acting on the debt they are owed as mentioned
  above. >>3109320
  The whole "b-b-but the Sterling collapsed" ALWAYS happens when massive results like this come out.
  It doesn't matter if it is a new iPad being announced or a country leaving a onion. ALWAYS.

  Apparently you missed the WHOLE UK leaving the EU to get away from them.
  But naw, keep saying that britcuck meme, you actual embarrassment.
  That hasn't been relevant... actually ever.

  >bigger army
  Our army is actually small, you dumbfuck.
  Most military spend is research, development and resource costs.
  The military is horribly understaffed that if WW3 were to happen without nukes, America would
  cave so hard.
  You think guntards will matter? Most of them are all talk retard hicks.
  And even nukes are hilariously weak.
  Retards think nukes are Hollywood tier. Retards also don't realize nukes haven't been tested on
  city-scales at all, and most nukes are ageing pretty fucking horribly.
  Retards think nukes will end the world and cause a nuclear winter like my Fallouts.
  Retards don't realize nuclear fallout dies away in 5 months max even shitty quality nukes, the
  average being 5 WEEKS for the most damaging radioactive elements to decay.
  The biggest problem is nuclear reactors, which will be nuked so nullify the meltdown problem

  >mattering to anyone that isn't a TOURIST.
  Nobody in the UK gives a shit about the royal family besides fat lesbians and tourist nutjobs.
  Even I know that shit.
  The Monarchy in the UK are a legacy and nothing more. They have basically zero power, it is
  traditional nonsense for the sake of tradition.

  I take it back, you didn't go full /pol/, even /pol/ isn't this stupid.
  You are just a memer.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:08:30 No.3109327

  >China basically owns America now.
  Not really and the only reason China had their temporary and now receding economic boom is
  because of pro-Chinese policies the American Gov created.

  >The military is horribly understaffed that if WW3 were to happen without nukes, America would
  cave so hard.
  What are you smoking?
  America's military would absolutely and casually own any single country in the world easily.
  We could also pretty easily win against the combined armies of the world also assuming nukes
  weren't involved.

  >You think guntards will matter? Most of them are all talk retard hicks.
  That isn't really true and is just a dumb stereotype. I have been to the middle of the country
  and the people there are smart, nice and well armed. Only a small percentage are dumb hicks but
  of course the media and our Government is powerful and corrupt so they do want the general public
  to hate gun owners and think of them all as evil hicks. Same for anyone with any Patriotism or
  Nationalism left in them. That is the effect of letting power hungry globalists sneak into power.

  >The Monarchy in the UK are a legacy and nothing more.
  Woo boy, do you really believe that?
  Couldn't be farther from the truth.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:10:12 No.3109329

  LOL. Just LOL.
  Someone is actually saying American Politics is GOOD?
  Holy shit my sides. Not heard that in a while.

  Also, the fact you think Americans have any freedoms is hilarious.
  American "freedom" is a legacy that does not exist today.
  Yeah, I bet you will get far using that. Oh, wait, even the courts and government ignore it every
  single day outside of a few exceptional cases they use to bait people in to thinking they can
  win. Nice try.

  Also, stop using most. You are wrong. You are patently wrong in every sense of the word.
  The rest of the world laughs at our countries shitty everything.
  But go ahead and copy-paste your funny wikipedia lists and get laughed at.
  Before you do it, don't even post we made the internet, we never.
  We made ARPANET, which is a shitty inferior networking system that doesn't scale well at all. The
  internet and ARPA are 180 opposites to each other.
  The packet switching used in ARPANET is not used today at all. It was shit.
  It was made better by the UK and French researchers that were working on similar projects at the
  same time. (in fact, the French guys was even before if I remember correct)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:10:46 No.3109330

  >he has a girlfriend
  >you don't

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:12:31 No.3109331

  >America's military would absolutely and casually own any single country in the world easily.

  >has never won a single war of significance in history, all that they started.
  Yeah, you sure owned the Middle East there lmao.

  >Woo boy, do you really believe that?
  >Couldn't be farther from the truth.

  >he thinks government talking with the monarchy is "control".
  ahaha, oh god, stop, I'm dying.

  Do like the other guy says and quit while you are ahead.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:15:14 No.3109332

  >Someone is actually saying American Politics is GOOD?
  I didn't say that and no they aren't good they are awful.

  >Also, the fact you think Americans have any freedoms is hilarious.
  We don't have nearly the same freedoms of our ancestors but we still have more freedom then the
  majority of places around the world including most European states/countries.
  I don't know how much longer they will last as they are constantly being eroded and fought
  against but for now we are still better off then most in that regard.
  Our fairly real freedom of speech and our still somewhat existent gun rights are freedoms most
  people don't enjoy or atleast not to the same degree.

  >The rest of the world laughs at our countries shitty everything.
  I really don't care at all what any other country thinks of us.
  The fact remains that America is the greatest country in the history of our planet and past
  Americans invented most modern technology and medicine that makes the modern world the modern
  You can cry all you want about how shitty is has become and how it may only get worse and worse
  until for all purposes it shouldn't even be called America anymore but its wondrous history will
  never change or go away nor will its contributions to the world.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:17:05 No.3109333

  >America is so rich that we can subsidize food for 45 million people
  >this is a bad thing

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:18:15 No.3109334

  We completely and utterly wrecked Iraq or Afghanistan whatever its called in like a week or two
  and destroyed all their military and infrastructure.
  Obviously we then took a soft approach and tried to semi-govern them which is retarded and costs
  a huge amount of money and just doesn't work but the idea that we can't win wars and wreck shit
  is not true.
  We casually destroyed all their military and infrastructure and could do it to anyone else in the
  The fact is if we didn't have such a pussy culture now and Government and took a hard approach
  with any war instead of worrying about civilians and shit and rebuilding we could easily demolish
  Go back and watch video of the Iraq invasion.
  Looks like a scene out of independence day.
  We utterly fucked their shit up.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:20:44 No.3109335

  You must be a troll. Seriously.
  Of course the U.S.A is a great country, but there is a lot of flaws in what you said.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:24:05 No.3109336

  I am saying America in the past was great.
  Right now it is a shadow of its former self outside of simply having greater technology.

  My dream would be for us to almost get rid of the federal government entirely and give power back
  to the nation states so we could truly have a representative democracy again where the people
  actually set the rules.
  Perhaps the military could also spread its power out among military bases in each state.

  The slow but continuous centralization of power is what kills democracy, freedom and America
  Only a reversal of that I think could get things back on the right path.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:24:30 No.3109337

  >freedom of speech
  Yeah, naw, stop.
  Go ahead and say something bad about the government on any official public level, I fucking dare
  you. Just prepare to do a Snowden.
  This country is as bad as China with going after people criticising it.

  Gone in 3...2...1. Only a matter of time brah.

  Fact is, America != America. It is a shadow of itself.
  It is a mockery of itself, actually, a literal real-life parody.

  >on money owed to China
  >how do I debt and inflation

  >Destroyed countries with militia-driven governments
  Oh yeah, because THAT is hard.
  Try that with a real country and see what happens. Oh, wait, that happened and we failed
  hilariously. Several times. We are nothing special.

  The most might we have are a bunch of boats that will be sunk with nukes in a matter of hours if
  any proper war broke out.
  You think anti-missile tech is good? It's fucking worthless.
  A multi-billion dollar blackhole of research that is still getting funded for fuck knows what
  Missiles aren't rockets. They are shit. Rockets are too expensive to be sat everywhere for
  missile defence.
  Missiles can't be moved around like rockets can. They are point and shoot, just over a longer
  distance. Literally long-distance mortars.
  Fucking boats. Such a god damn money sink. Nobody else even done anything stupid like we did and
  waste money on such massive shitheaps of metal.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:32:30 No.3109344

  >Go ahead and say something bad about the government on any official public level
  People can say whatever they want.
  Look at Donald Trump.
  He shits on the Government all the time and even his own party and he is still going strong.
  I sort of get what you're saying though and in some sense you are correct but the fact atleast
  remains that Americans can say basically whatever they want without risk of jail time.

  >Gone in 3...2...1. Only a matter of time brah.
  Maybe. We have some strongholds like Texas that will resist.
  There will likely be enormous tensions and civil unrest or more between the federal government
  and certain states in the future.
  They won't take away certain rights easily I can believe that much.

  >Try that with a real country and see what happens.
  Please man.
  Say what you want but America clearly has by far the greatest military in the world and a
  military budget far beyond many other powerful countries combined.
  1v1 I don't see us losing a war with anyone.
  And when did we fail exactly in recent history?
  We won WW1 and WW2.
  We wiped Iraq off the face of the map (however stupid our involved was afterwards).

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:33:38 No.3109346


>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:37:02 No.3109347

  America also invented TCP/IP you clown.
  You can also thank them for many other technological innovations of the 20th century.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:45:14 No.3109352

  >We won WW1 and WW2.
  Never comment on history ever again.
  Holy shit.

  We came in at the end of WW2 when Nazi Germany was already collapsing in on itself and about to
  be raped by the Russians.

  Don't defend that shit model, you fucking moron.
  TCP is fucking awful. UDP with error correction is better than TCP by fucking miles. Go look at
  benchmarks of that.
  TCP is Edison retard-tier.
  Any service of worth DOESN'T use TCP. Well, besides the web because it was created by fucking
  retards. (who were British, might I add, the idiots still using that system are British, the ones
  you are hating on)

  Even IP isn't that good either and some systems administrators came up with more fault tolerant
  and bandwidth sensitive protocols.

  TCP/IP use is legacy at best.
  Just like how we are still using IPv4 when IPv6 is far superior.
  IPv4 is only still used because nobody wants to replace systems because MONEY. IPv6 is only used
  on mobile networks pretty much, and a few ISPs here and there.
  That's the reason TCP/IP is still used.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:48:18 No.3109355

  >Holy shit.
  Still didn't refute any of my points or explain how a country with the strongest military in the
  world by far is going to lose in a 1v1 battle with anyone.

  >Don't defend that shit model, you fucking moron.
  American's still invented the internet and also electricity... and also computers...
  99% of most basic technology, modern technology or atleast their precursor technologies all came
  from America.
  Our contributions to humanity are well beyond any other country in history by far especially in
  terms of technology.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:54:36 No.3109358

  >didn't refute
  Oh, you are one of those people.
  >he thinks the military complex of America existed in WW1
  Oh dear.

  >we invented the internet
  No, we invented a shit packet switching system that nobody uses.
  We invented a shit networking system that nobody uses because it can't scale. (see mesh
  networking problems)
  We invented 2 protocols that the majority of services on the internet do not use because their
  horrible bandwidth abuse and latency. (TCP streams terminate on packet loss and don't continue
  until the lost packet is resent, fucking retarded, just assemble it locally when it is resent!)
  Huzzah, we made the internet SHIT. Just like everything we fucking make.

  We also never invented electricity.
  Edison was a moron that religiously went on about DC like it was the only way, and even viciously
  attacked those who argued against him.
  DC can't be used over long distance besides HVDC, which is a whole different beast Edison knew
  fuck-all about.
  AC was by a Serb, which is what the majority of power runs on.

  Stop. Seriously.
  You are why everyone laughs at us.
  I'm out. But I await your hilarious reply when I get back later.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)19:57:19 No.3109362

  that guy is a jerk

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)20:00:43 No.3109363

  From Benj Franklin, to Edison, to Westinghouse to Telsa it is clear that a majority of the people
  who helped discover electricity and find ways to use it were infact Americans.
  I assume by that "Serb" you were speaking of Telsa who was an American so that was a silly point.

>> [_] orbs 07/04/16(Mon)20:01:50 No.3109364


>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)20:24:39 No.3109374

  Not that fag, but you are very wrong on my dude Tesla.

  He was a Serb. Although if you want to be absolutely accurate, an "Austrian-Empirean".
  He also created most of his works outside of the US. All the foundational work was done in France.
  In fact, he got fucked over hard when he moved to America, by Edision and his dicksucking cronies.

  Edisons shit doesn't scale well, which is why DC is only used in-house since it sucks over
  HVDC was by a whole different group of people in Europe, which is the 2nd most used power-grid.
  AC (Tesla) is the most used since it is the foundations of most modern power grids.
  AC provides far more flexibility in power-stations and converters. It is what gives your sockets
  those flexible loads and ability to work in paralLEL.

  Also, all of this is pointless since everyone knows power was figured out thousands of years ago.
  Fucking mad Egyptians trying to piss off the gods.
  And look what happened. DON'T PISS OFF THE GODS.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)20:31:50 No.3109375

  I am not sure how correct that is.
  From what I know Telsa moved to America, worked with Edison and then got funding for laboratories
  and other shit where he discovered and invented most of his shit including AC.
  Not saying he didn't do some groundwork before the move but I think his main accomplishments took
  place in America and funded by American institutions.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)20:36:58 No.3109377

  >it's okay, I'm jewish
  >It's nothing personal, I'm German
  holy shit I died

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)20:57:03 No.3109384

  >Someone has to make the food
  Wow boiling premade pasta, such intensive labor
  >Someone has to serve you the food
  Wow carrying a pound or two of plates and food 50 feet from the kitchen to the table
  >and you have to have somewhere to sit and eat.
  Again simply amazing, it must cost a lot for them to let someone sit in a seat for thirty minutes
  and put food in their mouths.

  >you wouldn't say to a mechanic "well that bit of the car only cost $30 so i am only paying this
  If they quoted me the part as 30 bucks plus labor and then billed me two hundred smacaroos for
  thirty minutes of labor I'd be pretty fucking pissed.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:06:38 No.3109388

  good post

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:09:13 No.3109389

  >All this butthurt at america
  Aww is the little eurofag lashing out at the most stable confederation on the planet because his
  precious EU is going tits up?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:15:56 No.3109391

  Little stores are shit, they have no reason to exist when I can get the same products at better

  >wahh why won't you throw away your money supporting business ventures that can't support
  themselves ;_;
  Free market economics motherfucker, do you know of it?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:19:39 No.3109392

  installing the tables, chairs and building the restaurant itself adds to the cost. No, that chair
  is not free.
  >Wow carrying a pound or two of plates and food 50 feet from the kitchen to the table
  Which they do all day, zipping back and forth between tables, trying to keep it all straight
  >Wow boiling premade pasta, such intensive labor
  Someone's never worked in a kitchen before. There's a hundred jobs to do besides making the food,
  and you better do all of them in the time you have, or it all breaks down.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:28:51 No.3109400

  don't forget the old saying 5 bucks to do the job and 995 to know how to do it

  people can need to train years to be able to do something that takes a minute to actually execute

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:36:10 No.3109401

  Yes, setting an arbitrary price cap on goods is great for the common folk. Since business owners
  LOVE losing money, I'm sure they'll be fine selling all their product at a loss. Oh wait. They'll
  just fucking sell their business and get out before they lose their money. You don't understand
  economic principal at all.

  >yeah because laws aren't made all the time that fuck over the common folk in order to expand
  wealth for the rich

  >Because there's already too much government regulation, we need MORE government regulation

  Fucking brilliant.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:36:31 No.3109403

  pretty sure it doesn't take any training to make a bowl of spaghett and same for carrying a plate
  or putting out a table.
  this isn't exactly law or medicine

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:37:03 No.3109404

  >installing the tables, chairs and building the restaurant itself adds to the cost
  Oh wow, that makes sense. I mean, that distributed cost wouldn't be entirely negligible or paid
  off after a short stint of operation.
  >Which they do all day
  Eight hour shifts are now all day?
  >Trying to keep it all straight
  Yeah, it must be tough to do some light repetitive manual labor occasionally, really takes lots
  of work to do that. It realy works your fingers to the bone to carry a plate, or a drink pitcher,
  or to reset a table setting every now and then when someone leaves.
  >There's a hundred jobs to do besides making the food, and you better do all of them in the time
  you have, or it all breaks down.
  Maybe then you should try working somewhere that isn't a decrepit poorly managed slum of a
  kitchen where you play wack-a-roach between cooking and trying to keep the pilot light on.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:38:17 No.3109406

  >IPv6 is far superior
  i've always been pissed over IPv6 because they put : between the values. i mean, come on. that
  character's been used for ports forever now.

  so with IPv6 you have to add [] when specifying a port, like [0:0:0]:81. why on earth would
  anyone pick : when there's so many other characters to select from...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:41:01 No.3109407

  it's just a point that he forgot to mention, the part about the mechanic made me remember it. the
  part may cost 30 bucks, the job might take 30 minutes but the mechanic need to pay for the 3
  years of training it took to learn how to do it (and to know what's wrong in the first place)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:42:32 No.3109410

  >There's too much government regulation
  Based on what exactly, what the corporate lobbyists say? Because every single time we have
  deregulated it has been taken advantage of to make massive profits at the expense of regular
  Inb4 >my specific brand of infallible free market economics has never been tried before

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:43:16 No.3109413

  well that is a reasonable point which is why labor prices should be reasonable but fair
  Then again how do we determine what a fair wage is for labor?
  I recently got an estimate for getting a car painted and the labor costs were absolutely insane.
  I forgot what the hourly rate was but I think it was near 70 an hour or something. Definitely
  over 50.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:45:15 No.3109416

  Any price the market is willing to pay is fair.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:47:30 No.3109417

  >Inb4 >my specific brand of infallible free market economics has never been tried before
  >xD my specific brand of infallible price caps has never been tried before

  Based on the fact that we are getting fucked over by the government on a daily basis.

  >Based on what exactly, what the corporate lobbyists say?
  >I-it's the big corporations, guys, really, the government loves us...

  Fuck off, boot licking kike. I'd rather have deregulation and be allowed to make my own way than
  get bent over whenever a politician decides he needs to line his pockets.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:48:08 No.3109418

  can we also apply that to what taxes we are willing to pay?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:51:18 No.3109420

  Yes but again you can't forget about distributed cost. When a car company makes and researches a
  new car they spend hundreds of millions if not billions, but by selling hundreds of thousands of
  cars they can distribute that cost to the point where it is nearly a negligible expense tot eh
  end user. The same is true about a mechanic who will do thousands to tens of thousands of jobs in
  their career.

  The real value added component to the mechanic's labor is the scarcity of the people willing and
  able to go through 3 years of specialization training, and that's why they can ask a higher price.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)21:54:35 No.3109422

  >how do we determine what a fair wage is for labor
  well i email 20 car shops whenever i need to do something and can get a decent estimate on who's
  setting their prices fair and who's bullshitting me
Created: 4/7 -2016 19:51:22 Last modified: 5/7 -2016 04:06:57 Server time: 04/01 -2025 23:26:43