File: 1996.swf-(9.6 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)22:45:23 No.3075847
>you will never operate inna Chechnya
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)22:50:37 No.3075853
this one always gets to me, because it's only a few days before I was born.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/16(Fri)00:52:03 No.3075902
Would you happen to know what song plays in the background? I tried to use Shazam but it couldn't
find it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/16(Fri)01:07:53 No.3075907
What More Can I Say - The Notations (Original)
Le Gang Des Ours - You don't know (Remix)
I don't normally spoon feed like this, but I'm drunk and I don't really care. For future
reference, pretty much anytime you're looking for source it's already been posted on swfchan. You
should check there before asking, otherwise autistic people like me will throw shitfits over it.
Also, googling lyrics from the song is a good way to find source.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/16(Fri)01:40:03 No.3075914
something about this one just gets to people
myself included
>> [_] = 05/06/16(Fri)03:02:31 No.3075944
B oтличиe oт вoйны, жизнь нe кoнчaeтcя.
The sticker at the end.
>> [_] RIP Anon 05/06/16(Fri)03:19:13 No.3075952
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/16(Fri)04:29:43 No.3075973
Just one year later, Stephen would lose his genitalia in a tragic logging accident