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This is resource CMEFBSB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/5 -2016 05:55:38

Ended:22/5 -2016 11:47:37

Checked:22/5 -2016 14:00:10

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 36.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: devil.swf-(2.58 MB, 600x600, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:37:52 No.3085280

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Bread 05/22/16(Sun)00:00:20 No.3085292

  Someone post the cracked version

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:01:35 No.3085293

  And things happened...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:05:52 No.3085299

  Cool, when did it get translated? I'm a filthy pleb with a life, so I don't keep up with these

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:11:12 No.3085303

  Too bad it still breaks

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:44:04 No.3085316

  Don't play it. The game its broken

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:23:46 No.3085342

  Anyone have a link to the working version?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:37:31 No.3085353

  seconding this request, haven't found anything on swfchan

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:41:52 No.3085357

  what is this even called?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:42:30 No.3085358

  jsk devil, or daughter of devil or something like that

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:44:20 No.3085363

  >beat it on first try with all in spd and pots
  >still no working ending
  B-But I want to have a happy ending with her

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:46:24 No.3085367

  someday anon, someday.
  Worst part is that I have the sex scene files, but I still can't make them work.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:54:42 No.3085375

  For the love of all that exists, make them work.
  I haven't even seen them and so many won battles with no rewards.. it takes its toll on a man.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:55:25 No.3085376


  none of the flash versions are the full game

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:56:15 No.3085378

  you niggas need to learn how to google better. I googled "hentai flash game 'Devil'" and it was
  the first result

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:57:17 No.3085380

  it's not translated, but you can use this broken one to get the translations if you need them.
  Weirdly enough the sex scenes are in English

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:57:24 No.3085381


  rused again

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:14:40 No.3085403

  holy shit, it's actually the full game, I was expecting to get let down again but I was not,
  there is an actual ending.
  Granted I don't understand moonrunes so it takes some of the magic away from it all, but to see
  the end, sorta worth it.
  Still want a translation until my moonrune language becomes good enough on my own.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:25:53 No.3085422

  I posted this shit on a whim, picked randomly. I didn't know what i was even posting.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:26:42 No.3085424

  Now here's the fun part, replaying this damn thing for the extra sex scenes. Because I know they

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:29:04 No.3085427

  I have every single one of his games, anyone want me to post one? I'm pretty sure they're all

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:33:48 No.3085431

  Yes please.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:37:01 No.3085434


>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:41:19 No.3085438

  Alright, some of them have sub folders and I'm not sure what they do but if the game is broken Im
  giving a heads up.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:41:21 No.3085439


>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:42:00 No.3085440

  How many are there? I have 2 with imotou, when fighting and one questioning her but I'd like to
  have this one, translated and with an ending.
  If I'm missing any other to my collection please post those as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:59:17 No.3085454

  Can you upload all of them to pomf or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:09:46 No.3085460

  It's late here an I wasn't planning on fucking around with this tonight, I'll upload one more

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:19:06 No.3085467

  its up

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:21:19 No.3085469

  I wonder how long it will take these idiots who upload this shit to realize that all of this
  guy's flashes won't work unless they're in the apropriate folder with the sex scenes in it...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:36:27 No.3085472

  Anon, they aren't working.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:43:19 No.3085476

  Well, shion isnt at least

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:04:41 No.3085482

  Most of these games have multiple .sfw files for the base game, the H-scenes and the various
  I was planning on taking my pills and going to sleep, but I can upload them to my MEGA if you
  guys want them.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:06:16 No.3085483

  Please m8

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:34:05 No.3085491


  I can't guarantee that they're all in English but I'm pretty sure they all work.
  I'm off to bed.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:05:45 No.3085506!QIElFQQR!RIkaw3z4n_xiI-Y3N1M2kOJcjQ2E8Y--Y-Mxo5G4Z4o

  wish there was a walkthrough
Created: 22/5 -2016 05:55:38 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:16:32 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:20:27