File: diabetes.swf-(9.87 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)19:50:34 No.3106372
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)19:57:44 No.3106378
pedo is strong with this one
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)20:47:30 No.3106387
Thanks doc.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)21:04:47 No.3106394
9/11 needs more faggotry
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)21:42:08 No.3106414
autism is a meme
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)23:27:27 No.3106459
It took me years on /f/ to finally sit through all of He's My Baby Boy, but this is somehow even
harder to watch.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)00:13:39 No.3106471
cause it's right int the middle of the anime uncanny valley. I haven't even finished a sinlge
anime series And my brain can automatically filter what has and what has not not been made by a
japanese hand.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)01:23:44 No.3106487
Am I literally the only one that likes this?