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This is resource CSRLGQH, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3109518/happy-5th-of-j… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Touhou - MiracleHinacleFull_ENGFix.swf-(5.86 MB, 640x480, Japanese) [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)02:26:16 No.3109518 Happy 5th of July Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)12:50:21 No.3109638 Why don't they make this an animu? Can we not have nice things anymore? >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)13:43:41 No.3109665 >>3109638 They did. Two whole episodes of it. >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)14:47:19 No.3109688 >>3109638 >>3109665 They did, and it was damn awesome. >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)14:52:21 No.3109689 >>3109665 >>3109688 just stfu nobody cares about your ruses >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)15:03:36 No.3109693 >>3109689 >someone tries helping you >Insult them in return Eat shit then faggot. >> [_] Anonymous 07/05/16(Tue)15:21:10 No.3109698 >>3109689 REEEEEEEEEE |