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Discovered:18/4 -2016 16:52:49

Ended:19/4 -2016 00:12:26

Checked:19/4 -2016 00:35:07

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[_] Guns don't kill people, we do Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)10:45:28 No.3064393

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)10:53:35 No.3064395

  Too easy

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)11:05:44 No.3064401

  You have killed Sissie Flowell, a 12-year old librettist from Lewiston, ME. She will be succeeded
  by her loving husband, Raj.

  Sissie Folwell never got to say goodbye to her friends and family.
  >Before Raj kidnapped her at the age of 7 from their native country of India.

  Where are all the not innocent people/lonely people/dickholes that cut you off in traffic?

  Why is everyone I kill a member of a group, have a good job, and caring family members?

  Why haven't the police stopped me?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)11:19:36 No.3064407

  They literally have to walk over the bodies of the fallen, yet they keep coming.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)11:34:27 No.3064411

  You have killed Binni Ekaterina Bomstein, a 12-year old internist from Newburgh, NY. She will be
  succeeded by her beautiful husband, Keil, and her children, Nahum, Hewitt, and Rustie. She was a
  member of Animal Defense League.


>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)11:56:43 No.3064419

  You have killed Elissa hughs the 10 year old exotic dancer.

  ...........where the heck am i

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)11:57:35 No.3064420

  You have killed Bobinette Kearns, a 95-year old pimp from Neenah, WI. She will be succeeded by
  her loving husband, Ulberto, and her children, Phylis, Tobe, Marlena, Kristen, and Elwyn.

  damn, it's a family buisness

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)12:04:21 No.3064422

  You have killed Martin Gowin, a 16-year old graphic artist from Columbia, MO. He will be
  succeeded by his children, Morissa, Steven, Weston, Mufinella, and Burta.

  I think I've done the world a favour.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)12:07:32 No.3064425

  To be completely honest this is really loaded.
  I can see how this game was designed to trigger a specific audience.
  I definitely wouldn't see this in any future gaming magazines.
  Butt just take a moment and think about it.
  This man may be going through a lot, maybe he got fired from work.
  Maybe he's single and alone, about to burst from the frustration, living his life on automatic.
  All it takes is one quick action to save a man from taking a slide down this slope.
  We could all learn a lesson from this, charging handle.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)12:21:08 No.3064429

  >You have killed Charlean Adelina Dunlap, a 14-year old private detective from Cincinnati, OH.
  She was a member of Air Force Sergeants Association.

  why the fuck was a 14 year old hired as a detective?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)12:39:56 No.3064436

  Google Naoto Shirogane

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)13:35:46 No.3064455

  Please stop anon I can't take it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)13:41:18 No.3064457

  >You have killed Meggy Searl, a 15-year old governor from Eau Claire, WI. She will be succeeded
  by her children, Cherilynn, Lisabeth, Tait, Oswald, Augustin, Ransom, and Shane. The funeral will
  be held next Saturday.

  Wisconsin has some explaining to do

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)13:43:18 No.3064460

  >7 kids
  >9 months each
  >5.25 years
  >Pregnant at 9.75

  Fucking Wisconsin.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)13:55:18 No.3064463

  >you have killed a hotelier from Paradise, CA

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:14:11 No.3064472

  >You have killed Broddy Nicholas Choe Jr., a 24-year old stripper from State College, PA.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:19:51 No.3064476

  You have killed Collin Rosvick, a 16-year old pope from Grand Rapids, MI. He will be succeeded by
  his wife, Perla. He was a member of Common Dreams, Grand Army of the Republic and The World Can't

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:20:09 No.3064477

  Amanda Jungmeisteris is missed. Why did you have to kill her?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:21:01 No.3064480

  You have killed Gill Cabral, a 10-year old journalist from Kannapolis, NC. He will be succeeded
  by his beautiful wife, Kaitlyn, and his son, Marion.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:29:37 No.3064486

  >You have killed Blare Gabriello Schemena, a 10-year old stockbroker from Wichita Falls, TX. He
  will be succeeded by his loving wife, Malory. He was a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans.
  That's one badass 10 year old.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:36:50 No.3064492


>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)14:55:42 No.3064503

  >You have killed Matthiew Joseph Mandeville III, a 14-year old scientist from Texarkana, AR. He
  was a member of Cocaine Anonymous.

  An accomplished and afflicted young individual indeed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:10:28 No.3064510

  >You killed some 63 year old from loveland Colorado
  Holy shit I used to live there

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:12:43 No.3064511

  >Anon killed himself when they went to visit an old town they use to live in.


>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:14:03 No.3064514

  Yeah they included some random towns from my state, actually pretty nice.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:20:50 No.3064519

  >You have killed Stephanus Abel Muselik, a 72-year old pornographer from New Bedford, MA. He was
  a member of Mennonite Central Committee, Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Cato Institute –

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:24:24 No.3064522

  In a world where child labor laws never existed.
  A world where everyone is a pedophile.
  One man rises, The sole voice of reason.
  Coming April 18, 2016
  Enter the the critical moments as the lone gunman holds his ground for all he sees as right. A
  man recently put out of work and unable to feed his family. A man who can't stand the sight of
  his 7 and 8 year old pregnant daughters. The Fleeting moment as the world goverment sends armies
  of children slowly plodding towards certain doom. Will he have success or fail only you decide.

  Ebert and Roper 2 thumbs up

  Rotten Tomatoes- Then they literally climbed over the other dead kids to get to him. That 10 year
  old had 4 kids how?

  Rolling Stones- I feel it's a jjuxtapose of tropes of social media and yet I feel everyone would
  learn so much by playing it.

  NRA-The fact you don't have to kill anyone in the game is never commented on.

  xXx_Pussyslayer_xXx- EPIC

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:32:26 No.3064526

  If you mash the R button for about 5 seconds, you can get up to 20 shots before reloading again.
  Try this while clicking rapidly for some genocide fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:37:00 No.3064529

  You know someone could have stopped you if they had a gun.
  I don't think this game is making a good point.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:39:00 No.3064530

  >All those people and not one nigger, kike, or gook
  Do you suck dicks?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:44:11 No.3064531

  >You have killed Roland Ambros Skeoch, a 12-year old cabinetmaker from Goldsboro, NC. He will be
  succeeded by his loving wife, Corissa.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:46:41 No.3064532

  >You have killed Dr. Stephannie Goldberg, a 26-year old scribe from DeKalb, IL.
  No see I can make shit up too.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:46:42 No.3064533

  >You have killed Adrianne Staci Lorimer, a 12-year old pornographer from Corvallis, OR.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:51:32 No.3064535

  Aren't they all exactly the same though?
  Literally no difference in the characters, just flavor text

  this game is a bleak distopian future where everyone is the same

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:58:36 No.3064536

  You have killed Hana Tresa Purchasing, a 10-year old automotive designer from Charleston, WV. She
  will be succeeded by her children, Dasi, and Nova
  >10 year old

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)15:59:01 No.3064537

  You have killed Willdon Mittleider, a 10-year old conductor from Pueblo, CO. He will be succeeded
  by his children, Madelaine, Leslie, and Andi. He was a member of Military Order of the Purple
  Heart, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Debtors Anonymous.

  Something tells me he needed to die.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)16:13:13 No.3064546

  A 10 year old has accomplished more than many will in a lifetime

  why live...

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)16:56:49 No.3064570

  You have killed Yehudi Alister Ecocafe III, a 13-year old funeral director from Olathe, KS. He
  was a member of National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)17:08:51 No.3064577

  I like your post. This game could be fleshed out.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)17:11:07 No.3064579

  You have killed Allegra McKeen III, a 15-year old underwear model from Boulder, CO.

  An actual true tragedy :(

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)17:32:26 No.3064593

  So i killed a 12 year old hydraulic engineer with 3 kids. and this 16 year old web coder who was
  about to see his father for the first time in 20 years

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)17:39:19 No.3064599

  You have killed Harald Dominique Db, a 91-year old prostitute from Loveland, CO.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)17:59:17 No.3064615

  i could almost hear the games dissapointment as i stopped killing people immediately after the
  first one, then the text went on saying "HOW MANY MORE INNOCENTS MUST YOU KILL?"

  just 1 i suppose

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)18:00:43 No.3064620

  Man if you want to make me fell something for a computer game at least make the people walk in
  both sides of the road

>> [_] Anonymous 04/18/16(Mon)18:04:39 No.3064623

  You have killed Miss Lenka Inna Tapner, a 15-year old prostitute from Leominster, MA. She will be
  succeeded by her husband, Bartholomeus. She was a member of Friends of Animals.
Created: 18/4 -2016 16:52:49 Last modified: 19/4 -2016 00:35:16 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:22:07