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This is resource CZTTRPH, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3090879/have-some-swee… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10. Discovered flash files: 1
File: home sweet home.swf-(3.16 MB, 800x474, Loop) [_] have some sweet music /f/ Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)15:58:24 No.3090879 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)16:00:38 No.3090882 >>3090879 goodbye i'm gonna commit suicide. >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)16:23:12 No.3090896 just replayed this game a few days ago, was comfy >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)17:24:24 No.3090931 >>3090896 what game is it? >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)17:30:39 No.3090936 >>3090931 the game is Resize the window here's a game footage of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3XntupxxtA >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)18:58:12 No.3090996 >>3090882 send a postcard >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)20:16:10 No.3091036 >>3090936 Oh hey, I didn't notice that was Jade. The picture's kinda blurry though. >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)20:21:43 No.3091039 a fitting song for something that will never have a sequel >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)20:36:19 No.3091043 song sauce? >> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)20:36:24 No.3091044 >>3090882 l |