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This is resource CZXQBRF, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/6 -2016 12:13:42
8.8 years ago.

Ended:21/7 -2016 02:38:17
8.6 years ago.

Checked:21/7 -2016 02:48:52
8.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 45.
Discovered flash files: 2


There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files).

/ > /fap/ > Thread 9191

Age: 42.6d   Health: 0%   Posters: 24   Posts: 45   Replies: 44   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)12:10 No.33775 OP P1

the easter egg is pink

[IMG] smash.swf (25.94 MiB)
482x720, Uncompressed. 2760 frames, 30 fps (01:32).
Ver17, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)12:25 No.33776 A P2R1

Added Koopagirls, Piranha Girls and Shygals.
Added Smash slot.
Added anal gyration scene to all girls.
Added anal scenes to Midna.
Adjusted Midna's hair colour.
Added Easter egg; 1/199 chance of appearing.
No pony girls.

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)14:34 No.33780 B P3R2

the easter egg is shit

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)14:37 No.33781 C P4R3

The easter egg is toadette

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)14:54 No.33782 D P5R4

wtf the music fades out after a while

>> Anonymous 1jun2016(we)22:05 No.33795 E P6R5

still no loli Roll, fuck everything

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)00:21 No.33800 F P7R6

For those of you would don't want to wait 199 loops to see the easter egg.

I got this by running 4 ppppuV6s at once.

[IMG]1 in 199 easter egg.jpg

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)00:34 No.33801 G P8R7

thanks bud, cute I suppose.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)01:18 No.33806 H P9R8

Now to wait for the interactive version

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)01:22 No.33808 I P10R9

Tell me when the cum is added,then i'll care.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)04:13 No.33812 J P11R10

Spotted the cumfag.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)04:45 No.33814 G P12R11



>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)05:40 No.33816 K P13R12


>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)05:52 No.33817 I P14R13

If you're saying you can jerk off to porn without climaxes you are other worldly.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)12:58 No.33821 L P15R14

There actually is a cum option...for some characters or maybe it's a random chance thing's in there.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)15:53 No.33828 M P16R15

No he isn't, he's just a normal sane person without an autistic cum obsession.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)16:05 No.33829 G P17R16


Can you back up your statement that people who have a 'cum fetish' are abnormal? Just looking at
porn habits alone (compilation videos, people skipping to the money shot etc) would argue against
your case.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)17:58 No.33832 N P18R17

The only climax I need is my own.

Iris from Ace Attorney and Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles have cum option in one of their poses.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)19:35 No.33837 M P19R18

I'll just stop your pseudo-cordial debate attempt right there, Einstein.

I never mentioned people with a "Cum Fetish"
I wrote "Obsession"
Obsession ≠ Fetish

We have had retards on nearly every single upload (Read: Not ALL, but a lot) asking for a cum

A sane person doesn't run around shouting "Needs *insert fetish here* version!" everywhere.
Only obsessed autists do that.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)22:41 No.33854 O P20R19

Just so you guys know, Gscot, the guy that does this, is done. He said he will be busy IRL now so
this is his final version. He wanted to add cum scenes but all he was able to add was 3 new
characters and that extra scene. Had plans to do a special cum scene for each character too. He
made a mega dl of the flash files for anyone else to take on the project, so as of now, no other
cum scenes are going to be added.

>> Anonymous 2jun2016(th)23:36 No.33856 P P21R20

Toadette isn't the (only?) easter egg.

Once every 200ish loops, there's a white button that resembles spurts of shooting fluid. Clicking
appears to do nothing other than stop the transitions. Maybe it does more than that, but I kept
checking and couldn't get anything.

In an earlier version, gscot replied to "needs a creampie scene" with "I'm working on it." May have
given up; might go back and add more to this concept or maybe someone else will do it.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)07:54 No.33874 Q P22R21

Oh my god!
Who the hell cares?

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)09:35 No.33877 R P23R22

I uh..... I might.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)11:18 No.33879 G P24R23

Ahhuh, which im sure you can back up with studies, credentials or some such?

You're thinking way too much into this, the people that are asking for a cum button are merely
SUGGESTING things. Its no different than going onto 'popular game' forums and requesting 'popular

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)13:01 No.33881 M P25R24

Wait wut... let me get this straight... you're so goddamn dense that you want me to provide
"studies, credentials or some such?" for
A. The amount of times a cum option has been requested on SWFchan
B. The difference between Obsession and Fetish
C. That spamming "Needs cum option" on every single upload is abnormal behaviour
D. All of the above

Fucking Autism... It isn't even slightly funny anymore.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)16:08 No.33887 S P26R25

Somebody please explain to me why people use autism as a curse word...
I bet the vast majority of people doesn't even know what autism is.

You might just as well insult people for having type 1 diabetes.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)16:21 No.33889 M P27R26

Read your own comment.
That's why it's an insult.

You're on par with downies, should be shot on sight.
Better yet, euthanized in utero.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)16:29 No.33890 G P28R27

Look at all that pseudo psychological shit you're trying to pass up as facts, You have no idea what
an obsession is and all I see is a person who got himself so upset by people requesting a feature
that he trolled himself. (although it is likely at least one of the people asking for cum feature
was just doing it to troll people like you)

Calm down edge lord.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)16:39 No.33891 M P29R28

Answer my question.
Which point did you need "studies, credentials or some such?" on?

>was just doing it to troll people like you
Of course, the whole internet is just my friends trolling me.

>Calm down edge lord.
Sure showed me.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)16:45 No.33892 G P30R29

on the point of it being an obsession.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)17:03 No.33894 M P31R30

Having a cum fetish isn't Obsessive, but mentioning it everywhere is.

In the same way that
or a rewording, is posted obsessively every single time autism is mentioned on this chan.

If you want me to prove the posters obsessive tendencies, you'd have to round 'em up for me to
test, but as I am not a certified psychiatrist you wont accept my results anyway.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)17:07 No.33895 G P32R31

"but as I am not a certified psychiatrist you wont accept my results anyway."

At least we agree on something.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)17:14 No.33897 M P33R32

Redundant redundancy.
As I never claimed to be certified, your comment is pointless.


>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)21:54 No.33913 S P34R33

Circular reasoning. Good job.

>> Anonymous 3jun2016(fr)21:59 No.33914 M P35R34

Autism. Good job.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)00:13 No.33944 P P36R35

Hey debate team, do any of you guys want to go investigate that white shooting fluid button which
pops up once every 15 minutes? Go actually accomplish something instead of having keyboard wars.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)01:34 No.33950 T P37R36

Can we get maybe a button to turn off all anal scenes?

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)06:12 No.33957 J P38R37

If you cumfags love cum so much, then go drown to death in a vat of cum. You will not be missed.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)14:45 No.33974 U P39R38

The scene selector seems to crash the flash, which sucks.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)14:56 No.33975 V P40R39

If autism means beeing obsessed with something then you have autism for beeing obsessed with autism.
You fucking retard.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)15:16 No.33976 M P41R40

>Calls me retard
>Doesn't into reading comprehension
How you managed to post without suffocating, we may never know.

Also, as we apparently already cleared in
If you're not a certified Psychiatrist, you're not entitled to call other people out on their

We are all special, YAY!

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)16:46 No.33980 V P42R41

>Doesn't into reading comprehension

And I doubt you are a certified psychiatrist either.
But you are 'special'. No doubt about that.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)16:54 No.33981 M P43R42

I certainly hope you're just pretending to be this dumb.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)18:47 No.33985 W P44R43

Nice bait. Try again.

>> Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)18:52 No.33987 M P45R44

My condolences to your caretakers.

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Created: 1/6 -2016 12:13:42 Last modified: 21/7 -2016 02:48:53 Server time: 19/03 -2025 01:53:58