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This is resource EK8Y74O, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/5 -2016 04:32:40

Ended:31/5 -2016 13:56:32

Checked:31/5 -2016 14:36:10

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 55.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: DatingSimDemoVer2.swf-(7.48 MB, 1024x768, Game)
[_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)22:30:10 No.3090432

  git ur dicks out

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)22:47:09 No.3090453

  muh dick

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)23:08:11 No.3090468

  dating sims are shit.
  so are you, op.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)23:22:54 No.3090473

  I can't

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)23:24:42 No.3090476

  Working and sleeping to build a savings without talking or jerking off is apparently not an
  option. I had $6000 saved up and was ready to make it on my own, fucking game.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)23:44:23 No.3090486

  You had me at "git ur dicks" OP

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/16(Mon)23:59:20 No.3090494

  yeah it sucks at times.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:27:06 No.3090504

  Welp this is shit

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:27:36 No.3090505

  fuck dude, all I ended up doing was working for a month straight and getting around 6000 bucks.
  At that point there should be an option to give your ugly blonde stepmom the bird and get your
  own place.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:29:43 No.3090509

  If you haven't figured it out, this isn't a dating sim, it's a feminist parody of one.
  It revolves around insulting the player, infantizing them, and making sure that nothing they do
  actually impacts the relationship (the relationship value has zero impact on what level you are)
  combined with the fact that all the women are rather homely, and lesbians, it's pretty obvious.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:30:36 No.3090510

  Oh, yeah I wouldn't have gotten that, because I didn't bother talking to any of the bitches and
  focused on doing something more rewarding. I.E. Corporate Slavery.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:33:10 No.3090515

  >FF8 poster
  shit taste (not a bad game, but why would you choose that one to have a poster of?)

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:33:47 No.3090518

  pass is?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:34:19 No.3090519

  Is the babysitter still the only available route? Cause that one was garbage.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)00:41:21 No.3090523

  sjw garbage, all these bitches look like bulldyke fags

  gas the kikes

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)01:06:39 No.3090530


>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)01:15:51 No.3090533

  I masturbated twice a day hoping for some sort of joke ending. What a missed opportunity.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)01:18:30 No.3090536

  i came

  were there any events after the park?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)01:45:11 No.3090555

  Is that what a female power fantasy looks like?


>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:13:53 No.3090569

  Diaperfags are scum that should be purged. Wanted to become a sikkunt so I tried to work all day
  and lift in the evenings without jacking off but there are no actual options in the gym. Gay ass
  shit get the fuck outta here.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:15:44 No.3090571

  Not playing unless there's a path where you get shredded as fuk and rape the stepmom and the

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:22:22 No.3090576

  Best idea

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:23:35 No.3090577

  I though that the tumblr tier art looked suspicious for porn game.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:24:59 No.3090580

  i jerked it once and accidentally double clicked the sleep button after work once, lost 500$

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:27:27 No.3090582

  This will be on my mental blocklist, for the rest of my life.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:30:08 No.3090583

  suppose it's time to get my sick out

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:34:30 No.3090585

  "When in doubt, get the stick out"

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:48:29 No.3090594

  seriously whats the fucking pass

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:51:49 No.3090599

  I just right clicked and pressed play.

  What's up with all of you retards actually playing the game when all the wimmen look like fat

  Not even /hgg/ is this masochistic.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:56:40 No.3090606

  Don't bother, it just unlocks the same three pics you can see before she locks your computer.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)02:58:00 No.3090607

  what is the porn password mari uses?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:01:10 No.3090610

  yeah but... whats the pass

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:11:11 No.3090616

  no it doesnt you lying piece of shit

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:14:39 No.3090620

  You caught me. I have no fucking idea what the pass is.

  I'm sure you could find it on the blog of whatever tumblr social recluse made this.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:15:44 No.3090621

  the blog only tells you what to do to get her to tell you the pass

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:28:55 No.3090624

  >If you haven't figured it out, this isn't a dating sim, it's a feminist parody of one.

  Are you sure? Some people actually like this diaper shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:31:21 No.3090625



  no spaces or parenthesis

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:32:45 No.3090626

  what about the quotation marks?
  do i need them?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:33:33 No.3090627

  yeah, but this isn't diaper stuff as a fetish for being the baby, because the character is very
  much against it the whole time.
  Unless this game is targeting the uber-niche "I want to be dominated and forcibly infantalized
  while also being degraded about how small of a dick and worthless I am" market, it sounds like a
  rad-fem power fantasy.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:34:38 No.3090629



  for me the pass was


  but only because my name was adam and mind your capital letters

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:34:49 No.3090630

  >10 seconds in
  >"Why do they all look like they're from tumblr?"

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:39:32 No.3090631

  >Named my character benis:DDDD because I can't think of good names on the fly
  >First line is "Wakey wakey benis:DDDD"
  I don't even know why but because of that dumb shit I ended up laughing harder than I have at a
  flash in a while, thanks OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:42:25 No.3090633

  No that still sounds like the diaper infantile fantasy thing

  I saw an episode of CSI about this and it was almost exactly the same kind of thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:55:38 No.3090637

  Yeah it's a fetish. The whole "I want to be dominated" thing overlaps the "I want to be babied"
  thing a LOT. It's just a femdom fetish game.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:56:35 No.3090638

  perhaps, but the fact that all the characters you can "date" are lesbians, and that you don't
  actually hook up with them, but get dominated by them in different ways (be turned into a baby, a
  dog, or a sissy) suggests this is all about humiliating men in different ways.
  I find it hard to believe that a man would be getting off to this game because he happens to have
  a furry/masochistic/infantile side.

  I mean, if the characters were actual furries, I'd believe it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)03:59:50 No.3090640

  Dude I have read "erotica" that literally has no sex before.

  There are weirder things you don't want to know about.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)04:10:10 No.3090644

  I'll stick to Unteralterbach, thanks.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)04:16:24 No.3090645

  At least it has options.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)04:32:43 No.3090652

  You should look up unbirthing, or vore, there's all sorts of weird shit out there that people are

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)04:43:30 No.3090656

  whoa dat (de)motivational speech 3/10

  Imo easier ways to deal with stepmoms.

  Not interested unless option is included to rape the shit out of her until SHE lets you live with
  her. Problem solved.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)06:04:18 No.3090670

  >dumb cunt chews my ass about failing marriage
  >"well fuck your shit im going to the mall"
  >$50 can of dog food
  >immediately close window

  Nigger you best be trolling me

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)06:09:40 No.3090672

  >can't get shredded
  >complete fucking wageslave
  >make more in an hour than these fuckers ever will
  >you're an embarassment!!!

  poor writing and execution

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)06:20:22 No.3090675

  This game fucking sucks. I've played for about half an hour, and all it is is some bitch making
  fun of you. She's not even likeable in the slightest. So what's the point of fucking her, if you
  even can? Also the only porn i've found is on the pc, and she password protects it about 10
  minutes in. Even if you do guess the password, the shit is deleted.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)06:21:29 No.3090676

  >first day
  >make 200 dollars at work
  >joining the gym next day
  >happen to oversleep
  >attacked by pink-haired, horned ogre

>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)07:53:03 No.3090694

  wow 53 comments impressive
Created: 31/5 -2016 04:32:40 Last modified: 31/5 -2016 14:36:28 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:50:34