File: bambu.swf-(6.72 MB, 400x537, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)13:58:05 No.3074322
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)15:47:49 No.3074372
Yo, holy shit this gets me hard
By the gods, I never ask sauce for anything, BUT I MUST KNOW
pls have mercy on this furtive soul
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)15:50:48 No.3074375
source for both the song and the picture are in the flash, resize window to see them
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)16:11:38 No.3074382
Okay, now imagine you're explaining this to a mentally impaired 6 year old.
Cause I ain't understanding this and I might as well be one
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)16:20:43 No.3074386
Resize the flash - To do this, open the flash in another window and hit the restore down button
(it looks like overlapping squares and is between the "_" and "X" in the upper, right-hand
corner). Then click and drag the very edge of one side towards the other. The window should be as
tall as it can be without covering the entire page and as narrow as it can be. People sometimes
list the sources there.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)16:28:04 No.3074390
Noice, got it.
Thank you very much, m8, may happiness never leave your side.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)16:48:49 No.3074400
You warm my heart, anon
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)17:51:52 No.3074424
this is what i needed today, never heard this song before but man it's good. song sauce?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)17:54:50 No.3074426
gr8 b8 m8
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:00:54 No.3074431
how was that bait? ive lurked /f/ for 3 years but i dont come on too often so i cant really know
all the shit that gets posted. when i started all i ever saw was potato knishes and get down. no
worries i went to swfchan since you were a total buttfag about it though
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:02:24 No.3074434
Read the thread then
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:05:46 No.3074436
man what you take me for? a readstheentirethread-fag?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:08:40 No.3074439
No, just a fag
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:09:22 No.3074440
thats right faggot!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:13:54 No.3074442
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)18:25:44 No.3074450
we don't cut into freaks around these parts
scram, weirdo
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)19:02:42 No.3074481
Is this really reach for the moon immortal smoke? It doesn't sound like it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)19:05:24 No.3074483
What's up with all the newfags today that don't know how to resize a flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)19:51:04 No.3074492
What's the song source?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)19:53:10 No.3074495
You're hilarious, anon!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:00:04 No.3074498
what? be a buddy man, i really like the song ok?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:01:13 No.3074500
Read the thread, buddy
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:02:17 No.3074501
what you tak me for? a reading-fag?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:03:51 No.3074503
No, just a fag. Want to kiss?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:04:31 No.3074504
sure thing <3
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:05:55 No.3074507
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:07:35 No.3074508
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:12:09 No.3074512
>26 / 0 / 8 / 1
Thread is samefag as fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:14:30 No.3074514
Well of course.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:20:51 No.3074517
have you ever orchastrated a debate with yourself just to see how other people will react to it?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:25:42 No.3074523
no anon, who would do such a thing? stupid fucks
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:26:44 No.3074524
ill have you know i do it all the time and i find it to be the funniest thing because nobody can
really tell that im talking to myself
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:27:48 No.3074525
thats the most autistic shit ever
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:28:58 No.3074526
fuck you faggot, i lurk all the boards and ive been on 4chan since 1999 so you cant beat me
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:30:05 No.3074528
>shitposting this hard
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:33:56 No.3074533
Only 11 posters.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:55:01 No.3074538
i cant find that button...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:55:34 No.3074539
Shhh, we can pretend that there are more.
I always think that many flash creators overestimate the size of people's screens. Mine's 13" and
when I try to resize the window it won't get thin enough to show the bottom, like it's stuck at a
certain aspect ratio and and won't budge past that. to illustrate that.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:57:10 No.3074540
how do i resize it?...
cant find the button
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)20:57:43 No.3074542
it's the current year, omg
litterally not using a 27" 4K screen in the current year. wow what a fag
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)21:03:04 No.3074543
pls someone help
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)21:06:53 No.3074546
you need to download more ram first
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)21:14:31 No.3074552
m8 are you serious
I agree. It really should be immediately below the flash instead of like 200 pixels below.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/03/16(Tue)21:16:18 No.3074555
like this m8